Monday, November 27
11:35 PM
tayzhiyun' Timeless. says:hurry say i'm cute before you go!kw(: says:FINE CUTE!kw(: says:SUCH A CUTE POKE!kw(: says:(:kw(: says:byebye!tayzhiyun' Timeless. says:AWW (:tayzhiyun' Timeless. says:BYEEE!
11:25 PM
having so many convo's on msn now! i'll blog a few ones! (:
tayzhiyun' Timeless. says:ahh tsk, i'd tell the whole world our vice-capt is actually stealing foodkw(: says:):kw(: says:THAT IS SO MEAN!kw(: says:i'm going to disown you as my SIRtayzhiyun' Timeless. says:disown me? HOW COULD YOU!tayzhiyun' Timeless. says:i'll tell the whole world that you're heartless!kw(: says:you see! you still want me(:kw(: says:-lalalatayzhiyun' Timeless. says:i didnt say that (:kw(: says:i'll disown you... -threatens SEE! she still loves me i tell you(:
(actually. it's not the end of the convo yet..)
BUT WHATEVER! she still loves me(:
11:06 PM
-toodles (ali's fav word after ballet class...)
10:42 PM
anw, spent my whole morning waiting for my wardrobe doors to come and then spent half my afternoon trying to hang up all my clothes and pack my books.
FINALLY, my room looks more like a room now. other than the temporary table with a spoilt leg. i'll make do with that for the time being(:
it's weird to see how my room slowly transforms. i'll miss the old plain room that i used to share with my bro, but i guess i'll get used to this one too!
while waiting for the workers to come, i spent my time flipping through dozens of mags and completed my shopping list! which is good good GOOD! i even priortize what to buy first and what next. the total amount is HUGEEEE but it's ok! i can take my time...
the chicken wings are preparing for their big day tomorrow! (that sounds retarded) anw, TAYZHIYUN is NOT going tomorrow! why why WHY! ): ok i'd go talk to her now. I WANT HER TO GO!
guess i'll be staying over. then again, maybe not. since we're supposed to go to the movies on tuesday.
WAIT. zhiyun's not going, which means i must go to secret recipe and cab to chewy's house and the chalet ALONE! -pouts. TAYZHIYUN!
i wrote my speech already. IT SOUNDS SO RETARDED. and kinda formal also. maybe not. but my use of english is kinda weird. i've to add up to my resolution list: BUCK UP ON YOUR ENGLISH!
i'd better start writing a check list for tomorrow. i highly think i'll forget to bring something!! they're so many things i've to get.
anw, talked to my mum about working at ikea with 3&4 yesterday night. I REALLY hope i can go work! then i'll get more money! WHICH MEANS THAT I CAN GO SHOP! with my own money ok! and bestfriend! this time, NO MORE cheap labour! and no more wasting of my time, tasting dirty rags and eating dog food! but then again, no more fun with lil doggies. ohwells, pros and cons.
let's see.. if we really do work, my calender will be full full FULL! from 4th onwards it'll be work everyday, or else it'll be dance in the morning and then work from afternoon to night. but at least i'll have 3&4 with me(:
4 just said the guy will let her know again. -CROSSES FINGERS
it's kinda late. i've been sleeping early. (have i?) or rather i want to. AND I HAVEN'T BATHED YET! must be stinking by now. i'll hurry end my post and go!
and so met up with josh and qi today and studied at macs. or rather we studied for a LITTLE while. then josh left for guit lesson while me and qi gossiped(: saw cs&people and then left for home!
kinda enjoyed talking about our PAST! haha! feel so old. though we were talking about our sec one life. =/
and i fly too! byebye!
Sunday, November 26
10:04 PM
Five Colours in Her Hair LyricsDo do do do do doo [x3]
She's got a lip ring and 5 colours in her hair,
Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears,
Her tattoo's always hidden by her underwear.
She don't care.
Everybody wants to know her name,
I threw a house party and she came
Everyone asked me
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair.
She's just a loner with a sexy attitude,
I'd like to phone her 'cause she puts me in the mood.
The rumours spreading now that she cooks in the nude.
But she don't care, but she don't care.
Everybody wants to know her name,
How does she cope with her new found fame?
Everyone asks me,
Who the hell is she?
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair.
She was all I thought about,
The girl I couldn't live without.
But then she went insane,
She couldn't take the fame
She said I was to blame
She'd had enough
And shaved five colours off
And now she's just a weirdo with no name.
Everybody wants to know her name.
How does she cope with her new found fame?
Everyone asks me,
Who the hell is she,
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair.
1 2 3 4
Do do do do do doo [x3]
9:59 PM

ok i'd better be done with my speech...
9:49 PM
trying to concentrate to finish my speech for dance chalet but no. i've to reply tags first! (: thank me people.
TAG REPLIESveneetha:that guy under my block!? did you mean to tell that to waiteng? cause i'm not the one who stays at 135! haha i'll link you(: BYE!arica: i had SO much fun during camp! but anw, i've given up trying to explain everything in LTC to other people. i'll control my mouth and keep quiet about it(: i liked dance that day. HERH!!!! must do it loud loud next time together ok? haha! and the goong thing also! (: shall see you tomorrow tomorrow! (: we'll have fun at the chalet!mel: i kinda want next year to come! but you're the only one in our clique who got into that stream right? LOOKING FORWARD TO MAGIC SHOW!sherilyn:but it's the fact that you're the princess what! you should've worn your tiara home! (: they're super cute. i'm going to upload pictures of them soon! too bad i don't have one with you in my cam! ): yuting:hello table partner! so it was you who was coughing throughout the night!! (: didn't get to talk to you alot during camp. shall see you soon again!! (: ahting!jiahui:haha sure! (:ruishan:hello! such a long time since i saw you! (:huiyi:haha yep! enjoyed alot alot ALOT(: shall see you in two days time at the chalet! (:cs:haha sure! not another japanese doll or something like that? haha! no matter what, thanks anw. we've to go catch step up soon ok ok ok? (:amanda, ros, serena: LINK YOU PEOPLE SOON! and i miss you ros! ):marc:i've uploaded the photos and they're with joshua and ahmad i think. get it from them alright? (:
9:07 PM

since i'm uploading pictures from my other cam, i shall blog about the day after LTC! (:
since it felt like i haven't bathed for ages(FELT), i took a LOOOOOONG time to get ready to go out the next day.
i took ONE AND A HALF HOURS to bathe and all that, and had bestfriend waiting for me. x) by the time we actually went out it was like already 4plus.
anw, we were supposed to look for suqian at vivo where she's working with kids and hello kitty, a job purrrfect for paedophiles, and i don't know. gossip? haha. but since belle and kiat were at city hall so me and waiteng wanted to go there to look for them first before going to look for suqian.
but due to SOME stalkers, suqian came to city hall to look for us.
and that was how the five of us ended up going out together(:
went to billy bombers and shopped around marina. (oh no i can't remember what else we did) oh yes! went around to millenium walk to candy empire and ignored the two of them (the S's) like alot of times since they wanted to ignore me. so i kept going to kiat and belle. the whole thing was just retarded.
went to LJS to eat and then home.
(haha this whole entry is such a summarised one!)
anw, saw prom photos. pretty pretty people!! (:
12:52 AM
can't you people just let me be who i want to be, and stop trying to change my life to suit whatever you supposedly have in mind for me?
sometimes, i just want to be the smallest person on Earth. maybe that way, i'll attract no one's attention. i'll just live my life the way i want it to be. a loner or whatsoever. just me and myself. with no other influences, with no regrets on anything. no one will actually be bothered to care about me and actually, maybe things are better this way. i'll be out of everyone's life and no one can blame me for anything. or blame someone else for anything that they've done to me.
i guess it's only this way that i'll get rid of all my guilt. of how i failed to bring you out of darkness, of how i let you go, and see you turn into someone you're not. and now, you've sunk in too deeply for me to pull you back out. and there's nothing else i can do, but to look back at the past and reflect on how i could've saved you. maybe if i put in just that little bit more effort, you wouldn't be where you are today.
thanks for caring for me, but it seems like what you people have done have kinda screwed up things a little.
those were just rants. let it be alright? don't ask me what's going on, cause i don't know either.
but at the bottom-mest of my heart, i'm still happy(:
Thursday, November 23
10:44 AM
i love gryphon like crazy!!
anw, wanted to blog about EVERY single detail of the camp, but that's a little too tiring. but then again, if you actually have the patience to hear my talk and talk and talk, you can ask me(:
but i won't be able to stop once i start(:
haven't quite got over the camp feeling actually. still feels like i've to wake up and start to pack everything and wait for dorm inspection.
yesterday when i fell asleep and woke up randomly in the middle of the night i was wondering where mok was. to realise that i'm already at home and LTC's officially over. how stupid of me to think that i'm still in the dorm sleeping.
and also it doesn't feel quite right for me to wake up so late and slowly eat my breakfast in front of cartoon network.
ohwells. i'll miss everything that happened there. ESP low and high elements!
and every single minute that i had with GRYPHON, and how cute grace looked doing her YO! YO! dance(:
but then again, i missed everyone here!
DID ANYONE MISS ME! i don't care, i know you did(:
i'll be meeting bestfriend REALLY soon and we're going to little india to buy the bangles! so retarded(:
then we'll watch step up. right??
sherilyn:haha yes i know who you are!! the princess right? (: 6E rocks, i like your class alot! esp the two of them -grins! haha why you people bully him! so mean. i'll protect him then. haha!! i want to see how he gets angry! (everything sounds so wrong here..)dex:haha yep. why? SO many people cried.libing:haha hello! link you soon! (:huiyi:haha yep! LTC's over and i love it! can't wait to see dancers tomorrow though. i hope i didn't miss out on alot! and we can just leave that annoying person alone (:jiahui:haha hello! will link you soon! (:char:hah! (: madeline:yep yep(: link you soon! anw, missing 2P!cherylkoh:haha it's alright(: and yep i'll link you soon!sally:will meet you soon so i don't have to say much here. yea man~mel:sudd can't wait to know what classes we're in! who's in your class?chewan:hello! (: will link you!josh:what a weird blog link!! haha! anw, i've to go through it so why not make the best out of it right? and i REALLY enjoyed myself. i'll tell you all soon! i'm COOL(:gracetang:haha will link you soon! and yep, i love the dance, and ltc was great! (:cs, cool beans, dude wheres my car, shuddup:i'm really confused. so i shan't reply tags(: anw thanks cs(:ahmad:LATER WATCH!janeni:we're getting your bangles! and yep, i'll link you! (:
Saturday, November 18
9:33 PM
EMAIL FROM CAROLINE.just too lazy to type it in the email(:
Please complete all questions :
1. Starting Time:
2. Full Name:
3. Best Friend(s):
the three S's(: bballers and grace!
4. Sexiest Friend:
the other two S's (better than me for this ok!)
5. Funniest Friend(s):
everyone? (:
6. Smartest friends:
7. Dumbest Person:
everyone else but ME!
8. Shyest Friend:
oh no. if that person's shy then i won't be able to remember! ):
9. Most boring person:
people who goes on and on about their own stuff. you know, one way convo.
10. Who Do you get advice from:
please ask me that question when i'm in need of advice. then i'll know who i go to(:
11. Height :
161! (:
12. D(ate)O(f)B(irth):
13. Righty / Lefty :
15. Shoe Size :
16. Shoe Brand :
can't define. i can't possibly have heels from nike right?
17. Do you Crack any Body Parts:
i shall not start my long list(:
19. Siblings:
my brother(:
20. Email Address:
you people should know anw(:
21. Boy Friend/Girl Friend:
22. Crush:
i shall not disclose THEIR names!
23. Liked a Teacher:
25. Hope the person you send this to would reply:
nope i'm not sending.
26. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream:
27. Ran Into a Glass Door:
many times. thanks to my maid. the glass is so clear that we all just walked right into it. but it's no longer there(: cause everyone walked into it too many times.
29. Gone Skinny Dipping:
30. Nearly hit by a car:
yep. scary.
31. Ran into a parked car:
i hope not...
******Girls Fill Out About Guys******
35. Boxers or Briefs:
36. Tall or Short :
taller than me at least?
37. Does size matter:
not too fat i hope. probably squash me.
38. Six-pack or Muscular Arms:
six pack will do. i don't like people who're too muscular. it's kinda scary.
39. Body or Personality:
both! (:
40. Ear Pierced or Not:
i'm fine with both, just not too many.
41. Sporty or Outdoorsy:
isn't it around the same?
42. good or bad guy:
hmm. that's quite hard to say.
******Guys Fill Out on girls****** ---Leave it to the guys please!
47. G or hipster undies:
48. Tall or Short :
49. Long Hair or Short :
50.Dark or Light Eyes:
51. Light/Dark Hair:
52. Body or Personality:
53. Ears Pierced or Not:
55. Good Girl/Bad Girl:
56.Hair Up or Down :
57. Sporty or Classy:
58. Chicken or Not Afraid :
******Which One is Better******
59. Coke or pepsi:
60. K.F.C or Mcdonalds:
61. Cats or Dogs :
definitely dogs!
62. Coffee or Tea :
dislike both.
63. Eastside or westside:
i can see both from my house.(:
64. Vanilla or chocolate:
VANILLA! (cause it's white!)
65. Cake or Cookies:
depends on the flavour of the cake, or else it'll be cookies.
66. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks:
WHITE! (huh but it's quite boring)
67. Sunset or Sunrise:
the sunrise/sunset outside 6A is the best.
68. Day or Night:
69. Lights on or off :
70. Summer or Winter:
we need to sun to tan(:
*****Your favorite******
71. Food:
don't know?
73. Holiday destination:
74. Radio Station:
hmm. i dont know.
75. Place:
with my loved ones(:
****** In The Future******
76. Will you believe in God:
free thinker.
77. What you want to be when you grow up:
currently thinking. wedding planner? something happy(:
******Random Questions******
78. Define Love:
comfortable in each other's presence.
80. Favorite Place:
81. Favourite day(s):
82. Bedtime:
don't know?
83. Who Is Least Likely To Send This Back:
can i ask for everyone whom i stabbed just now to do?
84.Satan or God or atheist:
now what's atheist?
******More questions:******
85. Do you love someone rite now:
-sigh. the same old question.
86. Do you care about someone:
87. Do you think of someone everyday:
-frowns. i see everyone almost everyday.
89. Do you think someone is special in any way:
those people who are special to me will know(:
90.finishing time: 9.50pm
91.Date: 18th November 2006
9:23 PM
1) single, taken, crushing ?
i'm deeply in love with myself, i'm sorry.
2) are you happy with your life now?
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall in love fast?
4) Have you ever been heartbroken?
i think so. how do you define heartbroken?
5) Do you believe tt there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
what's cheating love supposed to mean. if it's supposed to be cheating on someone else then no. WAIT. i don't understand this question.
6) Would u ever take someone back if he/she cheats on u?
nope. why cheat on me in the first place.
7) Ever tok abt marriage to someone else?
yea man. kids(:
8)Do u want childen?
9) How many?
maybe 2?
10) Would u ever consider adoption?
i'll pity the kid. i wouldn't want to grow up as an adopted child actually.
11) If someone likes you now, what do you think is the best way for him/ her to let you know
everyone will have their own way right? you'll FEEL it. hah!
12) Do you enjoy going into relationships?
enjoy? haha.
13) Do you believe in love at first sight?
14) Do you believe you can change someone?
used to. but not so sure now..
15) If you could marry elsewhere, where would it be?
BINTAN(: haha!
16) Do you give in easily when you're fighting?
don't know?
17) Do you have feelings for someone right now?
YES (yea man. i know you all want to know who)
18)Have you ever wished that you could have someone but you messed it up?
i wouldn't mess it up then. anw nope.
19) Have u ever broken a heart?
have i? please tell me if i did. i won't know!
20)If one day your best friend falls in love with the gal/ guy you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
bestfriend would you? haha!
21) Are you missing anyone right now?
too many to name. i'm thinking about the THREE days without them, when i'm stuck in camp ):
22)Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs.. write their names
- suqian
- wenxun
- chewy
- kiat
- zhiyun
- chishun
- weiping
- josh
Thursday, November 16
10:03 PM
have been listening to that song. the next track after buttons(:
LOVE our dance, love all the other dancers too! i like the drilling. IMPROVEMENT EVERYBODY! we're going to do it well and enjoy ourselves tomorrow!
have been having LOADS of fun with the other secones recently during dance pracs. seeing them slowly improve everyday. we kinda bond also. right? (:
spent 10hours in school today. not exactly 10, we left somewhat during lunch time. just around there. we helped 6E and 6F in their dance. a little for them, but i hope it made a difference. seeing the people from 6E having so much fun during their dance was just make you smile. right bestfriend?
they're super cute. including the AV people. randy they all. weiting non stop(:
they P6's don't really look P6 actually. can't believe we all used to be like that. it's weird to see them now and think of what we used to be like. the boys very cute! i like johann and billy tee. (ok i don't know how to spell. just something like that alright?) haha. i'm going to make friends with them tomorrow.
don't know if they'll actually cry tomorrow. seems like our year was the only retarded one who cried like crazy. and i was the very first to cry. right after our very first item(our dance). couldn't stand the overwhelming sadness.
was talking to bestfriend about our graduation and said that it was 1year ago, to realise that it was actually TWOyears ago la. today when i heard 6E sing "you raise me up" i felt really sad. i don't know why. and started thinking about all the times that we spent in kcp. all those happy memories. HAH. i know. the boys toilet on our level, when mrs loo went into the toilet and yell at the other guys when they were dancing tuo diao. how retarded can we actually get.
anw. gryphon people just said that we are having meeting tmrw at yingsi's house. haven't been able to go for meetings. 2 already. campfire audits and tmrw. can't possibly make it tommorow, i've to fly to kcp right after dance already.
sigh. there's another one sat but i have ballet. the timings are all wrong.
(i dont know why but recently i've been having this very strong urge to curse and swear. but don't worry. my limit is like freak.) i'm a good girl know.
i think i'm going crazy.
had lots of random thoughts when we were waiting for the bus to go to J8 today. looking at those little kids walking home with their parents who came to pick them up either from work or from home made me feel weird. don't know how to explain but yea. i just feel weird.
and the way they sang the national anthem was scary. the moment the music started they sang SUPER loudly and mrs ____ (forget her name) was conducting the kids singing at the national flag pole place. super cute. can't believe we used to be like that too. i remember i hated her conducting thing. we sang even faster ever since they started doing that. imagine a whole bunch of kids yelling the national anthem and singing it at a super fast speed.
haha. ohwells. my mummy's coming to fetch me soon. ( did i mention i'm still at bestfriend's house?)
she's on the phone with suqian and she's making all sorts of UHHHH sounds. haha! she and retardlet(waiteng's mummy) were going crazy in the car.
she called waiteng and she put suqian on loud speaker then she had some super weird laughter after talking to retardlet and the two of them starting to laugh.
a little weird. don't ask me. i don't think i actually know them.
a little excited about tomorrow, hope everything will turn out fine. we've been practising hard, right? i hope i won't start breaking their bangles again. we're going to little india to buy them the bangles that we broke. quite soon. maybe after my LTC or something?
my whole holiday seems quite packed. or maybe it is until december where there's no LTC and less dance pracs.
maybe then i'll start feeling that this is really my holiday.
BTW, why don't i know which stream i'm in yet? i want to know if i'm the same class as mer! anw i haven't been seeing them for quite awhile already...
haha chill man. they're only shades. we'll just have fun tmrw ok? you childish people la. zhang bu da ma. (: FORMAL OK. i don't care. COLLAR!
haha you! obviously i remember you! i just saw your for hours. and i'm going to see you again. (: we're going to have fun tomorrow! dance our best ok? (: and i hope i stop breaking your bangles really. SORRY ):
haha quite. see tmrw?
haha hello! you too! (: shall see you on the delayed class gathering? (:
you sure you like white bikini bottom? then why never he ta men jiao peng you ma. haha! i'm sure they'll like you as much as you like them. YEA~ (the hand thing) YOU MUST come tomorrow! we had this part for YOU ok! (: you just whined like crazy on the phone. don't think i never hear. (:
huh ): since when am i a monster too! haha you monster! (:
ok got your name right? sorry about it. change now! (:
hello(: i shall link you!
am i supposed to reply your here or what? grace finally said she can go! so is the whole thing still on? i'm quite blur about it actually. don't even know where we're going! =/ i miss you all know. );
cool beans:
yea i'm always that smart. (: thanks. hah!
10:00 PM
LET YOU GOBroken promises
But you don't really mind
It's not the first time
And you know it, don't you now
Tell me why it is you only smile inside
But when you break me into nothing
Don't you know
It's not like I haven't tried
Over and over again
Stupid fights
Wrong or right
I Remember when you came with me that night
We said forever, that you would never let me go
But here I am again
With nothing left inside
No I don't wanna but I gotta let you go
You're the one mistake
I really didn't mind
So beautiful, unmercifully
Took me down
Too little and too late
So now I know your kind
You fake it easy, just to please me
Don't you know
It's not like we haven't tried
Over and over again
Sleepless nights wrong or right
(slows down)
I gotta let u go...
It's you...
Theres nothing I can do
I remember when you came with me that night
You said forever [3x]
Here I am again
With nothing left inside
No I don't wanna but I gotta
Let U Go
Wednesday, November 15
11:21 PM
we're going to dance on that day(:
haha hello fellow stressball'ian? (: linked you! anw shall see you around school! and had GREAT fun on that day(:
hello green beans(:
KNOW WHAT. grace's not going!! ): super upset!
i'm sorry! nono it's not meant to be that way, really! ): anw will be seeing you on friday right? (:
HELLO YUTING! linked you. anw i'm going to miss having you as my table partner! see you around in school alright? (: don't forget your table partner here!
YEP. linked. shall find you there soon! (: AND see you on friday with SHADES...
so why am i spag? still don't get it. anw, HAD ALOT OF FUN TODAY!! like alot alot! so we shall go out again and have a more cheng gong tanning ok? OKAY. yea man. -the hand thing.
i know you love white bikini bottom right!
yes linked already(:
GRACENG! i want you to go on that day. why cannot? ): -sigh. anw i had fever that's why i couldn't go to school and couldn't see you. ): MISS ME OK? <3's!
HELLO PREFECT(: linked you!
hey hello(: you are?
yea man. (: shopping tanning and half stayover(: loves sally and suqian and spag. =D
9:33 PM
yes i'm still the very happy kid know(:
start from the outing with 3&4! yepp, everything's like back to normal. right? have to say that the start of everything wasn't very okay for me. i had very bad tummy upset. they said i looked as if i was. ok whatever that's supposed to be. i can't remember what they said.
anw, i nearly died when we were walking from vivo to habour front centre. the pain was. crazy. oh yes. food poisoning from the bbq on friday night. -frowns. it was really bad.
but 3&4 were really nice to me(: they started studying at macs while i fell asleep. after i woke everything was better. the pain wasn't that bad and all. bearable.(:
YEA MAN. i shall blog about my pri2 food poisoning(: had such bad food poisoning that i didn't go to school for a SUPER long time. can't exactly remember. it's 2 something. either 2weeks or 2months. i just know it was a LOOOONG time. =/
yep. my mum then fetch us home cause i shopped with her for awhile at vivo while the rest studied. she bought THEM sweets from candy empire(: but i divided it into three shares so i got it too. (:
so yep. that's how i ended the day. happily.
oh no. what happened on sunday?
i THINK i went out with bestfriend. ok yes i did(: my mum sent us both to marina in the morning (11am) and we started shopping! oooooh yea(: but after awhile she left for her massage or something so we 2 continued to shop.
ok. i bought a HUNDRED PERCENT retarded top from a HUNDRED PERCENT disugsting auntie. don't feel like talking about it. having some trouble with that top now. i just happily threw the money away cause i'm not planning on wearing it.
so yep. the total amount we spent was CRAZY. in a few hours we spent over $120 i think. i mean. it IS. i spent more than bestfriend): maybe i didnt. you'll never know. she counted but i didn't. my mummy said i could keep the rest of the money anw(:
pon ballet. didn't feel like going cause i was late anw. bestfriend was late for her piano too, but she went since she had to. so i waited for her for awhile and bought my piano theory paper. i seriously felt like one of the mummy's sitting on the bench waiting for their little kids to come out of class. just that they read the paper while i looked through my theory paper. imagine how retarded i looked.
dance on monday. tayzhiyun made me wake at 7.45 when dance starts at 1. PITY ME PLEASE? anw, went to eat with her at the tauhuay(oh no i can't spell!)shop. (: then we met libing and serena and eileen and we cabbed back(: or rather. cabbed INTO school.
i was sneezing like don't know what and my throat was SORE. i felt so pathetic really.): so i didn't dance. i just sat there while laoshi made everyone do freestyle. i wasn't very slack ok! i was thinking of what i would dance in my head.(: REALLY. i was really thinking.
thought i could just die right then and there. but had to go for kcp's dance after that. didn't dance alot also la. was quite alright.
was supposed to go to school at 7 for campfire audits, but i woke up with high fever. ): my mummy didn't allow me to go even though i stressed to her that i had cause i couldn't make it for the other pracs. but no. i couldn't even stand on my own. ):
so called mok and told her i can't go, and slept like crazy till late afternoon before going to see the doctor. went to the one closer to my house instead of the one i normally go to. just didn't feel like walking. =/ oh yes. he happily gave me THREE days mc. i wasn't THAT sick know. it was just the fever.
but i don't know why, after i went home and slept for awhile, i was feeling much better, and my fever went down. (: -CHEERS. so i made my way to kcp with waiteng.
tried to dance but couldn't. panting like crazy when it's only like 4 counts. how stupid is that. so might as well i just don't dance.
ok actually i did after awhile. but my actions and steps were like half half kind. it's like if i can't cope then i just stand there until i can. BUT I TRIED.(:
so yes. LOVE THAT DANCE ALOT ALOT. we're going to dance with them on friday. more pracs!
so yes. my flu was getting much better(: which is good.
so had higher hopes of going sentosa on wednesday (my point of view on THAT day). cause my mummy just said that i can't go in the sun or else will get sick and all that.
but you know, had higher hopes, so me and bestfriend went to get our bik(:
came back with not only a bik but shorts too. =/ *AHEM. i can use it next time anw. i'll wear it quite often what. (:
went home and told my mummy about going to sentosa. and yep! she said i can go. (: HAPPY! but HAVE to apply sunblock cause i was tanned enough already.
BUT NO. the next morning, which is today, i went to steal my bro's tanning oil from his room. ok i didn't steal la. i told my maid to INFORM him that i took his tanning oil.
IT WAS LUCKY that i brought it, cause when we met suqian at bishan mrt she said she didnt. so, OFF TO SENTOSA!
gossiped like crazy today. anw there wasn't alot of sun, and it rained and drizzled a few times. not a very good season to tan anw. but i still had my tan line, so it's ok(: and had fun too anw. whined like crazy for my subway, and got it. (:
i dont know what happened to the sandwiches. it's with suqian i think.
anw. white bik bottom( it's a guy) came up and said that some black board shorts wanted to make friends with suqian. SHE REALLY ATTRACTS WEIRD PEOPLE. ohwells.
floated around in the sea. we looked really suicidal. but they didn't think that way. got STINGED by some weird creature but we don't know what. it just hurt alot. bestfriend didn't get stinged though. (she just said GOT!!)
showered and took lots of photos! (:
i was WHITE today. as in really white.
hair tie
i don't know why. i was just THAT white.
went home after that, happily.
passed by library gang too(:
and now i'm at waiteng's house. my mummy said that i MIGHT be able to stayover at her house after much whining. and she hasn't called yet, so i might be able to know(:
OK WAIT. i know i owe loads of people photos, but PLEASE, understand that my other cam(the white one) got lost somewhere in thailand or hk or whenever it is. so hold on for awhile while they(uncle&gang) find it, though highly impossible.
WHICH MEANS that i can't PRODUCE the photos. unless you want me to spit it out.
Thursday, November 9
7:16 PM
today was fun(: i like stressball alot!
did alot of things that i never thought i actually would. eating an apple from a pail of water, stuffing my whole head in and getting so dirty. but i had fun(:
sudd realised that i don't know alot of cedarians after all. =/ i better stop living in my own world and notice the people around me.
and i'm getting a little sunburnt here! saw the people at sentosa tanning today and i really wanted to go too. ): quite upset, but me waiteng& shiqian just agreed that we shall go tanning on wednesday! -lalalala. let's hope that the weather will be fine. so long as it doesn't rain.
hmmm. and i'll have to hope that ms nonis doesn't scold me for that. she JUST told us that we shouldn't get those tan and everything cause ballet dancers shouldnt as it makes you look untidy and all. but it's ok. cheryl&chloe has obvious tan lines too.
i'm going out now! shall enjoy dance tmrw(:
TAG REPLIEShuiyi: haha huiyi yes yes i know you're nice(: sorry about those people
cs: my reply is so late that you're already back. which yoshi are you working at? we can't seem to find you.
joshua: haha we'll forget about those people. unimportant. anw i didn't take any photos with it! my daddy didn't want to. but he loved the frame though. I TOLD YOU ALL. he wouldn't understand. two thumbs up! (:
fiona: haha YAY. i like keyun also(: will link you! miss me ok? (:
dex: haha. they're only tags. my life isn't that pathetic(:
rose: what does that mean?? anw i haven't seen you for a LONG time.
shernice: alright!(:
jiaqi: i'll always remember you(: we'll still see each other next year right? hah.
bestfriend: -sigh. there she goes again. EVERYONE. just ignore her alright? (:
layeng&mer: YESYES. sorry about it. it'll be up by tmrw!(:
arica: huh but it was really screwed up ): ohwells. just hope i won't for the other tests. thanks for everything though.
vivien: haha hello(: haven't been seeing you around lately.
GRACENG: LOVE YOU GRACE(: you're super cute&sweet and everything. i'll see you soon right? we'll have fun on saturday!
yj: haha yep! i like the sentence up there. (:
Wednesday, November 8
10:00 PM
GRACENG made me the happiest kid on earth today.
8:46 PM
i know i said it already, but i can't stop smiling when i see all the photos! go to my friendster alright?
6:28 PM
isn't that good?
anw, today's waiteng's mum(the retardlet) and my dad's birthday!
they're going out to celebrate while i'm going to stay home to await my dad's arrival. i bought him this photo frame with his photo(in japan, which means he looked retarded with his specs) and it says MY NUTTY DAD. and there're screws below it. means he's screw loose?
something tells me he wouldn't understand what it's supposed to mean. don't think my mum will either. well, i'll just share the joke with my bro. (:
have to go get the cake and then go back home. -drools. i'll buy a cake that i like!
i enjoyed today with josh and bestfriend. (:
and the EXTRA large specs with them, sophia kiat feli, zhiyun and others.
and waiteng's family. for like a few minutes? haha. hope her mum likes my flowers!
5:50 PM
Your time has already come and I don't know why
The last thing that I had heard
you were doin' just fine
It seems like just yesterday
I was laughing with you
Playing games at Grandma's house
well you taught me well, didn't you?
I hope I'm just like you
Do they have radios in heaven?
I hope they do
'Cause they're playing my song on the radio
And I'm singing it to you
You left before I had a chance to say goodbye
But that's the way life usually is
it just passes you by
But you can't hold on to regrets and you can't look back
So I'll just be thankful for the times that I had with you
I hope I'm just like you
Do they have radios in heaven?
I hope they do
'Cause they're playing my song on the radio
And I'm singing it to you
If they don't have radios in heaven
here's what I'll do
I can bring my guitar when my time is up and I'll play it for you
Tell me can you hear me now
if not, then I can try to sing real loud
What's it like up on the other side of the clouds?
I hope I'm just like you
I hope I turn out to be as good as you
Monday, November 6
9:35 PM
I KNOW. it has been a LONG time since i blogged. so now i'm blogging, so bballers. STOP TELLING ME TO!
i'm really happy these few days, i don't know why.
was happy like i don't know what today when i saw j and grace in the morning. the last time i saw j, c and mel was like. ever since school ended. oh wait. i can't remember. see! that's how long it is! had a VERY strong urge to msg grace the whole time she was overseas. i miss her like i don't know what. (:
(my vocab is limited. so bear with my i don't know what.)
we jumped and jumped and jumped when i saw j and grace today. and grace gave me this pooh bear in piglet suit today! (: super cute. all of us are hanging it on our bags. and c gave each of us this badge. (sudd realise i didn't give anyone anything. better get it done soon!) so now my bag has 2 new "ling ling long long-s". j has a million. ha! and they're all pink.
i'm super tired.
i GASPED the moment laoshi said that we will be having audits today. the whole thing was bad. really bad. i mean. the shock. i think. all i knew was to hurry try and recall all the dances that we had. i think i screwed up the solo dance quite badly. i HATE that one. i didn't learn it from laoshi and had a VERY bad experience with it. =/ ohwells.
i was that desperate to practise that i didn't mind the dirty floors outside the AS and we just rolled and jumped and stepped (barefooted) on random puddles of water(or at least i think it is) and i was covered with dirt from the ground after i got up.
apparently laoshi thinks that our freestyle wasn't bad. she was laughing when she said hen hao. i secretly hope that it wasn't supposed to be sacarstic. -crosses fingers.
i REALLY have to blog about how tired i am. i must whine until i feel better. (:
pointe work on sat was bad bad bad. my pointe shoes are too soft. and i got new ones. BUT I CAN'T BREAK THEM. -sigh. better get used to them before sunday!
my muscles are hurting VERY badly and i haven't been able to rest. we did jumps on sun and today i had dance. there will be belay school tmrw and we're supposed to do our punishment in the morning, together with the 2rounds. I'M TIRED. -whines.
please pray for me that i'll get past tmrw! my knee hurts, muscle hurts, and i'm not very confident for the tests tmrw. ):
oh. and i don't want cramps in my legs tmrw! everytime after i sit cross-legged for too long, my legs start to cramp and when we've to stand up i can't stabalise myself. hate it. ): i know there was once i couldn't see. was like a minor blackout. those kind that you get when you sudd stand up after sitting for too long. it was quite bad.
anw i miss everyone alot. -random. school hols don't feel like hols. other than the fact that i don't see 2P'ians.
ok. just let me get past tmrw, and i'll get a rest on wednesday, before dance on thursday and ballet in the weekends. (:
anw, i hope all dancers are happy. :D everyone work hard together alright! lets work hard hard hard until all the other dancers get in and we'll all get gold!
whee! i love my life. (: