Thursday, March 29
1:13 PM
i'm taking a break from coursework!
gosh it really sucks alot. i completely don't even know how to do it AT ALL. ):
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERILYN!(you're like right beside me)
hope she enjoyed today really.
shall start blogging from yesterday..
self prac was canceled cause everyone's like not free, so we were supposed to go catch stomp the yard.
but merilyn was very sick after LJ and it was so scary ok! she wasn't feeling very well the whole time while we were playing then suddenly when we went back to class she just burst out crying.
PLEASE DON'T SCARE US LIKE THAT ANYMORE! ):she was on fire, like 39.4 degrees if i'm not wrong.
so hurry hurry i called a cab and send her back home before rushing home to get money and food, cause i figured out that she's probably like BBF, who has a kitchen but no food kind.
haha so brought her to the doctor oppo her house and the bill was so freaking ex. $66. i really thank god that i took extra money before leaving the house or else we'll probably be stuck there with no money or something.
then went back to her house and while she slept i cooked for her!
omg i tell you i'm SO proud of myself. (:i cooked porridge egg and sausage and i know it's not a very big deal but i cooked it ON MY OWN OK. (and mer says i'm wasn't very much of a brat yesterday! OBVIOUSLY!) haha.
and it's quite nice somemore. (: plus the canned vegetables.
i bet everyone's like secretly admiring me. HAHAH.then i stayed at her house until like 8plus before going home. (:
and i was such a good girl alright. i went home and did notes for bio prac tomorrow and completed my draft for zuowen.
YAYY.then just now during recess it was SO RETARDED i swear.
we made mer wear this damn retarded purple spongey spectacles with retarded feathers at the sides and
SEXY word at the front. and she had to hug the tofu also.
(i still think the word tofu is VERY fuunny. =D )and we sang a VERY weird birthday song and we screwed up the last part! but it's still very funny lah. (:
AND THAT STUPID CAROLINE SMEARED DAMN CAKE ON MY FACE.immediately after i felt her finger on my face mel was asking me to chill. haha! i was going to scream actually. stupid caroline.
and it wasn't only me, she did that to alot of people.
and so we had our revenge. me and mel cut out A SLICE of the cake with the most cream and nette put it on her palm.
(i shall attemp to describe the situation)
so i was facing jeanette and she was like asking me where caroline is. and then i said very softly she's right behind you, and siam away before caroline goes crazy.
and jeanette just suddenly turned around and whack the whole cake right into her face.
so stupid luhh.
and thanks joey! i completely hid behind her when caroline came around with the cream.
(and joey kept saying that she has cream on her nostril hair!)
recess was enjoyable, but i've to say chem sucks,
thanks merilyn! for the big/junior tiewbee.=D
let's hope that the rest of the day will go on fine!
now back to coursework. ):
12:46 PM
Kani- Maldives Club Med
i really need to fly all the way there NOW, right now.
june holidays hurry come!
12:11 PM
The Calling- For You
I am a vision
I am justice
Never thought that I could love
Living in shadows
Fading existance
It was never good enough
Within the darkness
You are the light that shines the way
But you're trapped in violence
I can be the man who saves the day
I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
I'm there for you
For You
Someone's changed me
Something's saved me
And this is who I am
Although I was blinded
My heart let me find out
That truth makes a better man
I didn't notice
That you were right in front of me
Our masks of silence
We'll put away so we can see
I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
I'm there for you
For You
Within the darkness
You are the light that shines a way
In this blind justice
I can be that man who saves the day
I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
Cause you know it's true
You were there for me
And I'm there for you
For you
For you
For you
Wednesday, March 28
6:18 PM
Hopelessly Addicted - The CorrsOpened my eyes today And I knew there's something different Saw you in a brand new way Like the clouds had somehow lifted And if yesterday I heard Myself saying these words I would swear it was a lie I don't know why but suddenly I'm falling Was I so blind I was loving you all the time Now I'm hopelessly addicted Helplessly attracted I'll make a wish this day And I'll send it to the heavens That we will always stay Entwined like this forever And though the world may change Coz nothing stays the same I know we will survive I don't know why but suddenly I'm falling Was I so blind I was loving you all the time Now I'm hopelessly addicted Naturally we acted I don't know why but suddenly I'm falling I was so blind I was loving you all the time And now I'm Hopelessly addicted Helplessly attracted Chemically reacted Naturally we acted I was loving you all the time Hopelessly addicted Helplessly attracted Chemically reacted Naturally we acted Yeah, Ohh
Tuesday, March 27
8:10 PM
i guess it's quite obvious to me now who are the ones that will be there for me and who are the ones that can't be bothered.and that's good, right? (:
well i guess it's more like a goodbye to you people.i think today went quite well, nothing too shocking or upsetting, which means that it's a good day. (: cheer was, quite weird. well i don't know how to describe. half good and half not good.
ohwells, shall think of what we can do to make more people turn up for cheer prac, cause i really think that attendance is really quite lousy. =/
and please stop asking me how's bougae, cause i wouldn't know what to answer. we're fine, but we're not too.
(realise that cheer is always a half half answer.)
merilyn please look forward to school!and please don't tell me you're not turning up tomorrow cause there's like LJ and if you're not going to go then probably i won't either. ):
and you suddenly vanished during SEL today and scared the hell out of me for a moment, until i realise that you went to the toilet alone. =/
don't seem to have much to blog recently. shall go back to face chinese words and disgusting coursework.
someone save meeeeeeeeeeee. ):
Monday, March 26
10:24 PM
Could you see I want you by the way I push you away.
10:19 PM
life has been sad sad sad for everyone around me. ):
like dionne has said, seems like the world's ending. everyone's like being moody and crying and it seems like nothing's going on right.
don't really feel like saying anymore about what has been happening cause i don't see the need anymore.
(you know i'm like so unlucky that it's starting to get funny. even things like a bottle and my handphone have decided to go against me.)
i really like ranting with mer(:
like sitting down at bus interchange and just ranting and tearing until we start to laugh at how bad things are at this point of time.
mann i feel so random.
i've lost all energy to do anything already.
byebye people.
i must stop crying.
Thursday, March 22
9:54 PM
haha don't worry, i'm fine already. (:
thanks to BBF! =D
haha always go to her and whine like mad then after that cry then after that find kungfu song and then go crazy and then ok already. (:
yayyy i love you for everything you do!!!!
5:35 PM
i realise that i needed something,
more than just an answer out of 4names.
because sometimes, some things are not meant to be known.
and if you do find out something that you're not supposed to know,
or that you don't want to know,
things get out of hand.
so now tell me the one thing that i really need to know.
5:16 PM
have been a sad sad person for quite awhile.
WHY! TELL ME WHY.this is getting really bad. ):
randomly happy though, which is quite good. but those are like the minority.
cheer is SO screwed. trust me.
sat's the auditions and we have NOT confirmed anything or had prac with the proper thingy.
was on mc yesterday, didn't go to school. i don't quite know how to explain what happened to me,
BUT PLEASE. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FREAKY GAME WE'VE BEEN PLAYING ALRIGHT.i'm perfectly fine. well not quite, but i know i'm still myself. (:
and everyone please stop playing it alright. i mean. whoever who knows about it. it's not good to play it actually. must learn to be like weixian and be holy. =D
and i swear i'm normal. no supernatural powers. HAHA! (:
(and i've decided to never touch that game again. i hope.)anw,
merilyn and huangting you two must
JIAYOU! things will definitely be better so don't be upset anymore! i'm so sorry i wasn't of much help to you guys today. ):
sighsigh. i really want to be happy now.
SOMEONE TELL ME HOW.emo emo kw. that's really bad.and
tangled up in me still makes me cry. =/
that's why i've been using it to prac for cheer so maybe it'll soon turn into a happier song. maybe?
and i've been watching the hua yang shao nian show and it's really nice! though i realise that i cry at all the wrong timings. and together with the fact that i'm so much slower than everyone else. haha, to think i didn't even know that the show exists just weeks ago. =/
i'm so nyeh about everything now that it seems like nothing can make me feel upbeat at all. like even after mrs woo gave us the motivational talk today, i can't really bring myself to do it. like ARGH. homework again. school again. cheer again. ballet again. dance again. being upset. again.
(though i've to admit that cheer ballet and dance is enjoyable.)but there's just something in me that doesnt want to anything other than just sitting down and stoning all my time away.
probably it's because i've too many things to do and apparently none of them is looking fine.
ok tests have been great, my results are really improving, but i know that i screwed up the recent 4tests very badly. and so that doesn't quite help either.
and i thought cheer was doing well, till i realise that we've completely nothing done actually, and the audits are on sat. and if we don't show our skirt by sat then we're just going to wear our shorts. and then our music isn't mixed, and our stunts are completed and our formation isn't going anywhere too.
and we've only a day left.oh mann. -covers face.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH.seriously i want to die. give me more time please!!!
and also, a happier life.
why does my future look so bleak. (haha ok that's just random.)
i know everything will work well for me soon, won't it? =D
JIAYOU ALL THE WAY! i'm not going to die now.
i can do it manx. =D
Sunday, March 18
8:32 PM
i'm not done with my homework and i'm not prepared for the test.
and i can't view my own blog.
i don't want to go back to school tomorrow.
really really upset now.
ok that's what i've been feeling for the past few days. or week?
i just don't want to go back to school cause i really need a break manx.
please make tomorrow a better day.
and my mood a happier one too!
Saturday, March 17
11:06 PM
don't know if you'll read this, but anw.
really really glad that you actually do still care about me. guess we both know we'll never be able to go back into the past, but really really really happy that you still remember. (:
cause i really thought that you'll never bother about me anymore.
will forever remember how we used to play bball and talk on the phone every single day, all the funny songs that made me laugh like mad, and listening to jay chou's music every single second. well and singing it too, like halfway while playing bball.
hmmm, realise i really do miss talking to you about everything. ok i'll have to censor this part though.
oh yes, and playing maple too. haha. the way i used to leech onto you and just hang around and kill those small small small small really small monsters.
and taking screenshots!
maybe i shall re-download maple and try to find out my password and play it again. though i'll be so pathetic cause i think i'm only like lvl 40plus when the whole world's like 100? think it'll REALLY bring back lots of memories.
and i realise that my silver bball is still with you. (:
and let's both complete our homework today. =D
10:58 PM
Always Come Back To Your Love - Samantha MumbaShow me where I belong tonight. Give me a reason to stay. No matter if I go left or right. I always come back to love your love I've been up and down. Been going round and round. I've been all over town. But I'll never find somebody for sure Show me love tonight. I'm going to left to right. No matter where I go. Always find your love I've been high and low. I don't know where to go. Cause I love you so. And I'll never ever find someone like you for sure Show me where I belong tonight. Should I go left or right. I always come back to your loving, baby. Show me I where I belong tonight. Should I go left or right. I always come back to your love
10:21 PM
since cheer is so enjoyable today, i shall blog about it.
main purpose to use the com is actually to complete coursework, so i shall keep away from all sorts of distractions and continue coursework once i'm done with blogging.
i MUST be disciplined. (:anw, just bought the
100 ESSENTIAL LOVE SONGS album, and i think it's really nice. <3!
tuition sucked like i don't know what today cause nothing was getting into me and i basically stoned thru the whole of tuition and i wanted to die when i saw that time was passing so slowly.
and then i
forced myself to go to ballet. i know that if i were to slowly take my time to change and get ready i'll not go in the end. so what i did was to grab my stuff and shove them in my bag and i just went out of the house like that.
it was quite weird actually. hahaha. like leaving the house when you're not actually very ready kind of feeling.
but ballet was enjoyable, so it was alright. saw that the junior dancers weren't dancing up to ms nonis' standard and she was really stressed out by time, and we all were so shocked to hear that they only had 4more lessons to their exam.
ohmy, please don't tell me i looked like that when i was in grade5. i did much better right? =/
(i just realised that i didn't take that exam. damn my knee.)and then we had cheer! i certainly think that bishan cc is a
VERY ideal place to hold cheers on sat afternoons, and everyone's fine with it! it's so nice to dance there, somehow. like the area isn't
HUGE, and everyone's like stuck together in that circle kinda place.
but the sad fact is that pom paper flies around everywhere, and we always have to pick it up after dancing.
BUT. there's also 2 HUGE vending machines right there. which is
GOOD GOOD. so today's cheer was really great, cause we finished both set of dance, and they did each dance in like 1hr, which is NICEEEE. =D
wayyyyy to go. HAHAHA.
and we worked hard and had suitable breaks and had LOADS OF FUNNNNN.
ohmy shermin is
SO DAMN FUNNY i want to cry. she has SOOOOOO many lame jokes and she made me melo jedi soak teng laugh like mad.
AND SHE PUNCHED ME. hahaha i shall try that thingy on someone else sooooon. hehhhh.
and we got to diao jedi shermin soak teng after the rest left and it was good too! we're having good improvements so far.
well that's what i think lar. which is enough. x)
kinda upset by the fact that i've already turned into a no-lifer cause every single day there's dance.
like 1 3 5 is for SYF and i think we might have cheer on 3 also.and 2 4 6 is for cheer.and 6 7 is for ballet. and on 7 i also have pilates.and on 3 and 4 i've tuition in the evening.and all these doesn't include the time that i need to study for tests and complete my homework!
which comes to a conclusion:
kw has no life.let's hope april come quickly. that's like the period where you'll feel so empty.
it's like an annual event. every this time of the year you'll be left with nothing to do after school and you'll feel so empty and weird and all sorts of hollow feelings.
but somehow i'll look forward to it. (:
strong feeling i'll blog something that is completely the opposite of this when april does come.
went to interchange to eat mashed potato and tuna bread with the few of them and talked like alot alot. (:
YAYYY i really do like bougae cheerleaders now. we're not so dead and quiet anymore! =D
can't wait for prac. though i'll be so drained out but guess i'll be happy to see them.
jedi don't forget about the banner! (:i do hope you see this.anw before i forget,
BBF, THANKS FOR FIXING MY CODE AND BEING THERE FOR ME ON WED AND MAKING ME CRY ALSO.hahaha thanks alot. love you manx! let's go kiss at the roadside!oh no that was redundant. HAH. don't neglect me ok. like when you've cheer you also go mia luhh. just that everyone knows where you are that's all.(:ok i've blogged a really long post, and it's time for me to go back to face all my undone homework and coursework until 230.
can i please skip pilates and ballet tomorrow and just rot and die at home?no.
Friday, March 16
10:49 PM
me and BBF just spied on some couple
well maybe not spy, cause they were doing it like in the middle of nowhere at the roadside.
we even went to the extend of taking bino hoping to get a clearer view.
didn't help though.
and BBF's mum was damn funny.
she came in to see what we were looking at then she kinda slapped BBF and went like "ohmy you all so bad."
then BBF was busy trying to see them with the bino and her mum went like "eh hurry i want to see!"
and those people kissed for like SUPER long and we can't be blamed for looking at them cause we've a
VERY nice view here from her window.
like straight ahead.
and after their long long LONG kissing, they just split up,
like THAT.the girl just went home herself and the guy too.
MMMMMMMMMMM. no comments about that.
and we just saw this bunch of weird people like cycling at the same speed in the middle of the road.
this was like right after the couple split. (so many interesting things i know)
haha and it was playing:
WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE.haha ok we added the sound effects.
10:49 PM
me and BBF just spied on some couple
well maybe not spy, cause they were doing it like in the middle of nowhere at the roadside.
we even went to the extend of taking bino hoping to get a clearer view.
didn't help though.
and BBF's mum was damn funny.
she came in to see what we were looking at then she kinda slapped BBF and went like "ohmy you all so bad."
then BBF was busy trying to see them with the bino and her mum went like "eh hurry i want to see!"
and those people kissed for like SUPER long and we can't be blamed for looking at them cause we've a
VERY nice view here from her window.
like straight ahead.
and after their long long LONG kissing, they just split up,
like THAT.the girl just went home herself and the guy too.
MMMMMMMMMMM. no comments about that.
and we just saw this bunch of weird people like cycling at the same speed in the middle of the road.
this was like right after the couple split. (so many interesting things i know)
haha and it was playing:
WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE.haha ok we added the sound effects.
9:18 PM
i'm so frustrated with non-pom cause it looks so weird.
7:52 PM
HELLO EVERYONE.finally i'm back in action, like after a million years or something.
have been so busy i don't even have time for myself, so yeah, didn't really get to touch the com either.
i practically dedicated my entire holidays ( ok i did ) to dancing, like
EVERY SINGLE DAY. and i really want to die. kinda regret joining cheer, but thought about it and since like no matter what i'm already in, i might as well put in loads of effort and bring the best out of bougae cheer!
well, we're VERY friendly people, and we're also neutral people. which = bougae's nice.HAHA!
but i'm serious ok. we're
PEACE. no hatred between houses, no STRONG competition like how we had for the past few years. it's BAAAAAAD you know, for a school to split up whenever sports day is near. i don't like it.
and we're very open too. we won't hide anything. =D
ok haha i'm full of praises for bougae now.
well can't blame me either. i've been with blue house for all my life, since primary school. =/
finally got a time to blog, but at the same time i've to try to get the music done! oh my we're like slow pokes.
nothing's confirmed.
cause like i've re-choreographed the dance (with credits to
BBF) and we've no confirmed formation and we've no confirmed stunts.
probably the only thing that's done is like the cheers. but then again, somehow the cheer doesn't go very well. like you'll keep stumbling with the words.
SO THAT IS BAD.but it's ok. me and melo can do it! and the whole of bougae too! =D
then again, thinking about tomorrow i feel like crying.
i've math tuition (which kills brain cells) like 9am, then i've 1hr to get ready for ballet, then
STRAIGHT after ballet ends i'll be meeting the rest for cheer prac.
and everything ends at 5.30.
and i'm not done with my homework and there's like 4tests when school reoopens.
which means i can go and cry and die now. =D
and so, my sunday is dedicated to:
pilates in the morning, then maybe study for awhile at paragon? with my mummy, then after that ballet at 3plus, then back to studying.
AND I DON'T THINK I CAN DO IT!homework left:
- random a&e math questions
- banyueji. the topic really sucks.
- ALL chem wkshts.
- random bio questions
- english movie review! (half done)
- THE WHOLE OF F&N COURSEWORK. oh my. i'm SO dead.
and all the tests.
a&e math, chem and geog.
YAYYYYY.i'm like loving school so much luhhh.
(yea right.)
oh yes, i've a few things to say to a few people. (i know this is SO BBF =D )
person no.1:
i still think that you're a really selfish person. wonder how i never noticed. like my impression of you now is like. ewwwwwwww.
person no.2:
it's time you took more notice of other's body language, like really. sometimes you can really annoy people.
person no.3:
i know you know i'm reffering to you. (: it's sad how everything turned out to be what it is today, but i'm glad that things are not THAT bad. right?
person no.4:
SAVE YOUR LECTURING PLEASE. man i feel like a kindergarden toddler when sometimes the things that you say is like completely common sense.
person no.5:
just don't think too highly of yourself. cause you're the only one who thinks that way. and don't compare. (:
ok it'll be good if you know who you are. (:
this is what happens when i can't take everything anymore. (:
7:47 PM
Kung Fu Fighting by KC & The Sunshine BandOh-ho-ho-hoooo (x4) Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightening, but they fought with expert timing There were funky China men from funky Chinatown They were chopping back up, they were chopping them down It's an ancient Chinese art, and everybody knew their part From a faint into a slip, then I'm kickin' from the hip Everybody was Kung Fu fighting (hunh), those cats were fast as lightning (hunh) In fact it was a little bit frightening (hunh), but they fought with expert timing (hunh) There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung He said, here comes the big boss, let's get it on He took a bow and made a stand, started swaying with the hand A sudden motion made me skip, now we're into a brandnew trick Everybody was Kung Fu fighting,(hunh) those kicks were fast as lightning(hunh) In fact it was a little bit frightening,(hunh) but they did it with expert timing(hunh) oh,ho,ho,hoooo (4x) Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightening, make sure you have expert timing Kung Fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning...
4:10 PM
Hoopes I Did It Again - Relient K
what's up dude?i'm getting kind of boredlet's get some foodand then hit movies 4what's going on?whats up with all our friends?let's start a rumorjust to find out where it endscause a small town is like a small stagefor teenagers and their dramainstead of playing shows, we'll be showing playslike 90210 without the beverly hillswell, don't you think (don't you think), don't you think it's high timethat we never settle down (never settle down)well, don't you think (don't you think), don't you think it's high timethat we get out of this town (get out of this town)cause if we leave then we just might be okayhoopes i did it againi messed everything up, and i think i hurt my friendshoopes i did it againrelationships that work are things that i can't comprehendohio has the flavor of a water chestnutit's not too crazy and it's not the best butwe're not setting forest fires just out of boredomi'd rather see a movie if in fact i can afford onecause a small town is like a small stagefor teenagers and their dramainstead of playing shows, we'll be showing playslike 90210 without the beverly hillswell, don't you think (don't you think), don't you think it's high timethat we never settle down (never settle down)well, don't you think (don't you think), don't you think it's high timethat we get out of this town (get out of this town)cause if we leave then we just might make a differenceand if we leave then we just might be okayand i don't think it would hurt to get awayhoopes i did it againi messed everything up, and i think i hurt my friendshoopes i did it againrelationships that work are things that i can't comprehenddan bakitus said i'm shallowhe said i've got no integritybut, i don't know dan bakitusand dan bakitus, he don't know mecause we always say in cantonyou can't enjoy (canton joy) yourselfwell, there's truth to thatbut may i addit's not half badand never less than thatcause we always say in cantonyou can't enjoy (canton joy) yourselfwell, there's truth to thatbut may i addit's not half badand never less than that
12:40 AM
Yaye, I helped you fixed your code! :D You better love me more now ( : (although you already love me to the max, I know I know :D) You can MIA but must tell me everything that's happening & update me okay! :D Don't be too stressed up! Everything will be over soon & for all you may know, we'll be missing it when it's over :O Okay, just know that I'll always be here! (although I always don't pick up calls & reply smses, but I'm trying! And improving at a fast rate :D) Stressed up period will be over! Then you'll reach your part of life which you'll call "HAPPYNESS" :D Everyday can be happyness period if you want! Cry if you must, you always have my shoulder ( : (AWWW, so sweet) For now, I think I rock cause I helped you fix your code! :D
BESTFRIEND (waiteng)
Thursday, March 15
6:56 PM
Tangled Up In Me - Skye SweetnamYou wanna know more, more, more about me I'm the girl who's kicking the coke machine I'm the one that's honking at you cuz I left late again Hey! Hey! Hey! Could you see I want you by the way I push you away, Ya! Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today Mix the words up with the actions do it all for your reaction Ya! Hey! Hey! Get tangled up in me You wanna know more, more, more about me Gotta know reverse phsychology I'm the reason why you can't get to sleep I'm the girl you never get just quite what you see Hey! Hey! Hey! Could you see I want you by the way I push you away, Ya! Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today Mix the words up with the actions do it all for your reaction Ya! Hey! Hey! Get tangled up in me You think that you know me You think that I'm only When everything I do is only to get tangled up in you You wanna know more, more, more about me I'm the girl that's sweeping you off your feet Hey! Hey! Hey! Could you see I want you by the way I push you away Ya! Don't judge me tomorrow by the way I'm acting today Mix the words up with the actions do it all for your reaction, Ya! Hey! Hey! Get tangled up in me
Sunday, March 4
5:46 PM
Breathe by Faith Hill
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away
All my thoughts seem to settle on the breeze
When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear
Is the beating of your heart
'Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe
In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
I'm closer than I've ever felt before
And I know
And you know
There's no need for words right now
'Cause I can feel you breathe
It's washing over me
Suddenly I'm melting into you
There's nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn't that the way that love's supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe
I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way