Thursday, June 29
10:07 PM
im feeling wierd. again.
hah i really dont want to say this but iu really love waiteng!! =DDD
she's helping me by ALOT. shant say what, but if this time round my zuowen is real good i'd love her. x)
anyway, after what angkaijie said that day i promised myself i should never copy maths homework anymore. (i hope) and at least i finished that exercise all by myself, WITHOUT anyone's help!!! hee. im showing improvements alright. people support me! whee! and now im going to do the next exercise all by myself again. let's hope this can last for quite long. =DDD
i still remember myself saying that i will hate every other match teacher after NSS but obviously i didnt. (: AKJ is nice. but i think NSS is even better. haha. i know i cried after she said those "last words" to me. i guess it's because teachers have been hating me so much they never give me much encouragement what's more saying those kind stuff that i guess only NSS will ever tell me. ): im missing her lessons now.
but with such great teachers, i promise that i'll improve my maths! and for now, i guess i'd better hurry head home, before i cant wake up tmrw morning.
so you think that in really that happy about everything?
Wednesday, June 28
9:16 PM
alright im not reffering to anyone. but.
cant believe i used to be one of those who always forwards those pathetic emails and all and wishing that maybe it's true that the more that i send the better my life will get.
but really. im getting sick of it.
i mean i really like those poems blah blah. but i really hate those that says that someone will die and all that shit. it's DAMN irritating. and they say that if you're a true friend then send it to someone else to show that you care for them. -.- you mean you just send an email to show that you're a true friend? WOW. that's so cool. next time when you want to make more friends, just send those emails, and you will be EVERYONE'S true friend.
i never knew making friends were that easy.
and really. i cant stand all those shit about you getting bad luck and all that stuff. the world doesnt revolve around emails, and your luck wont change if you spend that few more seconds clicking a few more names to reach that certain number to get that "luck" that some people apparently need.
and i remember that hilarious email that caroline sent to many people. i shall copy and paste it here. =D
oh freak. i think i deleted that email. =/
anyway, it was just like scolding people for those chain emails.
i think im just very upset. because im sitting at the back of the class.
THE BACK OF THE CLASS! freak. im going to fail everything. everything anything.
but at least im sitting with xinyi, and vanessa and class pet in front. but then, there goes my haigui. ):
i DO NOT want to sit at the back of my class! freak. and im super upset now. and i dont know why. it's just because im sitting at the back of the class and im making such a big fuss out of this whole crap.
maybe it's just because things arnt too well for me. im not having enough time, and i havent finished my holiday homework.
i shall therefore talk to my dearest adopted sisters! =D
Tuesday, June 27
7:22 PM
although it's kinda laggy. i knew it on moday. but i still LOVE them!
but how can my SIR be my sister? hah.
6:56 PM
oh well oh well. blogger's being irritating so i cant bold anything, or rather EVERYTHING is bold, so i've decided that i should just type my answer beside the question.
THE RULES: Bold the statements that are true to you. Italise the statements that you WISH are true. Leave the Fibs alone (dont know whats that). Then, stab 5 people to do the same test and leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she has been tagged.
I miss somebody right now. not really.
I dont watch TV these days. yepp.
I wear glasses or contact lenses. yepp.
I love to play video games. nope.
I've tried marijuana. NO. never.
I have been in a threesome. yuck never.
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. -.-
I believe honesty is usually the best policy. i think so.
I curse sometimes. eh. yes.
I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. waiteng says not really.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. to kill you.
I'm TOTALLY smart. YES. x)
I've broken someone's bones. no i didnt.
I'm paranoid sometimes. a little. (waiteng says everytime -.- )
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. NO and NEVER
I need money right now. YESYESYES
I love sushi. only the tuna ones. CANNED.
I talk really,really fast. eh. no. i need time to think.
I have long hair. i WANT long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas. i havent been there. ):
I have at least one sibling. yesyes.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. (hair,nails,tattoos) tattoos? those paste ons.
I couldn't survive without Caller I.D. yesyesyes!
I like the way i look. i guess so.
I am usually pessimistic. i hope not..
I have a lot of mood swings. nope.
I have a hidden talent. do i?
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar i have. haha. you people should know how much i whine about being tired. although when i get hyper i'd really go crazy.
I have a lot of friends. i dont know about that. but i know i love them all the same.
I am currently single. =D yep.
I have pecked someone of the same sex. hmm. my female bear.
I enjoy talking on the phone. to people whom i like. (:
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. eh no.
I love to shop. yesyes (:
Enjoy window shopping. not really. unless im with someone interesting.
I would rather shop then eat. i'd rather not do both.
I don't hate anyone. currently no.
I'm a pretty good dancer. am i?
I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother. no i like her. =D
I have a cell phone. yepp.
I believe in God. no. even though i spent 6 years listening.
I watch MTV on a daily basis. i dont really watch tv already.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months. i dont like alcohol.
I have rejected someone before. gee, personal.
I have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life. i HAVE.
I want to have children in the future. i have my aim. =D
I have changed a diaper before. YES. it's gross.
I've called the cops on a friend before. hah no.
I'm not allergic to anything. dust?
I have a lot to learn. yes.
I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger. kids?
I am shy around the opposite sex. not really.
I have tried alcohol before. yes i dont like it.
I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past. no?
I own the "South Park" movie. no.
I would die for my best friends. i wont die FOR them. i'll die WITH them. x)
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza. NIL
I have used my sexuality to advance my career. currently i have NO career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all. oh god NO.
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy. we dont have halloween.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and i like it. I LOVE IT. I HAVE ONE RIGHT HERE NOW.
I am happy at this moment! yes! very much! =DDD
I'm obsessed with guys. i'd rather look at spongebob.
I have more than just my ears pierced. no. ears are enough.
I walk barefoot wherever i can. at a beach?
I have jumped off a bridge. nope. i dont wanna swim.
I love sea turtles. HAIGUI.
I spend ridiculous money on makeup. for dance?
Plan on achieving a major goal/dream. YES.
I'm proficient in a musical instrument. i learn alot but dont play them well.
I worked at McDonald's restaurant. NO. and i dont want to
i hate office jobs. not really.
I love sci-fi movies. NO. maybe again, yes.
think water rules. sometimes
I went college out of state. we're in singapore.
I like sausages. EEK. no.
I love kisses. dont know.
I fall for the worst people. i've never had. for now.
I adore bright colours. i like ALL colours.
I can't live without black eyeliner. yuck no.
I don't know why the hell i just did this stupid thing. haha quite. im bored anyway.
I usually like covers better than originals. nononoNO.
I can pick up things with my toes. YES. x)
I can't whistle. sadly yes. ):
I can move my tongue in waves. how to?
I have ridden/owned a horse. ridden. AND ONE DAY I SHALL HAVE ONE.
I still have every journal I've ever written in. once a year.
I can't stick to a diet. hah yes.
I talk in my sleep. according to arica at chewy's house i did something but i cant remember.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. yep.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time. i dont like.
I have jazz in my blood. NO.
I wear a toe ring. nope
I have a tattoo. nah. i dont think i'll have one.
I can't stand at LEAST one person that i work with. YES. many.
I am a caffeine junkie. nope.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is. i think only tiara.
I have been to over 15 conventions. no.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsesical the better. not really.
I'm an artist. DEFINITELY NOT.
I only clean my room when necessary. i dont really clean my room myself.
I like a person of the same sex. friends?
stabbed (it's more than FIVE):
my adopted sisters! (:
waiteng! cs,wp, josh,wx, fellow penguin. (:
Monday, June 26
10:17 PM
whee! i know chishun loves me for that. and yepp that was ripped off his blog. x)
and homework not done.
i have nothing much to say about the trip, i'll just post the photos when i have the time, but i know that we went there with 5 bags and came back with 10. and i'll definately miss that song which goes like:
if you smeeeeell. what a toad. ishhhh tellinggg.
and yep cheryl is so going to be irritated by the two-mor-row. haha. im going to miss owen alan matheiu blah blah and everyone that made me really happy there. im going to miss you people alot really. ):
so now. RUSH RUSH. homework not done!
and out to all the dearest bballers of 2p:
yes i love all of you and thanks for being there for me for my dance and i promise that no matter what i'll go tmrw. i'll rush there right after school. =D i love you guys. play well and JIAYOU. beat those RGS people and win them hands down alright! just like what you people did with yuying i think. =D i know you can do it! heh.
Monday, June 19
9:29 PM
i wanna hold your hand,
i wanna hold your hand!
we just had a crazy time at the theatre cause today`s theme and dress code is ROCK AND ROLL! yay!! haha. many people dressed up tho we only went down in a tee, shorts and slippers. lol.
but it was fun and crazy! so cute! they dressed up as the beatles and we had a rock and roll concert! then they had many dances of different countries and all that. we looked retarded dancing but the japanese were SUPER enthu! they sang and danced and this old woman was even better than everyone else!
these people are really friendly here. its like they have more staff then customers here and they know everyone of us! its like we totally dont have to say our name and they already know us.
we went to cycle in the morning, and i tell you it was REALLY tiring! i didnt know mountains could be THAT tough to cycle. and tmrw we are going to try the advanced or something. =/ i would die both down hill and up hill!
and after that we went water rafting and it was so cool!
oh my. i dont have time to elaborate. i will tell you the names of the staff soon! and i havent even got time to check my mail.
off to swimming!
i really miss you people.
Sunday, June 18
9:24 PM
i found a com. (:
actually i didnt really find a com. it has been here since the momment i stepped in here.
we actually spent 2 days travelling just to get here, and its kinda fun. (:
(my typing is going to be a little weird cause im having some problems trying to find the letters.)
it was so grand the momment we reached. at the train station the whole bus was only for the FIVE of us. and when we reached clubmet there were those people singing and dancing, welcoming us in! =D and orange juice was already prepared and we were brought to a tour around here.
its kinda big, and there are so many stuff to do here. like all the sports abd outdoor stuff. and we had italian buffet just now!! yumyum. anyone jealous? xD
we had a party at night about soccer, and the dress code was red and white and many people painted their faces. then they had this sorta games and quiz and my brother was kinda forced by us to go up. he actually went up THREE times. and there was this game where they made him and another competitor catch some juggling stuff and he won! they had to catch all that and stuff them in their clothes. seriously, he looks super dumb and retarded.
oh well. im going to catch the soccer match now! =D
im missing all you people!
i just cant stop thinking about you.please keep your promise.
Saturday, June 17
10:13 PM
im in the airport now leaving for japan! and it's 11.10 now.
everyone dont miss me too much yea? x)
something tells me i'll seriously miss all of you. and i really dont wanna go.
seriously i've got nothing to blog about now other than saying that i really do not wanna go. although it's much better compared to few days ago but i want to stay here.
it's not only you.even i cant forget you.please stop making me worry.
Friday, June 16
3:58 PM
im at waiteng's house now and the whoe kitchen is in a mess! haha. and we also took a hell lot of photos of the digusting scenes in the kitchen. we tried to bake pizza for our lunch and everything turned out wrong when we put it in the oven upside down! so all those disgusting cheeze starting dripping on the bottom of the oven.
and we used to frying "stick" and the SUPER long chopsticks to eat pizza, and chopsticks to stir our milo!! haha. something's seriously wrong with us.
and after that she started cooking fried rice, and obviously me staying there is of no use, so i started watching tv,and fell asleep. -.- i just woke. hahaha.
cant wait for the time to come for us to leave. im feeling kinda bored cause i dont feel like doing anything, yet i want to do something. gee im just to lazy. waiteng can do the rest of the cooking tho. x)
now you're trying. but really i think that you're trying a little too hard. i've completely forgotten about the whole thing. i dont care anymore.
i hope the people are coming later! and eat up the food. but i've got this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen later. =/ hope that it's a wrong prediction.
i cant believe it.
i gave it all up.
just for you.
Thursday, June 15
11:23 PM

that's the lollypop with the popping sound!

my dearest haigui. (:

hao yi duo mei li de mo li hua.
haha the song is in my head already. stupid wp and josh were singing and singing AND singing throughout the whole trip. and MANY other songs.
kinda enjoyed myself today AT escape, and not so much OUTSIDE escape.
let's start from the beginning.
after dance and NYJC i met josh and waiteng at funland and from there we took a cab to escape cause we were all idiots who didnt know how to go. and when we reached there wp wasnt there yet so we ate at burger king where i gave them their letters. (: and the no childhood josh ate his first lollypop with the popping sound sugar. x) THANKS TO ME.
then wp came, and i passed him the letter and sweet, and off we went. (:
outside escape there was this motorcycle performace thing which i felt was kinda scary. the people are "locked" inside the cage thing and perform stunts. haiya you all should somehow know what it is like but anw, i just didnt like the fact that there's a possibility that they might just die inside. =/
so we went in and took many rides and all that and wp was super funny. he kept screaming on all the rides. lol. and went to toilet ALOT of times. haha. and josh kept pestering us to go into haunted mansion. and this time we went! it wasnt as scary, and i really DID NOT cry like the other time. =l it was much better cause they changed everything to those machines so it isnt as bad as the other time really.
and RAINBOW was super fun fun fun!! =D we made friends with the people there cause josh and wp kept acting gay and sending them flying kisses! that's so GROSS. haha. and they were like please dont kiss when you're up there. and josh said oh dont worry we will. WTH LAH. lol they are so funny really. then wp keep screaming that stupid kw + (you know who) = (you know what shit). haha. and the funnest part was when we all screamed "we love you t***t***. HAH.
oh. there was also this bunch of stupid gangsters. let's not talk about them. =/
and the go kart thing also. that idiot who pointed the middle finger just because i was faster than him. hmph! i make you fly away ar.
and the candy floss!! it was HUGE. im serious. huge as in like. it was the length of my ARM. from the shoulder to the wrist. YES IT'S THAT HUGE. believe or not, it's true. show the pics soon! and we were trying to hard to finish it! we made some stupid faces on the candy floss too! i love that guy who made it for us! he was saying like "do you think it's worth your $3?" then we were like yah! then he gave more and more AND MORE. untill we died of sweetness.
so anw we went home after that, and while they were going to the toilet we used the free com there with the REALLY hard metal keyboard thing. and that was when i totally couldnt take it anymore. im sorry people.. if i spoiled your mood or anything. i just.. you know. couldnt take it. =/ SORRY. but i really tried very hard!! and i smiled after that. =D so maybe it isnt that bad anymore. heh.
but no matter what. THANKS. you people were damn sweet. and wp was super funny!! i was really sad.. and he was going off already, and before going down he just shouted. and literally SHOUTED at like 10 plus where the bus people were very quiet. "KORWOONG. DONT BE SAD OK. WHOOO!" and the whoo was LOUD. LOUD. LOUD!! and EVERYONE in the bus turned around. =/ haha! it was so funny! but i totally LOL and "fainted" on waiteng! but thanks! =D
and now im at waiteng's house! i totally didnt go home. and i dont care. scream at me. shout at me. WHATEVER. im not going home today. even if you come and drag me. too bad. you people forced me. (the music is also going WHATEVER. WHATEVER. WHATEVER) haa. and so, i guess i'll only go home tmrw. and about my homework. I DONT CARE. i dont care seriously.
if you think that im still very hurt over this whole thing, im sorry. i've cried enought. and tonight will be the last time i'll get affected by it. so, whatever happens, i shall just stick with myself. im sure i can do it. eight days. just live past these eight days, and i'll be home sweet home. =D and im looking forward to it.
if you werent there for me today,
i think i'll just cry.
i really thank god for sending me someone like you.
you are what im living for.
Tuesday, June 13
11:09 PM
i went shopping at marina just now and bought a few really nice stuff! (: i've got a new jacket and pants! =DDD
ok whatever.
anw today woke up to study. YES STUDY. so i met grandpa and waiteng came later, cause that moron was sleeping and i made a MILLION calls. and sms. and msn. so we spent hours in macs trying to complete maths. THAT DISGUSTING MATHS. x( oh and my mommie/daddie came too! but have to leave for tuition..
it's great to have such wonderful friends! we're doing homework for each other! (: josh helped me with maths question and finished MANY questions for me, waiteng helped too, so im helping waiteng with her book review! by simply copying out MY book review for her. xD
such scheming people.
but seriously what's with school! so much homework and activities they might as well dont have holidays! there are so many things that i've yet to do and there goes ny precious holidays. therefore, i conclude that i shant care about my homework and just bring everything to japan. since its totally free and easy for us. (:
maybe when they go shopping i shall stay in my room and do homework?? that sounds great. =D
and we went to funland today and played bishi bashi! akright it was kinda fun. and as per normal the dance machine. and i think my cuz is seriously pro at that green small machine. her highest was like 18 i thin. =D proud of her. and now they have the irritating maze game and drum mania! haha. tho drum mania isnt as nice as some others but it's quite ok lar. tho i would seriously prefer the one at waiteng's house. her songs are nicer. (:
oh. my list of havent done things.
1. SENTOSA. damn it. i havent even been there ONCE this whole holidays!
2. basketball. i dont think i've played more than thrice.
3. escape!! tho i've decided to give up homework time to go this thursday. (:
4. BBQ. hope this friday would turn out great.
5. visit that playground. it's so near yet so far! i havent even went there!
6. stay really late at waiteng's house. so late it's almost a stayover. x)
and i'd so rather follow my other cousins. im freaking jealous they're going the sunway lagoon place!! and im going japan who's summer is 20DEGREES the most.
maybe japan isnt all that bad. it's just that i really dont wanna go. everything's so wrong now. i hate japan. i hate leaving. i hate them for making me go.
im feeling so sad looking at the turtle ballon that waiteng and people gave me. it's dying. IT'S DDDDDDYING. it has been flying all over my house the past few days, like in the kitchen, my room, living room. and even the toilet. BUT NOW. it's stuck. it' stuck around the door area, and it's getting all soft. the air is ESCAPING. can i pump air in it? those liars. such expensive ballons and it cant last. i can see i nearing the floor every second from now! oh my im gonna cry.
save the turtle first, then save me. =D
someone save me from this fucking thing. im going crazy, i cant take it anymore. i just cant leave now.
12:55 AM
It's all about you
It's all about you, baby
It's all about you
It's all about you
Yesterday, you asked me something I thought you knew.
So I told you with a smile 'It's all about you'
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to,
Say 'If you make my life worthwhile, it's all about you'
And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tops, it's all about you.
And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tops,
Yes you make my life worthwhile,
So I told you with a smile...
It's all about you.
It's all about you
It's all about you, baby
It's all about you
It's all about you
Monday, June 12
11:44 PM

sorry bout my finger,
which my mum calls CHEESEbob. -.-
4:36 PM
4:25 PM
such a not-so-innocent kid. sad.
12:58 PM
THREE maths paper.
2. maths notes.
3. TWO
TA. maths.
4. eng book review.
5. eng assessment book page
6. science researh.
7. science exam paper
8. geog research.
9. history group work SBQ question.
10.chi news/passage review
11.literature book.
oh freak. im gonna faint.
and to think im still blogging. =/
12:28 PM
IT'S 12.29AM.
and i think i just got my piano teacher really pissed off. x)
i totally didnt practise all the pieces and i just sight read everything there. she got so fustrated she made me play really fast so i screwed up the whole thing. then she asked me to play her a song that i really liked. (and i think i played it quite well! cause i like it.) so she gave me a talk, about my attitude towards every song.. something like no matter you like it or not you'll still have to practise blah blah.
and now i've got to make a trip to buy a book with the kind of songs that i like.
maybe i shall treat her better and start practising.
anw, im going to start on my homework!! but first i'll have to find them. (i wonder which box did i stuff them into.)
im liking this new blog skin. =D
12:45 AM
another blog skin!! i kinda like it. =D
but. are the kids kissing?
at such young age.
oh what crap am i talking about.
Sunday, June 11
11:50 PM
so studio wu was boring. when we came back to j8 we ate MOS. haha. then we went funland to play bishi bashi and ddr. WE FINISHED THE WHOLE FREAKING BISHI BASHI. haha my second time. so fun ((: oh wells. so anw it started raining really really heavily. and we actually wanted to run in the rain. but anw dona brought us umbrellas. a super duper big umbrella. haha so i was supposed to walk to ballet with kw.
but she did a SUPPOSED-TO-BE-GREAT thing. haha SHE PONNED BALLET. lol. so she told her mum she wanted to go home to get clothes first. cause her clothes were SUPPOSEDLY wet. haha. before we walked under her block we decided to get ourselves a little wet to make the show a little more real. haha. and when she left her house with new clothes i purposely asked her very loudly "are you gonna be late for your ballet??" haha! so she played along "yes!! faster faster BALLET BALLET!!" haha! then we both started laughin.
it was quite retarded la! but fun! so anw the walk to my house was exceptionally fun today. and the freaking umbrella was like flying away la. and we sang one stupid song. lol. the best part was shouting "I LOVE T*** T***!" lol. cool. so we bathed and kw said "before we go out i wanna tie my hair, help me tie!" i went "why should i? i don't want!" haha and I SWEAR SHE STARTED THE MESSING UP HAIR THING. -kw messes up my hair. "PLEASE??" -i mess up her hair "OKAY LA" -she messes up my hair "THANK YOU" -i mess up her hair "WELCOME." -she messes up my hair "XIE XIE" okay la so she won. she messed up my hair 3 times. i only messed up hers twice. that's unfair. i'll mess up her hair someday. ONE MORE TIME.
11:18 PM
im mostly likely to find fame and fortune in the social world. really? hah.anw, went out with wt cs wx wl and tingshan!! haha. just to buy a stupid toy that cs wants at heeren. tho waiteng left early but i had much fun with the rest of them. and the best part is..I GOT TO KNOW TINGSHAN! (:i think she's a really cute person!! =D and she owes me sakae and to go the the bbq on friday. (: something tells me i really like her. YAY.found out that i have lesser and lesser things to blog about these days. wonder why. im left with only 5 days to the end of MY holiday cause the stupid japan trip takes up the whole week! can you imagine! i havent touched a single homework! i've been spending the past weeks blindly. better start early or i'll have to bring it overseas with me! ): -cries.
i really hate the trip. someone save me from going there! how can i even survive. this whole things sucks. i hate it. please.. bring me outta here.
3:46 PM
BIG NEWS.i ponned ballet. HEH. MISS WAITENG. IT'S VERY RARE THAT I PON OK. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS YEAR. (at least there's a purpose). SO PLEASE STOP MAKING STUPID COMMENTS AT MY EAR.anw, im at waiteng's house now and we're going out to meet chishun wenxun and tingshan i think to buy some weirdo presents. and we're supposed to leave soon.but me and waiteng are getting real lame and high and we're kinda trying too hard to get a pual twohill look since both our hairs are freaking wet now. PLEASE dont get the wrong idea that im a fan of me. im NEVER a fan of singapore idol. (and dont mention primary school thanks. =/)
oh. before every sentence that we say we'll just mess up each other's hair. i dont know why. I SERIOUSLY SWEAR (im sorry) THAT IT WAS WAITENG'S IDEA. NOT MINE. I NEVER DO SUCH CHILDISH STUFF REALLY.
and im going with shopping with my mummy later! xD after buying stuff with them. tho i really wanna cath x men 2. but i can always watch it another time. whee~and i just found out how expensive that huuuge spongebob was. so THANKYOU MUMMY.
Saturday, June 10
9:00 PM
aw. such fattening stuff.
me chewy and char. tho it's kinda dark.
eileen looks so scary here! with her VIOLET hair. x)
dynamic on stage! (:
I LOVE YOU GUYS. =Dthat's our wonderful dynamic family. (:it hurt so much to even talk about the past. i hate you. i hate you for disappointing me that way. i wish that we could go back to those times where we were in the apartment in australia, where we were one big family. i loved you so much. and look what you've done. i doubt you'd even know that you have hurt me so deeply.
Friday, June 9
10:44 PM
NEW BLOG. i randomly chose green. (:
and some tag replies. to commemorate the rare post of my dearest STITCH.oh well. i just love you guys for always being there for me. (:
lorraine and everyone else whom i didnt reply sms to:
i really thank all you people for the countless support that you've given to me and dynamic. im really sorry if you people had smsed and yet i didnt reply cause. i guess i was kinda busy and there wasnt enough time to reply everyone. ): im sorry. but no matter what, i love you guys. =D
EVERYONE LOVES IT THE TURTLE! =DD (cause it's green?)
it's just too difficult for me to say all those out. everyone else knows how disappointed i am with you. i really wanted and i NEEDED you to come. what;s with the materialistic icon. gosh. how i wish you'd be just like before. way before you even knew her.
7:51 PM
in my field of paper flower
and candy clouds of lullaby
i lie inside myself for hours
and watch my pruple sky fly over me
5:52 PM

thanks everyone. for everything that you've done for me.
alas. the end of dynamic. ):
though we didnt win anything, at least we got thru the finals! all the time we spent together, the hours of training, the stayovers and chewy's house. it got us really bonded now.
i dont really care about winning. we already had this feeling that we wont win yesterday. i cried not because we lost, but because it marks the end of everything.
but whatever. i love all you people who came down to support us yesterday!!
serena libing amanda yuky who came down to support and the roses! wenmin for the card, and ALL the sec ones for the hamper! =D
nura and cheryl yong who came down to support too! (:
sec fours for making us the cardboard thing. (:
my dearest caroline melissa jeanette and merilyn for rushing down after training and running all the way from the mrt. =D
wugui for smsing me all the way from thailand!
xinrui and lydia for wanting to share the pretzel and ice cream with me! (:
charmaine and yiying for going down there.
karina mariaa roslyn clara ella mujia for supprting
charmain and her little sister for the marshmallows, rose and bouquet of handmade flowers. =D
waiteng chishun robin jianfa wenxun yingjie for the ballon turtle!! (: and the huge sunflower. and the star. the one that chewy also has. =D
ryan bryan joshua qiming mr goh weiping.
and MY MUM. for the cutest big sized spongebob!!!! <3
and everyone else who smsed to cheer us on!!
alright i know i've definately miss out many people but do tell me! and i'll include your name! (:
Thursday, June 8
10:10 AM
and it's like 10.10. we woke at around 7 plus and ate our breakfast.
haha. i was sleeping untill char and arica woke me up! ): lol. and everyone started blogging, taking turns. lol. feeling so retarded and random now. cant wait for time to quickly pass!
zhiyun's MY date!, the SIR
IM the MADAM. (:
chewy and melodie are our kids! and i always cut up the fishballs for them! x)
arica's our maid (also known as the POO POO maid. i named it!)
char's our kid's tutor
julyn the PIG who shows her undies!
eileen's our FEMALE dog, also known as bitch! with violet's force fields
our DYNAMIC family!
if you do notice, all dynamic members have the same post as above cause we all copied it from tayzhiyun's blog AGAIN.((:
cant belive that it's in a few hours time... SOS. before i hyperventilate. =D
PEOPLE! dont forgot our flowers!! or we'll all be really sad!!
i really hope that everything will go well! but at least for now, im having much fun at chewy's house!!
there were a few comical things that happened yesterday. at first it was charmaine. chewy's brother said that he had to go out and wanted to bathe first. then blur charmaine didnt know so she just turned around and went like. I WANT TO GO SECOND. it's so retarded! i think her brother was really amused.
then it was me. ): we watched incredible tales yesterday.. and obviously everyone knows that i rarely watch horror shows. so it's like i kept whining that i wanted to sleep and all that. then there was this scene where i thought that it's going to show the ghost scene so i hid under the blanket... to find out that it was advertisment. -.-
I WAS SO MALU-ATED! and everyone laughed at me. EVEN CHEWY'S BROTHER.
oh freak. ):
forget it. let's pray really hard for dance later.. and that the CLOTH will really help! x)
Tuesday, June 6
9:41 PM
COPIED FROM TAYZHIYUN (: (because she told me to read)
thankyou korwoong for fetching me all the way home :D
haha, it's always nice to have someone to moodswing with!
me and kw were suddenly very upset during dance
then the moment we stopped dancing and went to EAT
we IMMEDIATELY started smiling and laughing
food does wonder (:
talked to silly korwoong about alot
about the dance, the Bsquare (you know who right, BIT!)
and also about ---.
it's really nice to have another person whom you can rant to!
i love this 5-year-old idiot (((((:
a few corrections to make though.
1. i am NOT silly korwoong,
2. i am NOT an idiot.
and i cant remember everything that has happened so i'll just blog about today. (:
im feeling really drained out for dance, like i just cant do as good as the first few times. it's like even if it's the first round in the morning it's as if im just marking the whole thing.. it's just 2 more days before the real thing. maybe i should start physco'ing myself to dance well. ):
and i cant believe that we're going to meet him outside school tmrw! it's like so impossible. i dont quite have a good feeling about this weird ou de yang really. like as if there's something behind his kind acts. i still feel much safer when mrs foong is around. ): though i dont really like her at times.. if only she stayed longer and delay her REALLY important appointment with FRIENDS, maybe we would be staying in school tmrw, instead of meeting him OUTSIDE school. i should get that weird feeling out of my head NOW.
mrs tay zhi yun aka the tai tai went to cut her hair today. and chewy melo and me walked around the whole j8 feeling so tired. and MY DATE aka mrs tay zhi yun aka taitai left early for ballet!!! she left me alone being a third party to chewy and melo. ): i dont like my date anymore! haha.
anw i found out the chewy's a copycat! we have SO much in common that it's starting to be really freaking. we must have seen each other so many times before just that we didnt notice! we went to the same art class at the cc, we had the same piano teacher, we lookalike, and we think alike! gosh. that's so. eeeyurr. something's not right. hahahaha.
and me and zhiyun are observant people. x) and it actually happened two times. eek.
i think today's such a bad day after i left the dancers. i rushed all the way home to go studio wu and we were really late, so we hailed a cab. and in the cab waiteng called them to book the spaces and it was freaking FULL. so we turned to novena, and spent an extra $7 to eat kfc. YAY. such clever people.
and so we took a train back (zzzzz) and we decided that since we're not going anymore we should catch a movie! (: and so we went to watch bench warmers! omg it so so so so funny! everyone should go watch it really! haha. because enough bad things have been happening to me i decided that we should go in real early to prevent any other things from happening. and...
other than 2 old ladies.
so the movie was really funny but we were the only few laughing!! maybe because the older generation didnt understand what it was about. (there were more than 2 old ladies there btw). and maybe it was also too vulgar. HAH. but it totally made me forget about everything else and just laugh really hard. =D i enjoyed it alot alot.
and now i've got to pack ALOT of things for stayover!! all the dance costume blah blah. AND I WILL REMEMBER TO BRING MY JAZZ PANTS I PROMISE. and i'll not get bullied by you mean sec threes!! ( and im chewy and melo's mummy!! i'll go and feed them fishballs soon! (: )