Wednesday, May 31
10:49 PM
i think my tagboard's kinda interesting these days. (:
but to all acute members i think everything's over. (which is really good.) and to MR. ANON. heh. you were the one i blogged about, so you could just write your name there. i just didnt like the way you treated everyone. like telling my BEST FRIEND all about it, and saying things like thanks for being my friend when seriously everyone was like going wth when you said that. x)
i shant care about you anymore.
there's now this HUGE black patch on my knee thanks to the doctor. ): so ugly. and i know my brother's toe is looking really cute now. all fat and puffy. muahahaha.
my mum just send me a weird email about our trip to japan. ): it's like the 3rd time already!! i wonder why is she so crazy about going there. and we're going back to hokkaido the 2nd time. oh and cheryl's coming with us! =D it's going to be a little weird, but seriously i dont mind.
(do i?)
maybe it's time i grew up. things will not stay the same forever, apparently.
but whatever, all i know now is that i really do NOT want to go to disgusting japan. ok it's not really that disgusting, but going there for a 3rd time is so ewwwww. crap. i shall stop feeling so upset about the trip. it will pass really soon. i hope.
anw there will be dance prac tmrw! and the guy who's the organizer will be coming down to our school at 11! kinda looking forward to the whole thing, esp with our new radio!!
i really thank my mum ALOT ALOT for sponsering us that radio. (: at first i really wanted that PINK egg like one cause it's just so cute but it was out of stock already, so we took the other one which is sliver/white. it looks nice too, and the CD thing opens out in such a unique way, and the cassette tape holder is like at the back of the radio. IM SO EXCITED. -over a radio.
argh i think this post is just so random. OFF TO SLEEP.
Tuesday, May 30
6:51 PM
dance prelims.
it was like. WOW. i cant believe it alright!! anw, stayover was SUPER. we all had so much fun at chewy's house!!! and they were being HUGE bullies. ): so we went there after putting on all our makeup and costume blah blah, and we were so early we went over to compass point to eat kfc. it's like so lame! we have been "dieting" (in a way) for that special day and yet when we were ate chewy's house we ate spaghetti ok! and chips and all those wrong things! fattening food. ):
we were like all so scared and freaked out when it was our turn, and it's like our tube kept dropping! it was like so. ARGH. i dont even know how to say. just that i totally sucks. we didnt dance our full thing. and after that when we went back down everyone was going to cry.
for SO MANY DAYS. we have been practising VERY hard. and right on that very moment we have been training so hard for, our damn costume has to ruin everything. we should have known better to have more full dress rehearsals. ):
and by the time we were out of the theatrette we all couldnt hold our tears back any longer and we just broke down. i mean i know everyone was staring but whatever. if we lost this just because of that then i think it's so not worth it.
BUT. a judge came out and talked to us and said that he wanted us to perform for him in another hip hop competition and the last thing that he said to us was SEE YOU IN THE FINALS. everyone went like OMG and i so wanted to scream! and the BEST thing that could happen, was a mrs foong coming in our way, saying things like OH, IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU DONT WIN. and how glad she is that the people didnt announce our school name because our costume was too REVEALING and it was EMBARRASSING for us to cry there. YAY, im so glad the school gave us such a WONDERFUL teacher ic. -claps.
but whatever the outcome of the finals, i really want to thank all those people who came to support us for the prelim rounds. i cant really name all but i saw clara, karina, charmaine(huiling), chishun, barry, wenxun, felicia and others, and the bballers and my dearest wugui.
huiling thanks for coming, it was really great to see you there again! (: and to the bballers, i LOVE you guys. even though your were late and didnt catch it, i was really happy to know that you people came. (: -HUG.
and felica and other random cedarians (which includes yiying). THANKS. =DDD
i was screaming into the phone when zhiyun called me to say that. it's just like. AHHHHHH. WE GOT IN. everyone just couldnt believe it! (the judge didnt lie! =D) so now, we shall all start practising again! oh man. I JUST LOVE DYNAMIC/DYNAMITE. haha. the mixing up of names is so retarded.
ACUTE please dont be too sad that you people cant get in and everything. i seriously think that you people deserve to win much more than waiteng-you-know-who. i guess all those quarrels are over now i think you people will get back what you deserve soon.
alright. it goes out to ALMOST all acute members. other than one super disgusting one which both waiteng and doro doesnt really like and yet she tries so hard to act and everything when seriously she shouldnt cause it's just so. EW.
dance today.
it was GOOD. at last, problems resolved and solutions and everything, dancers and at last bonded!! accomplished.
and now. i seriously LOVE dance. i think that it's really good that all the problems were said out and we all solved it. and im supposed to plan the angel and mortal thing. we're also having dance lunch and we're all going to be there so that no one will be late for stretching!! i cant wait for school to reopen, so that we can see how well everything goes. (:
and the part where mrs foong came in a few minutes before dance end was so scary! we all practically jumped up and started screaming and all. (SHHHH. i shall not elaborate! xD)
anw, im VERY looking forward to thurday too! where i'll get to see all the dancers again!
and now for the biggest news ever...
some people can just be that irritating. you shouldn’t bother about them. Since you know that it was him who was in the wrong, it isn’t your fault that you pointed it out to him. He’s just biased and all cause maybe he isn’t happy that you actually said that about him. And others just follow the crowd. Which is so much worse, cause they don’t even have brains to think for themselves what they think is right or wrong. and for you. you could seriously just F off. i hate you so much. it's like i've never hated anyone as much as you. thanks a lot. for ruining MY friendship, HIS future, and every other GREAT and WONDERFUL things that you can do for others. like stuffing words into others mouth, where you'll become the loveliest person in the whole situation. I HATE YOU. thanks for making all my friends cry.
and we'll appreciate it so much more if you had pretty flowers! x)
Thursday, May 25
9:02 PM
i still think we're not THAT's the first time we ever practised so hard for a competition
really really hope we get into the finals!
haha, come support us? (x
and buy us pretty flowers!
the memories/the sec4s stepped down today.
i'll really miss charmaine neo and beibei ):
and others! but i'm closer to the two of them.
and i'm proud of korwoong ((:
you'll make a good vice-capt!
dont worry so much, you silly girl!
and i'm waiting for her to come online and send me the videos we took today
i felt so insecure in that tube =/
but it didnt slip much, HAHA!
the glitter kept coming off ):
AND MADE US GLITTERY! and the toilet too :D
talking about toilets,
"there's bigger space to shit in that toilet"
i think korwoong's friends are so amusing ((:
so full of rubbish! HAHAHAHA.
me and korwoong kept laughing about what they said
korwoong was like telling me,
"eh, i got toilet paper. you have or not? dont have ah? YOU LOSE!"
so stupid! ((x
after it stopped raining
amadea accidentally stepped on one ):
poor snail! she thought it was just a shell
snails are so..interesting :D
you know what. those are ALL DIRECTLY COPIED FROM ZHIYUN'S BLOG.
i couldnt be bothered to type everything out. i only know that we kept laughing about the caroline's toilet paper thing! during dance we kept tip toe-ing to be taller than each other so as to imitate the oh-so-tall caroline. (:
oh! and we're commenting that all of them were towering over us in the toilet. (EXCEPT for little merilyn. xD)
hmm. tmrw's stayover at chewy's house!! cant wait! and. i havent got the PACKING LIST for the other dancers ready yet! that's really bad. and. EVERYTHING'S still in school! even my pencil case. so now im like the one in class with the messiest table and everything. that's really bad. and we're supposed to like bring rags to clean up the class tmrw. how to clean with everything still there! argh.
im still having much glitter all of myself, though bathing did help to take some away.
and i just found out that there are some people i really cant live without.
1. two-pians (the few of us)
whenever im crying they're forever there for me and it's like. so long as they're there i would just stop crying and laugh with them. =D i just love them SO much. i cant stand myself. i know that during cheerleading i broke down cause of stress and immediately when im with them i stopped crying. (: there's just something about them.
2. dynamite
ok whatever. it's basically the sec 3 dancers. i know that im really more close to them than everyone else but i just cant help it. when we all dance together, we'll just get really bonded what. anw, that's not the main point already. i just love them for always being there for me and everything. (:
Wednesday, May 24
8:52 PM
total up the number of hours we have been dancing since monday i think it's around 15 hours already.
but well, our enthu-ness always builds up when we hear songs from the CIP dance. ((: and my feet hurts ALOT ALOT ALOT. we used up half of the whole masking tape in like 2 days. stupid canteen floor. ):
we're like giving others free show everyday. so dumb. it's like during best practise day we dance in the hall and everyone can go there. then after school we dance in the canteen near the stairs. and everyone can see and hear us! but too bad. with such a lousy teacher IC what more can we ask for. we even need to like help her do errands before she'll give us the radio, when everyone's waiting for her. and the schedule for dance sessions in the holidays we have to fit HER's. like hello? the world doesnt revolve around you. -quoted.
we had lots of fun on the way home today! after drinking 2 bottles and 4 packets of drinks. =/ we were talking about arica's sister's name! she says that her chinese name is going to be yun ke. which is like the opposite of mine!! ((: how cool can that be!! and i cant really remember, but i know that some stupid joke about the toh to to thing. can you imagine anyone being known as toh toto. like. "HELLO! my name is toh toto!!" alright that's like super dumb! me and zhiyun couldnt stop laughing. so stupid ok! then their names all start with an A. so her baby sister's name is also going to be something that starts with a letter A. she says it might be ariel, but somehow i dont like that name as much.
i really enjoy watching disney chanel. =D i've been glued to it ever since i came home.
dance full dress tmrw!! glitter glitter and more glitter!! EVERYONE LISTEN UP. please do come and support us!! maybe tmrw like in the hall. BUT MAKE YOUR SATURDAY AFTERNOON FREE!! 1.30 pm at sengkang CC. (althought i dont quite know where that place is supposed to be..)
Tuesday, May 23
8:17 PM
now we've got our tubes, our make up, and our dance ALL ready!! and getting really excited about the whole thing now! cant wait for saturday!
just came back from our really LONG shopping trip. which was so much LONGER than the one on sunday. let's list down the places that we went to today.
1. plaza sing
2. we then walked to cine
3. heeren
4. kovan
it's quite far and i just reached home and my legs are killing me AGAIN. this also goes to show that the whole shopping thing kills legs. oh. and we kept wanting to eat but the fact that the thing is on saturday keeps us away from food. and arica kept saying that woman are fickle minded people cause we kept contradicting with ourselves and we cant decide on things easily. like. we wanted to eat at subway, then chewy said that we should wait till we get to kovan. when we reached kovan we wanted to eat the waffle, and we couldnt decide on the flavour. i wanted choc, but thought that kaya might be a little less fattening. and chewy ate choc, melo peanut butter.
i thought that maybe it wasnt that bad after all, that i wasnt eating choc, but in the end when chewy couldnt finish that small little piece of waffle i ate it. =X and the next thing we knew, we were at the sushi shop there deciding on what to eat, when a moment ago we said that the waffle was going to be the last thing we ate. hahaha. so we each bought, and went on to buy the tubes. (we got it at last!!)
but me and chewy just couldnt stand the temptation and we went back to eat sushi AGAIN!! haha. and that was when arica started her "we will still eat after we say we wont eat anymore" thing. xD and the meanest part was when she said sorry to chewy for suan-ning her but she had to because SOMEONE else is also like that. which was OBVIOUSLY ME! hmph! lol.
i then waited with chewy for her dad to send me home. ((: and we said that we're definately going to do sit ups and skip dinner today. for the sushi that we ate. but... i drank a little soup at home. (is that counted?) lol.
cant wait for the stayover at chewy's house this friday. IM IN CHARGE OF THE CHECKLIST! heh. it's quite dumb, to have checklists for a stayover. but it's JUST IN CASE someone forgets to bring something. and we're going to "clense" ourselves on friday. you know the thing where you eat nothing and just drink water the whole day so that you can blah blah blah. although we all know that it's just an excuse. heheheh.
btw, i've decided to name the guy hamster COOKIE, and the girl hamster RAISIN. ((: so that it's a mixture!!
thanks to chewy! and they're eating corn now!! super tiny!COUNTDOWN: FOUR MORE DAYS.
Monday, May 22
6:38 PM
oh my oh blog has been dead for like.. FIVE days.
which also means that this 144th post is going to be a REALLY long one. i cant really remember what happened, but i'll just blog the things with much significance.
cross country.45th position!! alright i improved by only 1 position but think further! i did not have any trainings like the other sports people and yet i could still improve and that goes to show that im good!! xD but i really love tiara for being there to run with me on that day. if not for her i would have really died halfway. it's like we kept encouraging each other and i felt a little guilty that i ran faster in the end and she got like 4 positions after me. im sorry, BUT THANK YOU TIARA! ((:oh i was dying after i finished cause i was down with flu but i kept on running, and the jeanette who got 11th was already there and she was holding me there, or else i would have fainted right on the spot and die forever. lol. i couldnt even walk properly and was wheezing. whatever that means.we went out after that and j8 was like SO empty, other than seeing many cedarians shopping there too. we watched OVER THE HEDGE and it is a MUST-SEE. it's super cute and i SOOOO love hammy!!!! argh. i just cant stand those super hyper cute little animals and all. =DDD oh and we didnt have enough of movies, and so everyone came over to my house and we watched a NC16 show. jeepers creepers 2. it's just a thriller but well, we had much fun screaming at those really disgusting scenes. the stinky smelly 7 of us just slacked on the bed and watched the movie and scream and hug and everything my maid thought that we were going crazy in the room. haha.TJC's really very nice!! oh my we were all REALLY impressed by their dance that we couldnt help but whine and whine that we wanted costumes and pretty as theirs and dance right on the spot. they really was of great inspiration and we suddenly felt quite confident of dance explosion. it's really your loss if you had missed their concert. (:meet the parents.ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. nothing to say other than,1. i cant believe i got a freaking C6 for my literature when i got A1 last year. (and the whole of 2p knows why because even my mother says she speaks better than TWM.)2. i should try and day dream less obvious in class next time. EVERYONE commented that i dream alot during class. ): i just cant help but to imagine things that might never happen when im bored.east coast.we met in the morning like at 8, and i thought i was counted as late already, untill we found out that stupid ADMIN and counsellor was like on the way and at home. and FOUR 13 buses left before they came. WOW. hmm. nothing much to blog about that, it's just random little things that made the whole time there really great. like saying sorry to everyone who passes by because we camped at the corridor like beggars, cs and sy's GREAT accident that scared all of us. and the really old funland above the bowling alley, and how ryan actually managed to strike, and jf rolling the bowling ball at ALL directions except to the pins.i just so love you people. (:shoppingimmediately at the thought of that word i can feel my legs go wobbly already. i will NEVER wear those kinda shoes to shopping again!! my and charmaine nearly died alright! we were walking in them from like afternoon untill 7 or 8 plus. when stupid melo was wearing sneakers. charmaine's heel was like so high alright. and mine. let's not talk about it. the main thing is that, our feet hurt so much that we actually took them out and walked barefooted around bugis. as in seriously just hold the shoes. and there were a few mean people who kept whispering things like. "hey they are not wearing shoes leh." in both chinese AND english. but whatever. we got our black tubes in the end anyway.and thank god that there is a creation of transportation called the cab, that allowed me to cab all the way home. (:we just danced and danced and danced the whole day away and im really dying. during best practise day wasnt that bad yet, we all were really enthu about the whole thing. but i guess the audience was quite bored, because we did nothing but the same thing over and over again. and some sorry. i couldnt get over my phobia of shoulder sit. i promise i'll definately get over that by like tmrw or something. im really sorry. and i'll trust that arica will never let me fall like the way i did that time.and we didnt go for laoshi's dance cause we still had much to do. the prelims are on like saturday and yet we're not done yet. we practised so hard our feet hurt and we had to bind them with masking tape over and over our poor blisters. and yet we could come up with nothing. we were so tired we didnt even want to stand up anymore, and everyone was on the verge of crying. eileen kept saying that she wanted to back out. even i felt so. but NO. we're not going to give up. we're going to work really hard and we're going to win it. (:but for now, i'd better tend to my poor dying feet.cookies and creamMY 2 DEARIE HAMSTERS! oh man i love jedidah! she just dropped by my class and passed me those 2 tiny little things!! (: oh and the guy's called cookie, and the girl is called cream! isnt it cute! eileen kinda decided on that. but chewy says that they should be called rum and raisin. SUGGESTIONS EVERYONE! then i'll decided again what i should call them (:tag repliesfiona: yes i'll relink you!JUL: we worked really hard today and we're going to get into the finals! (: huiyi: it's a turtle called IT! xD lookalike: we're definately going to work twice as hard! FIVE more days.mariaa: i LOVE all you people for my IT!ros: im going to buy the beatrice lookalike! (:cs: yupp. the almighty me. xDglad: sure!clara: no you're lovely too! haha. i know you werent angry. (:arica: we're going to get the shoulder sit right. ((:lalaDAH: wait. im sorry but who are you?? clues? haha.jedidah: I LOVE YOU! THANKS FOR COOKIES AND CREAM!i have a screwed up dance life for now. cheer is on 3rd june and nothing's done. PERSEVERE.
Wednesday, May 17
10:18 PM
i like post exam activities. (:
macbeth play was very nice today! it was so. different. haha. seeing all the sec 3 people on stage. then we had the cultural thing where we all did henna. =D caroline went to steal one of the tubes because we were drawing it ourselves. (: and im having a real henna ART, a haigui, and a SZT on my arms. =D yay. lol.
i learnt to play chinese chess today. (: like at last i understand the whole thing of how to walk in different ways. it's quite boring though, somehow. i think it's because me and LLG kept losing to wugui.
anw, i've decided that haigui shall be with me 24/7, no matter where i go. and im going to post a profile of my dearest haigui too! (it's name is called IT.) hail to all who bought me the turtle!! (: i really love it now. although i still want to beatrice look alike. xD
and clara's being very mean. im not going to blog what she says really! im not going to blog anything stupid such as secrets we're supposed to keep from the other cheerleaders about having too long a break. i really wont! i'll be VERY careful about what i blog now. lol.
and there's life saving skills tmrw. i wont die. at least for now. so i dont feel like going. im going to have a very bad headache tmrw. i know it. so i dont have to go. argh. im feeling very weird now if i wanna go to school. maybe i should lar. so that when im in danger i know how to save myself. (:
i'll give up anything and everything. all i ask for, is to dance.
Monday, May 15
7:14 PM
it's just 2 days. and yet SO many things have happened.
sundayi went to run 3km in the morning, and was quite satisfied with my timing. (: i think it was 16 plus minutes, and according to melissa, she says that it's able to pass the timing that they had to run. =D i hope that i would have the determination to complete cross country. as long as my position dont drop i'll be glad already.then i went for ballet. AND IT WAS THE WEIRDEST BALLET LESSON I'VE EVER HAD. so we were doing exercises at the barre, and i was standing beside the door, while chloe and bernice were stading in front of the door. there were this 2 guys who were in their mid-twenties and they kept looking through the door. but its quite common for people to look in so we didnt really care. but they were quite disturbing actually. and the moment they took out their camera, chloe screamed for miss nonis. and those 2 ran away.immediately miss nonis ran out to chase them but they ran away already, so she reported to the office as there were a few cases of flashes(ew) these days. and we continued our really short lesson and those people stupidly came back again! and this time miss nonis crept out and caught them by the collar. and she dragged them all the way to the office and all the police came blah blah. AND. the lesson ended.and those guys looked like they were drug addicts.mondaymerilyn was sick today and so she didnt come to school. ): but anw me and melissa were both. feeling the same way. hahaha. dont know how to say it but well, we were just feeling really distracted and everything we kept leaving class and spent time in the toilet. argh i just dont believe everything that's happening. it's just too weird.anw, lit is postponed to next term already. so we can do much better for it. (: cause there is more time. but it is only worth pathetic FIVE marks. im starting to wonder why should we put in so much effort since 5 marks is like. urgh. but well, our main aim is to have fun and get in for cultural week. so maybe it's worth it. afterall, it's with EIGHT LIVES. (and i just remember i havent really updated the photos like untill now so. err. i'll do it fast. im sorry. xD)dance explosion will be here soon, and waiteng's also joining. ruishan too. it's so weird to think that we were all together going through tons of dance competitions and now we're joining again, but competing against each other. i just cant stand this whole thing of having a competition against them. i rather we go back to those primary school days and dance in melody cove (hah it kinda feel weird to call such rooms in the primary school way). but well, i guess we will all do our best. i mean definately.i will not give in to you. i'll make sure that we all do way better than you do.tag repliescs: ew. you cant smack me.jul: yesyes. try and DONT REGRET. lol. my poor printer. ):wx: i didnt know it was that tiring! i was running rather than "marching"!ros: yes they are the same bunch of kids! just that there were many more others too.jedidah: YESYESYES. =DDD
Saturday, May 13
9:42 PM
i just danced the whole day. and im too tired to blog much already. -snores
why did you even have to appear in front of me again. the moment i saw you i felt very sick. so sick that i thought i was really going to puke. i had to go through so much just to forget everything that happened. at last, i could. and here you are. man. i dont even know why should i be caring so much about you when everyone else says that you are not worth it. yes. you are not worth it. but why cant i stop thinking about you. how i wish we could go back to the past. back to the time where we had so much fun together. i miss you. if only.. if only you were just like before.TAG REPLIESvengeance: no! how could i ever forget my dearest cheer capt. (: we will definatey inform you! im sorry about that bougai outing, but really. it was a failure one. (:
layeng: lol. you prefect larrrr. hahaha.
GA: hah sure. got over it already. (:
cs: hey hey. what's that **** for. -smack.
huiyi: =DDD
Friday, May 12
10:23 PM
my cousins are MAD. they just broke my printer!!!!!! argh. they used as a footrest and totally broke the cover! i dont know how to express my anger now but i can really conclude that i will NEVER in my life ever let them touch my com again. argh. argh. argh.
i hate them. just because their kids and they are of NO trouble so they get away with every freaking thing that just by putting up this im-really-sorry act and its ok. whatever. im gonna kill you. the next time i see you bunch of kids who are such. irritants.
breathe.dont care about them already. im not going to like them anymore. hmph.
Thursday, May 11
10:17 PM
Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oh.. Holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad dayALRIGHT. i didnt have a bad day after all. we did NOT have any lessons at all. that's supposed to be good right? i think. and i enjoyed dance. and im still not at home now. isnt this all supposed to be good?
heck. i've been always telling myself to treasure the good times with friends and NEVER make the same mistake of regretting it. but now when i try, i dont know how to. like. im already enjoying the times now, but i cant help but to want it to stay. i dont want things to pass by so quickly. but it is a fact that it is already may, and 2p's time together is getting lesser and lesser already. so why not we all just put aside those stupid and childish quarrels and get along with each other better?
it's just so depressing to think about the end of the year. i think i'll just break down and die in the middle of school and never wake up again to be a sec 3. hah. that's dumb. but i dont care. i just dont want to be in another class, when i already am in the same class for 2 years. that sucks.
and everything is going to change. there's no more
Wednesday, May 10
10:13 PM
me tiara melissa and merilyn went to kovan to eat and we were having so much fun just plain talking. we have been talking ever since we stepped into jeanette's house and untill the moment we left the place. we didnt even complete the second scene at all. we just. talked and talked and talked!
we talked so much that we couldnt stop and we just threw the whole thing away and went off to eat. AND TALK. i'd better not say what we talked about or else. the whole world will hate me. not. US.
and! im not going to talk to that irritating merilyn anymore! argh. just take it that i never admit to that before.
YES. i NEVER DID admit to that. NEVER.
3:16 PM
i can hear melissa and merilyn BLEATING behind! hahaha. it's so retarded alright. we're at last starting on our work now, cause we couldnt stop. err. bitching about everything just now. (According to them) and cherise have been updating us about the time because we didnt want to start work.
ok they are all eating ice cream now. so much for starting work. the only thing they did was to BLEAT. i shant feel bad about blogging now. xD
i think it's going to be quite good. and we will do the script really really well. with LOADS of link to the main topic, and not loose marks already. even though its only 5 marks and it is SO motivating us to work even harder, but well. we will try our best to perform on cultural week, although we will definately freak out on that day IF we really do perform.
we have been talking about cross country for the past dont know how long and we're all really freaked out about the positions and all. i think my position will really drop. better train these few days.. before i die and fall flat on my nose on that day.
and.. i thought the ice cream was supposed to help them to have more ideas, but now they're digressing again, and talking about the different school.
i shall NOT. loose out on eating the ice cream. (:
AND. im not really feeling bad, cause they are STILL talking and talking and talkin.
about melissa being a prefect and going late to school. (and then acting as if she was doing prefect duty. LOL.)
Tuesday, May 9
7:48 PM
many things happen today!!
let's start from the morning..
i thought i was late today! because the sun rose so early, and normally i would leave home before the sun rises, and the sun rose earlier today! so anyway i was earlier than usual today. that's good actually. the sun should rise earlier every day. (:
then we had lit lesson, and tiara said i should be clover! because i look. MOTHERLY. i should receive mothers' day gifts! like flowery dresses or something. hahaha. get the hint people. i mean no, not about the fact that i want some flowery dresses, but i should get roses. xD ok forget it. i cant wait for lit meeting tmrw! good there's no school. and we'll get to see wugui most prolly! if she's well by tmrw, i hope. or else. ):
and then it was the MANY people bougai outing that we had with 15 PEOPLE. poor maria and clara kept lying to themselves that there ARE 15 people there at pizza hut when we are only taking up a table of 6 people. we ate quite alot, or rather me and ros became couples, and ate couple's meal together! lol i know that maria kept laughing about it, and the waitress too. we talked about alot of teachers and how maria's class treated their poor teacher who kept crying and everything.
anw, beatrice came not long after her tuition and we kept the last piece of pizza left for her under a blakket (which was like a napkin) and a soup bowl that clara tried to balance with her head. hahaha. wonder what might happen if the bowl was smashed into pieces. but obviously, clara said that if the bowl was to really break, she would just walk pass and go like. oh! what a mess, and walk off. hahaha. she's a bimbo. xD ( i know if clara reads this she'll squeal....?)
then the dinosuar in a dinosuar egg left us early, after we came out of yamaha, with people jamming inside. they were playing semi charmed life, and it was so so so nice! (: we're going to be the audience when beat is going jamming.
and i just found out from them that i did a really stupid mistake. that time when we were having cheer prac at tpy stadium, me char waiteng and belle went out to eat, and yes , we ate for quite awhile. then when we came back they were practicing, quite hard i guess, so we felt quite bad that we went away , so we came up with this stupid lie saying the char had a stomach ache and so we went for so long. but then i didnt realise that i actually blogged that day and they all found out! i know that they are not angry but it's like i feel so dumb! but anw they also said that belle cant lie, cause she's a prefect and all. haha. so can i push the blame away? x)
and... NOVABELLE AND CLARA. i am not gullible alright! im smart. and im matured! maria says she only thinks that im a sec 3 because she knows that im not in her level, and clara thinks that i look like charmaine's classmate! that makes me a fake sec 4. HAH.
AND. i am not like clara, who screams after me and maria in esprit today when we left her alone there with beat and ros. maria was being so retarded cause i was screaming for help and she hid behind the bouquet of flowers outside coffe bean, bending down to hide from clara, who was grabbing my bag and not letting me go. when i dragged myself and clara to her she ran opposite and said to beat and ros, kee quiet! im hiding from clara! -.- haha. we were so retarded.
and maria also deprieved me from my drink and kept me really thirsty because she couldnt stop looking at her rings! and when we reached kfc after that, i was a LITTLE amazed by the toys that were for the kiddy meal. and that roslyn said that im like a little girl who gets amazed by little things. then how about that 5 year old karina! who canceled us to go and FLY KITE. and it was raining! we were talking about how they should fly karina instead. lol. and im not going to talk to her anymore! how could she! ):
alright i think this post is long enough already, so i dont wanna add the cheer in that has the go fly kite thing anymore. AND. the history pageant photos. im sorry..
Monday, May 8
9:46 PM
gosh it's so weird without her! it's like after school there's no one there. ): poor thing. she'd better get well soon. i've NEVER seen wugui cry before!! haha. idiotic merilyn cried too, cause she saw wugui cry. lol. get well soon!!
i've been MIA'ing for the past few days, cause i was hooked on the the tv. i cant stop watching those addictive korean drama's! all thanks to my dearest mum. it's super nice and the characters are SO CUTE! =D shall get back to watching them really soon!
i cant wait for lit lesson tmrw! we're doing animal farm, and EIGHT LIVES are back together again! although tanweimin already said that the groups are supposed to be from 5-6, and she was kind enough to let us have 7 in the group, we really wanted cherise back with us! it's no longer eight lives without cherise. we're going to have 8. we all cant be bothered already. (:
and tmrw's like the last day for proper lessons for the semester! cause wed's an off day, then post exam activities start on thurday! yes that's so good right. the holidays are coming!
and i so cant wait.
AND. bougai outing tmrw! yes i love all of you!
Friday, May 5
10:54 PM
2P is now,
i dont know. guess history pageant was really important to all of us, so important that i split-ted the class into 2 big groups. but well, im alright with anything and everything, so long as lay eng's group won the pageant. (:
well, i guess im loving 2P more and more and more and more! especially people like class pet and tong tong, they're just so cute and everything! you just wont get bored of their cute-ness. =D
i hated today's EVACUATION. it was so irritating alright! because the bus stops were jammed with cedarians, and it took us THREE buses before we could board one and get us to the MRT station. we went to ps after that and ate pizza hut, WHEN we all obviously know that we are already broke. -.- how dumb can we get. and plus some stupid GST and service charge it was quite expensive and all, and to them, it wasnt filling enough, when i was alreayd bloated.
so we walked around, and met ella and xinya! doing some IPW and ella poking her nose around, according to xinya. haha. then back to basement, to EAT. ate at kfc, where we were pouring out all our money to get more food.
nothing much happened there. really. nothing happened. (other than some things.. i shant say. =X caroline was being a huuuge MEANie.)
am in waiteng's house now, still, with my cousin right beside me staring into this post. lol. that idiot is outside watching tv. the dance chereographed is quite nice actually. (: and im bored, and tired. we just finished raiding her disgustingly EMPTY kitchen, and i was scooping out crumbs from the stupid container, and my cousin and waiteng actually ganged up against me to say that i squashed the damn container. (and the moron is now standing right behind me, telling me not to deny the fact that i did squash the container. W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R.) LOL.
alright! back to dance. LOVE the song. =D
Thursday, May 4
10:12 PM
the wire tripped and the whole house blackout-ed, and, i've got to retype the whole stupid post.
I WAS LATE FOR SCHOOL TODAY. because, the tyre punctured. and. TAXI drivers and so irritating! they purposely didnt want to pick me up and their line is forever busy! its like i called for 10 minutes and at last! they picked up, and i waited for another 5 mins, and they told me that they're sorry cause no cabs are available. YAY.anw we were late, but it was quite fun though, i've never been to school myself before.i think waiteng's family hates me.father: he always asks why is this girl here when i get in the car, and always wants me to get out! but then he'll laugh after that. -.-mother: she calls me a retardel/retardee/retardlet. she's the real one!brother: he told me and waiteng to get out yesterday! and today the 3 of us were RED. OH. he and his disgusting pile of tissues.waiteng:forget it. she's the most retarded.but well, why do i love all of them? (:
Wednesday, May 3
8:51 PM
ouch. there's a huge blister on my big toe! what happened to my favourite shoes! ): how can it let my toe have a huugge blister.
alright forget it. i forgot what happened today already, but the only thing i know is that i hate that NEVER SAY DIE SHOW. yuck yuck yuck! the people looked as if they went on stage without preparing. alright i know they did but well.
cheryl called me a meanie mouse number 2 yesterday just because i didnt want to buy shaker fries! hey that's so unfair! lol. but anw its like really fun together with the few of them so. (:
and there's dance tmrw. oh yes! i remember why i was so emo today already. lol. im happy now, so i shant talk about it.
oh yes! please link to tiara's blog for the photos cause im sending it to her to put up in another image station cause mine went crazy. (:
Tuesday, May 2
10:05 PM

with all the specs and brown eyeshadow.

and mandy
yes you'll get more of EIGHT LIVES tmrw. I PROMISE. (:
8:40 PM
alright i was looking forward to it the whole LOOOONG day that i dont really remember what was happening the whole day.
AND YES. we drank our dearest REDBULL today during geog lesson (when misswan gave us time to prepare). and i dont like it. it tastes so weird! and that caroline immediately go crazy after she drank it, and crazy melissa was drinking non-stop! and everyone else was screaming for her to stop before she finishes to whole bottle. we left the class in our disgusting ahmah clothes and the brown DIRT makeup!! =D
i was really going bonkers in the AS and i really was going to hyper ventilate. hahaha. i was fumbling with the whole mess of cards and masking tape trying to get all the characters and roles correct. after class pet's group was ours. and so.. it was our turn.
i dont know if it was good ornt, but i definately heard much laughter. it can be so much better! damn the music. im sorry everyone. blech. im a lousy music co-ordinator who left the most important wire at tiara's house. ): the music was so soft and everything, and the only song that could be heard was the JJ lin's song. survival, slave song and the dance song was so soft! especially overnow. it was all crap. the music could totally bring up the mood! it was so good during rehersals..
but forget it! i bet it was entertaining, somehow. (: so let's wait for friday for the 2 other teams and the results! our theme wasnt exactly strong, but at least, according to jeanette, we're charismatic. oh forget it. it's over. no matter we win our not, i still LOVE our group!! err. 8 lives? =D
im suddenly missing primary school life. alright im weird. i miss dancing on that stupid stage!! and the melody cove place, where we even know the code for the door. xD
argh im practically missing everyone and everywhere. my favourite spot outside the class, the gym mats beside the assembly area, the netball court where we train (it was painted just for US. our batch.) the smelly canteen where we'll walk barefooted during dance breaks, miss choo's HOD table where we always slack and pack her table for her, miss tan's table where GB dancers will always be there, chapel which i love to go to every tuesday and on and on..
and you..TAG REPLIESclara: ohmy! such horny pictures. hahaha.maria: i got your mop headed photo! =D posting it soon!vengeance: HEY! im sorry!! i just found out that it really has no dates. xDcs: hah you lamer.weejiayin: YES I CAN SEE! you have green pen green shoes green bag blah blah. haha.
Monday, May 1
9:45 PM
hah. i suddenly remembered that i havent blogged today.
went to tiara's house after piano lesson today and we had a great time! =D it was damn fun at her house alright!
so, we walked to her house which was like miles away and we were VERY tired. we stopped at some friend of jeanette and tiara's house before going. their houses are HUUUGE.
well. tiara has a MALE dog called mandy. lol that is so weird. i LOVE her house, although we made a total mess of it! and we kept dropping her WEIRD hairdyer. lol. it has no tube, and you have to put your head under the machine, like those in public toilets. lol.
we went to the carpart of her apartment house to do, and everyone could see us. but well, there are only NINE families living there. AND. the pizza man walked right pass up to her house upstairs when we were so hungry!! we had to finish all the work before we could eat, untill tiara's mommie called us from the third floor to the carpark for us to go up and eat our delicious pizza. =D
oh and i remember myself whining because they didnt have a lift, and got suan-ned by everyone saying that its because the whole apartment was only 3 stories high. xD
we're going to make it BIG tmrw! cause we're having..
HAHAHA. tiara's gonna bring a can, and we're all sharing it! lalalala. then me and mer bought sweets for everyone! glucose intake. (:
i cant wait for tmrw really. its like the very first time we're putting our heart and soul totally into doing the whole thing, the props the skit and all.. so. we're gonna do our best best best! all the way everyone! =D
we really worked very hard for this stupid history thing. and the dance! the super retro dance! that we made and completed it in 10 minutes.
stay tuned for the photos at tiara's house! =D