Saturday, October 28
10:22 PM
i got a shock the moment i went online.
was invited into 2P conversation and everyone started talking about class outing. ohwells, i shall see when we'll all go east coast! (:
quite tired now, today has been a long day for me. not exactly, but i realised how i can't survive the hours of a day when i actually slept for like. 14hours? every holiday i'll experience the same problem. no matter how long i sleep i'll still feel tired somehow.
just came back from the hospital, saw my aunt. didn't see my little cousin but his photos are CUTE. (: he can't even open his eyes! he hasn't has his name yet cause my aunt's too tired now to actually think about his name, but she said that it'll most probably be jervin. since his dad is jevis. :D
i'm planning to go tommorrow again, and DURINH visiting hours. that way i can see my lil cousin. (:
can't wait for him to open his eyes! before we went back today i went to see the baby room thing, when i saw this little boy open his eyes! like for the first time in his life i guess. i think he has pretty nice eyes. his eyes looks kinda grey to me. i shall go visit him tommorrow again. too bad he doesn't have a name yet, or i'll remember it and maybe look for him when he grows older and see if his eyes are still as nice. (:
i'm really tired now. -YAWNS.
oh i suddenly love spending my time at the library. (: not like i didn't before, just that i'm liking it even more now.
random someone: WHO ARE YOU?? ):
gurvin: haha that's good. :D
ceeee: finally. i know who you are. EAGLES FESTIVAL. -.-
joshua: it's time we all go out! i'm sorry about the other time. =/ and i love my rainbow!
cs: i'm no longer upset, so i don't need happy water NOR your tonic! (: anw what's with your new fav word? haha. anw yes i love my rainbow. (:
huixin: thanks!! do you have a blog? cause i don't have your link. see you around in school? i hope. (:
3: we MUST go out soon!
bestfriend: thanks for the wonderful rainbow! (:
edwin: the last day of school already, and somehow it hasn't gotten into me yet. so, no emo-ing for me. (: thanks anw.
yj: haha thanks. yep, we all should go out soon in the holidays.
wp&joshua: yes linked! (:
tiara: I'M SO GOING TO MISS YOU. NEVER FORGET 2P PLEASE? i realise how your hugs always make me cry. -sigh.
belle: i guess i'll see you tmrw? haha. thanks for everything?
arica: (: i think i'll try my best. thanks for all that you've said over the phone. kinda helped somehow.
liyana: LINKED.
monster netballer: i know who you are! and i've linked you! (: super cute MONSTER.
wenda: haha yes, and you're linked!
huiyi: yes yes i'll try. (:
imposter huiyi: just use your real name? -rahhh.
cherylkoh: yesyes i'll link you! (:
ahmad: hah you said you liked it before ok. anw ok then. i won't link you. (:
dex: go draw one then? go away. -rahhh.
dione: HELLO PREFECT! (: i still want to see you in school!! ): then you'll go around making tong tong and hz tuck in their shirts. i'll miss you!
4;: i'll definitely smile at it. (:
haoyee: LOVE GRYPHON! <3's hmm. your name sounds familier. ): i'd better go around remembering our own group's name! see you on monday! =D
faith: haha yesyes! give me your link please?? (: see you on monday too!!
layeng: okok. i'll post it then you get it ok? i'll see you on monday TOO! (: till then, don't miss me too much k? hah!
lorraine: huh what's the free hugs thing? and yes. but when? i'll promise. next year. (: but you MUST remind me k? though i think i'll remember. (:
suddenly realised that there are alot of people that i must go out with and must talk to and must dont-know-what to.
oh no what am i talking about?!
Wednesday, October 25
10:16 PM
emotions felt today were overwhelming, i'm too tired to blog now.
but i guess i still have to blog about it. (:
first half of the day was crap for me. shan't say much about it, you all should know. but anw, grace's haigui saved me quite alot. i was so disturbed i thought i was going to cry. so i skipped maths trail and went back to class to sleep.
had some stupid maths test after that. i skipped 5questions and the rest i just ticked whatever i felt like. my day(first half) was hell. i can't be bothered by some weird maths test.
recess was crazy. we had loads of time since they took away our recess time. i don't know what came over me. j claims it's kw's bimbo day. mer says it's every other day. people, IT'S ONLY TODAY. or maybe the other day, when i pictured an open coffin where i'll fly into when j throws me out of school. =/ ohwells.
felt much better after that, and that's where all my crap started coming out. you know, like how you realise the words just keeps coming out though you don't know what you're talking about.
(what's wrong with me?!)
anw, belle and kiat came to look for me at my class. they didn't sing to me like they promised, but well, i like the fact that all of them were in school today. :D (sudd realised that sophia wasn't there.)
had belay school after that. i think it's fun! (: i like everyone there, really. all the leaders and campers. I LOVE GRYPHON. like alot alot alot. the things that i want to say is like too much to even blog it here, so i shall save it and pour it out to whoever i seeeeeee. =D
was raining when belay school ended, so me and mok actually ran all the way out to cp bustop. (: running in the rain was fun, but i hope i won't get sick. realised that nowadays i don't get sick so often already, which is good! was totally drenched in the bus and it was COLD.
reached j8 and i went to meet library gang. (: went on and on about belay school and heard stuff about belle's camp and janine's hysterical moment at OAC. i like them alot! and sophia kept having the weird wave thing. ohwells, don't want it to end.
tmrw's like the last day of school. and here i am, without any letters, any cookies. starting to wonder what's with my memory really. i don't think i actually have to time to sit and emo with 2p'ians tmrw. there's belay school after that and i can't sit there and cry and hopefull i'll see kiat and belle who'll sing to me and maybe i'll feel better. or worse? sigh. tiara's last day.
don't know how i'm going to finish all the letters when i haven't even started. i guess i'll get their address and i'll mail it to them in the holidays?
i LOVE 2p, really. but what else can we do?
the last few paragraph FEELS emo. but i'm really the happiest kid on earth. (:
realised that my rainbow's gradually taking over my life.
it's time i stop and take a look at the people around me, to see the people i've neglected.
Tuesday, October 24
1:33 AM

12:57 AM
i'm officially the happiest kid on earth. :D
a few days of pure cooped-up-ness in my really pink room, surrounded by nothing but junk food, newspapers, poster paints, burshes, wall paints and a ladder, we finished it. (:
and now, i've a wonderful SELFPAINTED rainbow on my wall! it's so pretty that you can just take a look at it, and you'll SMILE. (:
and today we painted the words "COME, FLY WITH ME" on the top left of the wall.
-sigh with much happiness.
well, what can i say?
i LOVE my life. =D
(the photos will be uploaded soon! look out for waiteng's blog!)
Friday, October 20
8:21 PM
loooong time since i blogged, and as always, so many things happened.
i shall blog about random events that i remember!
the most vivid one is when we sang the song to tiara. -sigh. if only you can stay here with us, then we won't have to sing for you. ok i'm sorry for being that idiot who started the song, but i just felt that it was needed at the point of time. right? we shall save our tears till after we end the song! must sing nice nice for her, on the LAST day. (:
hmm. streaming. I'VE DECIDED TO JOIN F&N WITH MERILYN! i'm quite happy with is actually. was supposed to put bio, chem, pure geog, ss/lit. or maybe pure lit, ss/geog. but after mer's chat with her senior she became super enthu about it and guess i was kinda influenced too. (: i'm quite excited about next year somehow. so anw my combi's going to be bio, chem, ss/geog and F&N. -lalalala.
WAIT. i'm speaking as if i'm already in that stream. well i'm not, just that there's a higher percentage of me getting in? =D
well, i didn't blog about my results. don't exactly feel like it also. but well, i will soon i guess. like maybe when i get the overall results. all the percentage and stuffs. you can ask me for my results if you want. (:
made new friends! from thailand! was kinda upset today, when dreams&teams' over, cause that means that ann will be leaving to go back to thailand. i mean she'll be here but i guess i'll never see her again? she's super cool really.
played bball while everyone else was watching return of the titans today. enjoyed myself like crazy. haven't been able to exercise these few days cause of the ever disgusting haze, and today i felt great. (: shooting wasn't that bad. i can still shoot. just quite disgusted by the fact that i can't do a layup yet.
went racing from 2S area to sports hall today with grace. haha you all must be thinking how smart i am to race with her. =/ she's super fast. i gave up after i went up the stairs. x) love grace like elephants to the power of million!
OMG. interuption from caroline.
ok i'm officially happy, though i wasn't very happy during piano. you should go see how disgusting my teacher can get. or maybe it's just me that drove her crazy.
anw, thrashing sessions over. guess everything's better now? i don't know actually. but i'm a happy kid in school!
ok fine. face up to the fact that we've only 2days left, and on the last day me and grace has to stay back for belay school. oh btw random feeling: i'm quite excited about LTC. ohwells.
i'm just crossing my fingers and pray hard that i'll be in the same group as someone i know. any possibilties that i'll be with dancers or grace?
all in all, kw's a happy kid, from the bottom of her heart! =D
well, things will stay this way right? as happy as can be.
Saturday, October 14
12:01 AM
i know the tags replies are like super late, but well. i'll reply as many as i can. (:
3: we'll try to make tomorrow great for you alright? i hope you'll feel happier tmrw. (:
wp: saturday was great. but PLEASE don't throw that THING about next time. it's so disgusting and embarrassing alright! ):
tiara: you won't know how much i hate you to leave. -sigh. we'll have two more weeks of each other, and that's all. if only you can stay.
shiyuan: i'm kinda confused which shiyuan you are actually. baichi or josh's friend? =/
wx: exams are over. we should start catching up on each other's lives? (: hope your exams are fine.
amanda: thanks.
ahniu: i still have your love tkw note with me (the graph paper one) i kinda felt stupid smiling to myself in class. (: thanks! and no more emo days alright? and no more crying like dontknowwhat in the canteen too! be more glam. :D
nette: this is kinda late, but i was REALLY happy when i saw your tag. i'm supposed to be honoured yea? (: and yes! mer likes harry now. i don't want to know what might appear on her notebook though. a whole page of names like your DOUGIE page? and i love that movie marathon, PLUS the miloandcaroline scene. (:
cs: please, enough of that disgusting thing! hahaha. and NOPE. no tonic for me thankyou. (:
wy: it's end of year now, cant blame me for getting emo! hah.
bestfriend: i'll know soon if i've screwed up my maths paper or not, but please don't be too upset about your papers? i don't really know what to do to cheer you up, but just be happy alright?
grace: i'll try to remember to link you (i'm quite lazy now.) and yes i know who you are. (:
CEEEEEE: i don't exactly know who you are. caroline or chishun? somehow you don't sound like the two of them too. =/
mel: you think we'll remember about it? ):
lorraine: haha yes. when? someday after school? though it's like. two weeks.
Friday, October 13
11:41 PM
something tells me this is going to be yet another post.
don't worry, it's just me at night. that's all. (:
well. i admit defeat, i'm giving up.
it's time for me to stop whatever i'm doing since it's getting me nowhere.
it's not like as if you care anyway.
you don't need my comfort too, you've loads of people there beside you.
i hope tomorrow will turn out fine. sec fours are graduating, chewy's celebration. it's like sad and happy both together. -sigh.
seeing the sec fours at the library these few days can be so upsetting. they're crying and there's nothing i can do to make them feel better, so there i sat, just hoping that they'll feel better after awhile.
belle asked me something that kinda hit me. she asked when will be the next time she'll see me.
i don't really know actually. the next time they're going to study there? well i hope they DO study there, or i really don't know when i'll actually see them ever again.
can someone just make the time stop, so that they'll never have to graduate and i'll never have to actually call them ex-cedarians?
and it's not only them.
my 2 wonderful years in 2P is going to end.
in 2 weeks time. just this 2 weeks.
we'll no longer be known as 2p.
no longer be sitting down together as a class.
no longer be in the 2nd level having our lessons.
will our clique still stay together?
will we remember our milo pact?
will we meet up and j's house to have a movie marathon?
take stupid pics on c's imac?
will we even talk to each other.
what if one day i walk around school with my new friend/clique and then i'll randomly see the rest of them, and we'll go about talking like as if we never knew each other well?
or what if we each find a new group of people that we like to hang out with and slowly we'll loose contact?
i went thru my phone contacts today, and realised out of all the contacts that i had in my phone, i barely talk to 3quarts of them.
some i didn't even know that i actually had their phone numbers. some i totally ignore them when i see them on the streets. while some might have actually forgotten my existence.
i'm feeling what i felt two years ago, when i had to leave 6A. maybe things get better after awhile, when you get used to your new surroundings. but all i know is that life in sec one was hell for me.
all the crying sessions me and bestfriend had over the phone calls, thinking about how great life used to be, and how much i hate cedar.
guess it's the people there that you fall in love with. (:
can't believe how i used to hate 1P. all we knew was to bitch about OUR own class. how weird right? we wanted to change classes so badly. and within another year, i can't bear to leave them.
sometimes i wonder why they do this. put us together when we hate each other, and seperate us when we don't want to leave.
how weird it'll be.
i won't stand with hz during morning assembly. i've had her for like everything. in the morning, lab periods, home econs, d&t. everything that involves pair work she'll be there.
i'll miss wiping the kitchen table with tonnes of soapy stuff. i'll miss laughing at how hz wash the dishes. (she can actually use a WHOLE bottle of detergent just cleaning up. and i'm not exagerating.)
i'll miss how hz and tong tong quarrel with dionne (the PC) every morning about how their shirts are tucked in.
i'll miss discussions with hz jessica layeng.
i'll miss EIGHT LIVES. those wonderful times we had.
ok HALT!
this has got to stop. i'm beginning to sound like the sec fours and their emo post about how everything changes.
-sigh. can you believe it? we actually "started" crying about leaving each other since june. i can still remember the weird expression on chewy's face when she came to 2P to pass me my lolly. x)
point is, i'll miss everyone, everything.
things won't be the same without the sec fours. ):
Wednesday, October 11
1:54 PM
now it's time for me to face the truth, since i can't hide from it forever.
it's over, and i'm the one who brought everything upon myself.
i'm tired of waiting, and i guess you are too.
seems like we're never there for each other. or rather it seems like we don't need each other anymore.
so what's the point of reaching out for something that's no longer there? why not just let it go.
as much as it may hurt to let go, to hold on to something that's fighting for freedom hurts even more.
you're unwanted.
and now i know what they mean when they say,
you just can't have both.
well. grow up, and understand that that's the way of life. it's over.
sometimes, people get so caught up with their own lives, they'll forget the existence of their loved ones. when you finally realise it, they're gone too.
and it's your own fault- you let them go.
why not just wallow in self pity and die or something.
1:20 PM
i've decided that it's now time for me to exercise before i officially become a potato couch.
for the past decade or something i haven't been watching television other than my three cartoon chanels. and just this morning i sat in front of the tv and had a private little movie marathon.
i watched:
1: ice age, the meltdown
2: bring it on, all or nothing
3: yours mine and ours.
and after i blog and maybe dance around the house for a little while, i'll be back in the room watching howl's moving castle. (:
it was only after i read the story in the library that i realise i really like that story. so yep, i went to borrow it.
OH! there's peterpan too! i shall go take a GOOD look at the lost boys. (:
i'm supposed to blog about all our outings but i'm quite lazy now actually. so i'm going to summarise all the events.
so on monday, after our geog paper ended (finally), we went to vivo city! we've been planning this whole thing like since ages ago. well, we thought that it's going to be fun or something, but there were very few shops that were open.
but there were things like esprit and topshop and i was dying to shop. but no one's willing to spare some money for me to shop.
we couldn't find any place to eat there, other than sushi tei, which isn't exactly open too, so we walked to harbor front centre and ate at hans! (: it's quite nice la.
we then decided to catch a movie, but the timing's not very good, and there weren't much nice shows either. so we watched the wedding curse.
it sounds like some lousy show and they described as "some horrors".
MY GOODNESS. i don't know which idiot did that description, but serious. WE SCREAMED LIKE THERE'S NO TOMMORROW.
that show's freaky!! omg. it's like my 3rd horror movie and the second that i watched in cinema. (well the first was when a stranger calls, and with waiteng narrating the WHOLE story to me at my ear.) but really! that disgusting dead flower ghost, and the wife on the rocking chair at the end.
ok i'm scaring myself now, though i'm at home and in the living room. ): -shudders.
go watch, and scream.
and there were only like. 20 people in the HUGE cinema! read the newspaper and you'll know how big the cinema is with don'tknowwhat special stuff inside. (not like i really care.)
and those idiots behind us kept screaming and everything when it's only conversation between the actors. and when we screamed they said we had no logic. wth?
but anw, i thought i felt someone behind poke my head when i leaned on j. she said she felt something like that too.
after the movie we were very scared already, and when we had to walk out the cinema it was like hell.
the stairs were dark, they didn't on the lights, and the doors were locked. and then the people in front of us started to scream and run and we got so scared we scream our way down the stairs. i don't know what happened but the rest of them turned around and ran like dontknowwhat down. so me and grace just held each other and scream our way down too.
i screamed so much i had a terrible headache after that, i thought i was dying.
went to pp mrt to meet 4, then to ps to get the stuff for 3.
well, i shall blog this part after sat, when everything's over.
-sigh. i guess we've to say like a million apologies to 3 and it's still not enough.
i've lost the mood to blog.
Tuesday, October 10
1:25 PM
the last time i blogged was like ages ago. =/
but now i'm back to blogging! since exams are officially over. (:
ok great.
just when i've settled down to start blogging j tells me to get ready now.
shall blog about all my WONDERFUL encounters the past few days!
(and how i can't get fiona+belle+kiat's jia gei wo out of my head. it's on replay mode and it refuses to go away even during geog test.)
psst. novabelle! no more unhappy tears alright? =D -BIG SMILE.
i'm gone, for now. (:
Thursday, October 5
11:49 AM
home safely: 1143
my brain cells are dead. so i shall blog ppl's names in short form today. (:
after maths paper, the moment we stepped out of that classroom, me and j started to wail about all the qs before the rest came out and join us.
so there we were, practically yelling our heads off at each other about the bloodly questions. like that triangle one and the simultaneous equation. somehow i felt that at one point of time we were all talking at the same time, not exactly bothering if anyone was actually even listening to us.
but after we rant and rant, we went back to class to solve those disgusting questions. AGAIN.
mel screwed up one of the simple q.
mer was really upset with the last q of graph.
j said that she didn't know how to do the triangle one.
c says she'll fail.
g says nothing- she doesn't want to talk about it.
well. i think i've had all those wrong too. so people, don't be too upset! i'll do worse anw. =/
and. lit paper.
gosh i HATE unseen prose. seems like only j understood the whole passage. AND. i seriously didn't know that that stupid line quoted was a METAPHOR. ): why have such a misleading metaphor anw! don't like them.
but the text based was not as bad.
and. history.
I'M LOOSING 4 MARKS! -whine till i die.
the q with the federal elections and singapore thing, i DID NOT study that stupid part cause all i did was to go through merger and seperation from chewy's notes. that's all.
and ELECTIONS came out. how bad can that be! and well, as usual. the VERY smart kw talked about DAVID MARSHALL.
someone tell me where's the link?
david marshall was supposed to be way before it and it was supposed to be about SA. but then. ):
and right before the paper j said that she and myrna were discussing about elections and how they were going to anwer it. and before the teacher came in i wanted to go over to look for her but the lazy me just wanted to stay at my own desk.
gone. my 4 pretty marks. -sigh.
coming up next...
my worse nightmare. SCIENCE.
alright maybe my worse nightmare is just atoms and molecues. but well. if i can't remember things like acid bases salt and all that stuff i can die too.
ystd i was just sitting there, daydreaming and everything when i pictured myself breaking down halfway through maths because i can't solve the problem. and i'll wail and yell and cry until someone comes over to tell me that i don't have to do it anymore. but from what i heard you'll still have to continue the paper no matter what.
so maybe later in the night i'll sit down in the same spot and imagine myself crying during science.
it seems to me i need more time for studying than day dreaming now.
off to learn about my digestive system.
Monday, October 2
8:44 PM
it's going to be yet another emo post since this is the last day formal lesson that we're having as a class. but well, today has been a happy day for me, so i shall change it into a happy post.
well. let's leave out the part that i got bullied by many many people. (:
school was fun. really really fun. ESP music lesson. it was super. (: right people?
tiara taught me the base for chasing cars, while she played the chords. and the rest sang. (: so fun alright! then tiara and jessica played the piano. nice. i like. (:
and then it dawned upon me that this is going to be the last music lesson we'll have, unless we take music elect or something.
(people please forgive me if my posts are so emo these days. exam stress you see. plus the fact that we're changing classes already.)
and well. also, the last chinese lesson, the last lit lesson the last everything we're going to have together.
i really needed the lit period today actually, and then there was fire drill. the only thing that came into my mind was to hug my lit notes like crazy even if it means that i'm going to die in the flames. (ok that's retarded. the other time me and xinyi planned to hug our zuowen books to death.)
well, we had it during reading period. it didn't actually make much a difference. went to meet char for briefing and lost half the period and all that he has said when i wasn't there. starting from the middle wasn't very tempting, so i might as well just day dreamed the rest of the lesson away.
ltc forms are all around now. was quite surprised that there're so many people in our class. (: i like 2p like crazy really. but well, it's going to be ALL over.
-thinks about what happened today in school.
OH! ipw. (: haha i like it alot. i like it like crazy. does anyone want to take a look at our presentation? (esp caroline's stupid photo at the end.)
RAHHH. history's tomorrow. i keep telling myself that i'm going to give it all up, i'm going to screw up all my exams, and i'm going to just fail all my subjects and get kicked out of school.
good idea?
then maybe i'll just fly away to somewhere like neverland with peterpan and use all the limited 14years of knowledge to educate the boys over there. maybe michael and john can follow me and be my subject teachers. (:
my imagination is starting to run wild. i'm thinking of all sorts of ways how to run away from all the exams. disgusting right?
yea. just fail everything and cry kw.
smartest kw.
and yes, went to mos today and studied with bestfriend shiqian and andrea. (: they're so funny i can't stand it really. took many funny photos and then held a weird competition whereby we'll all balance weird things between our nose and mouth and pout and see who can hold it there the longest. shiqian the pouty mouth won. shall upload all the photos into the com really really soon.
sigh. today has been a long day.
off to study. guess i'm not THAT ready to give up my exams yet.
maybe i'll get peterpan to do my exams for me?
Sunday, October 1
11:23 PM
i've a thousand and one things to say now. seriously. thousands.
but somehow, my tongue (fingers) just can't find the words to say it all out.
even my english sounds pretty weird now.
shall make this fast, jogging with mer has been tiring me out.
RAHH. can't type proper english. or am i thinking too much?
i need a run with mer. badly.
i need a heart to heart chat with bestfriend. badly.
i need to study with 3&4. badly.
i need crazy singing sessions just like before with my clique. badly.
i need to do all these badly now.
time is running out. tmrw's going to be the last day we're having a formal lesson as a class. it'll be the last day i see sec fours in school. it'll be the last day of everything else.
soon, we'll no longer be known as sec 2p. the class that's so quiet, yet we've the most problems with subject teachers. all the memories of 2p's just so wonderful. even all the quarrels that we have.
sigh. i can't express myself really. why? ):
i really want you people to know that i don't want all these to be over.
our milo pact. will we? two years later, sitting at my favourite centre round table, with grace holding 6 milo packets and complaining to us how much the milo price has been raised? we promised each other to do so. will we break that promise?
sometimes, promises are meant to be broken.
two years later, will the 6 of us still sit together, eating heaps of food from every store? will we stay back in class just to sing some new song we found? will we go to kfc and eat zinger+chicken+cheesefries+everything they have in store? will we still walk out of school singing and shouting even when a teacher's right behind us staring? will we still go everything together, just like we used to?
i'll miss hanging out at jeanette's house with her queen sized bed.
i'll miss mel's random yet really sweet scribbles on all my textbooks.
i'll miss those crazy photos that we took on caroline's imac.
i'll miss grace keeping the large size haigui just for me.
i'll miss watermelon and jogging sessions with mer.
i'll miss all of you. really.
such a sad post. but what else can i say? other than how much i'll be missing you all?
not to mention people like tiara. sigh. if only you could stay. if only you'd still be here when we're in sec four.
when we're in sec four, will you still remember us? there'll be no more tiara getting me to go cosplay during the holidays, bringing me to the shops to see all sorts of interesting costumes. no more eight lives. no more full marks for lit. no more.
bestfriend. i've MILLIONS of things to tell you. but i can't. no longer. we've drifted like crazy. we've drifted so much that i don't know what else i can say to you when i see you. things are so bad now that i'd rather choose not to see you, just to avoid things to turn out awkward.
fk. what's wrong with my english. (take it as you didn't see the first word.)
significant, i suddenly realised that i kinda need you now.
to youknowwhoyouare.
i'm at a lost. i don't know what to say to you. i know i must concentrate on my studies now. but tell me how? when things are all so bad. the following week's going to be hell. we both know that very well. but what else can i do?
maybe i should just shutup until i find my ability to express myself again.
for now, bye reality.
i'm off to neverland,
in the safe arms of peterpan.