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Saturday, October 13
1:05 AM
Hello blogger,

I just wanted to say that I miss you a lot.
I miss seeing this blogging format, even though it's just been a few days.

Maybe it's time you have more functions, cause I promise I'd be back if only you allow me to protect my posts.

Many changes in just a few days, I need to tell you more about it! It just doesn't feel right telling all my secrets to Xanga you know?

It's okay, you're still my better friend, comparing with Xanga.

I'd be missing you, so miss me alright?

Love, KorWoong.

Friday, October 12
9:33 AM
I'm shifting to Xanga so that I won't have to lock my whole blog.
A little sad, cause all my archives are like here, since October 2005.


Goodbye blogger.
Haha okay not emotional at all, cause Tingz made my Xanga interesting.'
Okay sounds kinda weird.

But still,


Wednesday, October 10
8:38 PM
Haha I'm damn mean, but I was a teeny weeny bit happy when I saw that you don't care anymore.
Being such a bitch, but it's okay.
I limit myself to one. (:

Camp stuff all coming up, wasn't exactly looking forward to it before that, but I'm quite okay with it already. The momentum is getting back to me. (:

You know, you shouldn't be keeping anything from me. It's not advisable.
Not at all.

I know, I can tell what happened so don't try to keep it from me. I've been trusting my instincts, and I should start trusting them more you know. It's always right.

Somehow, I just can.
Believe it or not.

The first thing I saw in your eyes today, I saw that you were hiding something from me.

I'm not stupid you ass.

It's okay, I've been keeping a distance anyway.
So it doesn't hurt that much after all.

Or maybe it hasn't sunk in.

Tuesday, October 9
3:02 PM
I'm a little out of sorts today.

Firstly, I'm at home, and there are construction works going on, which makes the house SUPER noisy. What's worse, it's just a few levels away from mine. & just downstairs, they're building some other stuff too, which adds up to the noise pollution.

Usually, I'd scream and shout and run out of the house as soon as I can, cause I need silence.
But I've been sitting around here for quite some time and I'm not even annoyed. Just a slight bit annoyed maybe?

Feeling lost and empty now, maybe it's just being bored.

Then again, I think about my life from tomorrow onwards, I can just jump down the building. )":

It's back to the no-life period where I've to stay back everyday after school for a whole lot of shit. It's like all the preparation for COALS.

I kinda lost the motivation/enthusiasm or whatever suitable word that can be used to express that feeling. Everything just gets so tiring when you don't have the heart to do it.

I hope I'd get it back soon.

I've been in a very heck-care mood since the start of my revision for EYE. Not only in lessons, but when dealing with everything else. It's not a very good thing actually.

I hope I get pass this.


1:59 PM
I need to do something.
Maybe I should study.

I am so bored, I feel like a stone.

Talk about yesterday?

So they came over, watched movies and stonned around.

Skeleton Key.
Sheeez, I dislike that show like don't know what. I HATE, HATE, HATE endings that are not happy. I mean, how can that woman just exchange bodies and no one does anything about it! It left us all hanging there and not feeling satisfied at all. ):
I just hope that BBF's right, there's gonna be a sequel?

Omg why're they all so hot? & it's damn cool. :D
But I teared when they chopped heads, it was DAMN sick.

Like how I cried when WeeWee jumped? I don't know, the sight of a frog jumping scares me and makes me want to cry.
I'm weird.

Idiots, they stayed until damn late. Like 3am. I was so damn tired.
But had fun though, esp sushi game!

Which, I am going to play now.


Monday, October 8
2:33 PM

Okay so I went to HK for the past few days. It was like this random shopping trip I guess?

It's because my mum went crazy, like there was this weekend when I was studying at home, she just came home to say that she booked two trips, one to HK and the other to Korea (in Dec), and we're going, just like that.


So yeah, I had quite a lot of fun at HongKong, I shopped till I dropped. :D

I just like, buy and buy, retail therapy? Maybe it's like the post-exam thing.
I spent S$_00.
Okay, I admit that I'm very much of a brat. But this doesn't always happen you know?
It's just like, sometimes?

Don't know lah. But looking at all the loot I got, happy! :D

It's really worth it you know? Like my Esprit Jeans, they cost S$120+ when I saw them in Singapore, and didn't buy it cause I don't wear jeans very often, but when I went there it cost only like, S$60?!

& because it's a factory outlet, so everything's on sale there. Which equals to LOVE!
Bought the most things from Esprit I guess, cause the shop was HUGE.

Then I got this dance jacket at Nike too, which is ALSO the love.

Okay the list goes on.

But I think my greatest catch was like my Puma gym bag, which freaking adds up to about one-fifth of the total amount I spent?! ) :<

I hope it's worth the money.

& the funniest thing I bought is like pyjamas.

You know those streets, with stalls set up temporarily? I bought pyjamas for a few of them, so that from now on they cannot reject my idea of having a slumber party.


& this stupid dinosaur, I saw it and just bought it. It was just a feeling, I saw Tingz in the dinosaur.

Although there were a few unhappy events during the trip, & like I fell sick, which made things worse, I still enjoyed it alot.

Caroline you should be jealous, cause I took a photo with LeoKu.

I came back from the trip & I'm like so much happier.
It was an effective getaway!

Then again, I'm becoming super lame, & I laugh at my own jokes even more than before, which is no good!

WeiPing, stop acting like a pianist. You suck like a straw!

Friday, October 5
2:05 AM
You know, I have like the weirdest life.
There's no day and night in my life.

It's 2:05am, and I'm super hyped up.

& I've no night and day, because Jedi actually came to my house and I had a hell lot of stuff to tell her. & kinda like came after her trip to the hospital, and it's 2 in the morning!
(4 in the morning.)

Haha okay whatever.

& I'm giving Qi wake up calls to study for his AMath, like at this hour.

Omg I need to laugh at myself.

I have 3more hours to go.

& I highly think I'd never stop blogging.
Oh wait, I shall go watch a movie, then it'll be just right, time to leave!

Tsk, if you think that my pm was referring to you, let me tell you that it isn't alright.
Tsk tsk.

1:01 AM
Tsk, KorWoong.
Stop being to bitchy will you?

Hahahah cannot, having damn a lot of fun now.

(I'm going crazy.)
But seriously seriously, damn fun.

12:05 AM
Friends, quarrels are unavoidable.
But it's what happens during and after the quarrel that determines what's going to happen next.

Seeing all the quarrels between friends all around me now, I'm pretty glad I've went past that stage. I've learnt that if I don't at least try to see things in a brighter perspective, I'd never be happy.

I've realised over the past two years that it's really difficult for friends from two different parts of your life to come together. And for Sec 2 and Sec 3, my one of the major emo period is due to such problems. It's either your friends seem to dislike each other for some reason, or that they click off too well.

But after realising that all these sadness is unnecessary, and just by not involving me in whatever they're doing, I'm a much happier person. & also, I get to keep my friend too. :D

I don't care how pathetic you're making yourself sound. I still believe that in this situation all of us got hurt. It's just different reasons why we're being hurt. Go on, and make yourself sound like the most sympathetic person one can ever find. Sometimes, we don't have to do this you know. You had a choice, and you chose it. So don't regret it.

I realise that just like Tingz, I changed alot after this whole incident. I swear I'm damn bitchy now, especially when it comes to this matter. Gosh, I never realise that I can be so straightforward. Sometimes it's just words, it's just a joke, like we say, "Oh I dare you to tell her that this this that that..". But somehow I realise that I'd blast you away if you seriously did come over and talk to me in that way.

& you don't get the whole point at all, I'm not the only one that's getting hurt. Everyone else is, and we're all tired of it.

I like how I'm so unaffected by everything now. It's not even feeling numb/no emotions. It's just like, I'm happy. I'm contented with everything that I have, everything that I'm doing, and I guess that's enough?

I don't need certain people in my life. Like those who are damn freaking arrogant, with their noses as high as their ___s, and people who throw friends away like, within months? & find them back after they realise that they've no one else to turn to.

We predicted it already, we saw this coming. We knew since awhile ago that very soon this is going to happen, that you're gonna leave once you find someone new. That's how everything started? I don't know, seeing how you treat others make me feel like I cannot put my trust in you.

But that's disregard
Find another friend and you discard.

Haha seriously, I know how hurting I can get when I blog, and ever since Qi and Tingz told me about me and my writing, I've made a mental note to myself to make sure that I try not to make everything sound so hurting when I write, but like, cannot help it luhhh.

If it's to someone else, then maybe I'd make sure that I do it.
Okay I will make sure that I do it.

Don't exactly want to make any public comments anymore, or else I'd be labelled as the bad guy again. You know, the one who's causing _'s sadness, causing her to become what she is now. Whatever, just shut up if you don't know what really happened?

& you, you obviously know what happened.
So stop acting like you don't.

Haha I don't get why I bother to blog a whole long entry about this whole thing, but I guess I'm just bored and trying to waste some time away. I'm not sleeping tonight, again. & by tomorrow morning I'd be gone.

I think I'd be much happier when I come back. (:
& like, I can't wait to meet them after their last paper ends!

I love everything that's happening now, just that it's so unlucky, almost everyday I've to see some really annoying faces? You know, like see them already really want to just puke kind.

I should stay away from them, it affects my health.

Thursday, October 4
10:45 PM
I just talked to Qi on the phone,
& the thought of disappearing is like, sad.


But I've no choice!

Haha quite funny, no ones knows where I'm going to be.
But I'd promise to say when I come back.

I'm seriously addicted to Solitaire,
& I'm going to start my Prison Break Marathon soon.

9:10 PM
Oh no, I don't want to disappear anymore. ):

Like suddenly when I'm finally going to leave I can't seem to stop worrying about everything around me.
Maybe it's because I don't actually have a very strong need to escape?
I'm quite happy now.

Oh no, should I not disappear instead?

Don't know, I can't seem to like stop worrying.

Are you okay? )': Didn't actually talk to you today. & your eye is like dying. But then again, you finally managed to put eyedrop, for the first time in your life? Haha! I'm so sorry I'm disappearing w/o you for the next few days, you must stay strong and fight for your rights okay! Must look for Caroline they all if (insert the vulgar word which cannot be said) bully you! Ask them to fight back for you. & if your "cousin" keep annoying you must blast him away okay?

& when Tingz and Qi left I felt kinda sad, like I really don't want them to go. ):
& I just watched the video and I felt so sad!

It's damn funny, like want to laugh. (:

Anw I slept alot, while they were studying.
Bet they're damn jealous. (:


I think I'm still happy.

3:59 PM

Didn't sleep, I studied for Trigo.
Whatever, doesn't matter I guess, I'm gonna fail anw.

Stupid Amath. ):

I hope the only subject that I'd fail is Amath, cause I'd be really sad if I don't pass the others. ):

Went to Nebo with all of them(too lazy to name), I think the room's like quite cool!
Had alot of fun, though didn't really study much.
I like.

F&N test, haiya whatever, don't really care anymore.

Tried to feel happy and excited that exams are finally over, but was super tired. All the not sleeping these few days are like making me feel really tired.

Was supposed to meet Qi after exams but that idiot don't know go where. Tingz came with us, ate lunch and bitched talked like mad. Gosh, we've never been like that, but recently we've been driven up the wall, we can't take it anymore.

Seriously, whatever. I don't care about you anymore. Can't bring myself to.
Reflect or don't reflect, don't matter to me too.
If you think you don't deserve this, then I have the right to say that I don't deserve all this shit either. You do things without thinking, or do things without thinking of what others will feel. & sometimes, it irritates the shit out of people.
I've gotten so hurt, over and over again, and now I don't bother anymore.
Whatever that happens will not affect me anymore.
& this change is for the better.
Don't know what you did? Then forget it.

My life has been happier ever since I've decided to not mix two parts of my life together. I'd see you as two different persons when you're with me, and when you're not with me. & I feel so much happier this way. :D

It's okay, let's see how things will work out by itself.
We're all like damn excited to see the story unfold. (:

Waited until like 4, then Tingz and Qi came to my house.
Rather, they're here now.

Gosh, Qi is a freaking retard, can't take it anymore.
Gay, damn.
(Every single second now he's like doing something retarded.)

I don't know whether I want to or not, but I'm disappearing, later! :D
& I won't be contactable till, next week?
Don't try lah, cannot one.

Okay so sorry, in a really weird-english mood now, thanks to all that weird language I here everyday from Mer, Caroline, Dionne and WeeWee (:

Till I come back? :D

Cedar Girls'

iPod Classic
Radio Remote
In-ear headphones
Puma Gym Bag
Personal Studio
All the books I ever wanted

October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007


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