Sunday, April 30
1:00 PM
so what happened yesterday? stupid ballet teacher. hahahah. alright she's quite nice, so i shant be that bad, other than the fact that EVERYONE was really tired.
went to caroline's house for IPW. and we completed. err. group response. right.. ok that's quite good. we did something at least. (: then we started using her IMAC and took some really idiotic photos again. (JEANETTE'S MIRROR IMAGE FACE!) hahaha. alright.
left her house with mel and mer and we met waiteng at j8 before going to eat dinner together. =D well. food again. we ate at mos.. and... err...
lets not talk about what we ate. obviously waiteng was amazed by the amount of food that we ate. lol. mer and mel were so amazed that she doesnt eat recess when her school food is so yummy!
we gave the stars to the bubble tea shop auntie and she was very very happy! felt happy that she felt happy. =D she was like telling her sons that we gave her a present and her own kids only know how to spend her money. lol. and she's gonna treat us to food later! (cause she says that if we dont, she will return us the present.)
and there's disgusting ballet again. (its not that bad but im just tired) and my brother's friends are still pigging in the room and i cant get in to enjoy the aircon cause my room and his room's aircon isnt working.
feeling very restless.TAG REPLIESmaria: I WANT YOUR MOP HEAD PHOTO! and i linked and saw your post! im already missing everyone. ):abby: LINKED.SHIYUAN: LINKED TOO.clara: i want the photos with maria and mop head and you and BAE-trice!! xDbev: blech. i think exams are disgusting. will you all still be coming for dance? ):ella: YES YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HOW WE SQUEEZE.xinya: and we're having it again on thursday! dont hate mass dance alright? hahaha.
Friday, April 28
7:50 PM
my THIRD post.
yes, this shows how bored i am, but i didnt exactly want to blog now but they made me to.
right. and AGAIN. the food thing. gosh we ate like crazy. and i mean it.
i thought i just promised myself never to go on a food spree anymore. obviously.. BUT it wasnt supposed to be! cause we didnt have lunch, so, we ate at mos. mel was super scary alright! she was so hungry she didnt talk at all. untill she finished her food. ours just came and she have already finished hers and wanting more! gosh. and guess what happened next.
we went over the macs and ate again!! i was supposed to share mac wings with mel but i was too full to eat anything already! so i gave them to mer, who ate it real quick. lol. mer had the talk about food that day for english speech and it was SUPER funny! i guess the class doesnt understand what she meant but we were laughing like crazy when she was saying all that with those cute expressions.
but after that was so irritatingly emo. im gonna hate EOY. really. that sucks ok. after all the tests 2P's gonna seperate for good. crap. i so love 2P!! ):
let's name the people who's cute:
1. JEANETTE LIM. gosh i cant stand her. influenced my caroline
2. WUGUI. -high pitched shierk. she's the cutest thing on earth!
3. CLASS PET. cant believe she's my partner! i'd fail lab work w/o her.
4. HATIEW. caroline claims that she act cute one. hahahaha.
that's only the cute section. shall name the others REAL soon. =D
3:09 PM
alright i know just posted like a few minutes ago, but well. i shall rant again.
i thought that we could leave school at 3, which is 5 mins ago, to find out that caroline still had to do her pro desktop cause her remedial just ended. WTH. and now, we've to wait for her to do.
its partly my fault, cause i dropped the paper with grace's password...
sorry. invader.
with grace's password on the floor. ): im sorry caroline but i'll help you finish the last few steps anw.
crap. there was just some scary noice from the damned window. eeeeee.
right. invader again.
well, i dont feel like havnig piano lesson today AT ALL. maybe i shall change the lesson already, but its like we've missed 2 so.. and next week. forget it. next week have THREE lessons. die. forget it.
alright they are here already, and we just watched bougai's video!!!
whoever who wants to go can link to belle's blog to download and watch!!!
NOVABELLE'S blog. remember. AND WATCH IT.
HELLOS. i am the second invader to. um. invade here. i shall not give my name cause its too nice to put up. heh heh heh. anyways i'm like sitting here typing nonsense. i am seriously bored. and tired. ok whatever. i wanna go home and sleep. now. today's lessons were SUPER boring lah. wah lau. having science and english BACK TO BACK is the worst arrangement in the history of mankind. or of education or whatever. it just sucks.
2:33 PM
yup. and im still in school, waiting for the others to finish the stupid pro desktop. its so not pro at all. i finished it yesterday, within the 1 and a half hours given to us, BUT. i'll still fail it no matter what. i made a mistake by following the stupid guide completely and im gonna get 0 for creativity. i can do it now, and get a passing score. but well. forget it. and i dont have anything with me now.
i just remembered that i had forgotten to blog about what happened yesterday morning! hahaha. i was a good samaritan. =D we were already in the car and there was this stupid jam on the road to school, when suddenly caroline called me to say that she was stuck in PP mrt station, and asked if i could fetch them. so yup, we went over, to find out that..
ok maybe it isnt alot to many other people, but if you know me well and have seen my car before, you will know that my car is small, and it was supopsed to be only for the most 4 people. even with 2 people sitting at the back of the car its a little squashed around the head, cause yah. its not supposed to fetch people at the back. so, there was already me and merilyn at the back, and cheryl sitting at the front. and another 5 people...
but we had no choice. so in they came. and we were VERY SQUASHED UP. my back was totally jammed into the side and i could feel the remote control poking into my back, and i was partially squatting. then it was merilyn, with her bag and caroline's metal bag on her. cheryl koh was squeezed in between merilyn and reena. and poor reena had the other cheryl lee on her lap. and yes, her legs were getting SO numb. hahah. then at the front was caroline, with a sec 1 junior whom she dont even know. and that girl didnt know that once my father breaks the car she's gonna smash into the windscreen ahead.
caroline was practically hugging someone that she didnt even know.
its illegal but well. saving 5 people from getting sick.
anw, we had 9 people in a car for 4. that's ALOT for a 2 door car. we decided to stop at the church there because we were quite near from school and if we continued staying in the car we would be really late. and anw the rain miraculously stopped at that time.
and it was the first time i walked into school in the morning. (: i remember how many excuses i used to come up with just to take the school bus with merilyn. but my dad just wouldnt allow. and so. im a kind person who helps others. (though it was my dad who's driving.)
(i just asked mel what happened today so i can blog more and she said "IM VERY IRRITATED." from this i can infer that pro desktop is completely idiotic.
alright im brainstorming on what to blog now because im really bored, waiting them to finish their product and caroline to come out from her maths remedial before we can go eat. (pasta mania AGAIN. i guess) and dont know if jeanette's gonna come along with us.
i think i dread tonight. my brother's friends are going to come for a stayover and their playing mahjong. crap. maybe i should follow caroline's mother, storm into the room and flip the whole table over and shout at them. (violence) but i think before i can even reach the table i'll be shoo-ed out already. lol.
Thursday, April 27
7:33 PM
guess what mr chan said. -grins.
he's back for pe! at last. and we'e having soccer!! actually i suck at soccer. i could still remember how my brother used to try and teach me when i was young, by kicking the ball to me and getting me to pass it back. but well, the ball's always out of sight after i kick it.
anw, the main thing is that he scolded the class for talking too much and said that they should respect and listen to me! xD lalala. i really really like him. (: hmm i think everyone knows. lol.
i cant wait for dance module! seems like the whole class is going to dread pe other than me. =D i cant wait!
dance was really fun today! me and eileen are. plain dumb. haha!! its like we were waiting for mrs foong to open to door for us and we were sitting outside AS1 like 2 retards. we kept whining and complaining that mrs foong was taking a really long time. then eileen just randomly said that what if the door was open. and indeed. the door IS open. -smacks forehead.
we cheoreographed the next few sets of the dancer's dance and its really really fun fun fun! =D i love the dance now! we actually had this dance for some summer fit thing, performance outdoors. but the performance date is like 26 may and they wanted the dance to be around 20-30 mins. they felt that it was too long so we didnt do it in the end. ): i kinda wanted to perform but well. forget it.
i cant wait to see those little kids for cedar primary. their going to learn a dance with the song tarzan and jane!! (at least its not the dancer's dance with the song that makes xinya VERY crazy.)
mass dance was chereographed by the sec twos. but i wasnt there cause i was with eileen doing the other one. hope the dancer's arnt angry with me or anything. -crosses fingers. sorry sec twos. xinya and cheryl yong wasnt looking very happy. although i know what's the main reason of them getting irritated.
my dearest LLG wrote me a card today! im going to dedicate a post to her someday. (:
back to this blogskin! cause i think it looks nice. afterall, it was on IN newspaper on monday with its "owner"! thank god i didnt take away any of the credits or what.
maybe i was wrong.maybe you can be trusted.maybe it was the others who caused all these.who can tell me the truth?
Wednesday, April 26
9:50 PM
i feel so pathetic with my stupid braces, i couldnt even eat sweets! my brother had to like bite the sweet into half before giving it to me to chew it. gosh i feel like a baby. haha.
my brother's super embarrassing ok! its like we saw this neighbour of mine and he went to say hello and goodnight and all that crap. and it was like. -.- he's just super embarrassing ok.
thank god for giving me such great friends, really. i was being really emotional in school and they kept crapping and all and started making me laugh.
exams were great. so great, i hate it. and LIT. i hate misstan. shit her. she failed me for the unseen poem. 14 people failed in our class. and she said that it wasnt bad. the other class had 20 failuers. so that's how great she teach. and she's always on mc! we have 3 lessons and she only comes for 1 lesson. this is a very first time that i failed lit, and im going to make sure that i dont fail it anymore. crap teacher.
i met amadea at the bustop outside school. and that crazy girl was dripping wet. she likes walking in the rain. well.. haha. we then decided to go j8 but that girl had to go home to change first. obviously we went to her house and never left. lol. its like we went inside and i felt like at least we're home, cause it was SO warm. (:
house-wifey amadea then cooked pasta!! it rocks. i've never liked pasta all my life but i really like the one that she cooked! according to her, its been a long time since she cooked pasta for someone else since roslyn said that she can only cook pasta. (i feel honoured). we were being really mean by going through people's friendster and we were laughing at them like crazy. hah. i like hanging out at her house. (:
i guess if i hadnt had such friends like them i would have died of dehydration of the eyes. lol.
if i look like i got over this whole thing,then you're wrong.dont think that you are the only one who's been hurt.i've been hurt so many more times before,just that you dont know.well,even if you do,you already have someone else by your side.someone else other than me.if you think that i really liked to breakaway,then you dont know me well.tag replieschewy: yesyes! tmrw! (: cant wait!wx: hey. i am!xinya: hello! the present isnt really nice. but well. hope you like it anw! =D***: dearest!! (: of course i love you! what suprises? LOVE YOU LOTS. (you werent loyal today. you like charlene! xD)chouyun: hey! how did you find my blog? haha. its someone else with the same initials!
Tuesday, April 25
10:15 PM
they said i've matured. (: well, i always am.
for once i've decided, that this time, im gonna have it my way.
and no one's gonna stop me.
everyone knows. i dont have to say.
even you know yourself, what's the real truth behind all the lies.
so why should i argue so much,
when i already know what's behind all these masks.
we know each other so well,
that we know what you must have said,
those words, so hurtful.
yet we still did it.
i was once the one that you relied on.
and you were also the one that i had trusted upon.
forget it.
why cling on,
when the road ahead's clear.
it's my turn now.
no matter what the outcome,i'll forever remember you.
4:56 PM
remebering the advertisment about the movie of your life, i think mine will be a really great movie. let's say it'll be entitled "the life of tankorwoong." and it'll start from there. how great will that be.
sometimes my life is just too interesting for me to bear. there are rarely times where i'd say life sucks and all, because as much as it sucks at times, i still have many great things in return for the moment of sadness. take example school. as much as i hate lessons, i love all my friends. so i go to school for the boring lessons, and in return get to hang out with all my wonderful friends.
that's why i've learn to take things easy. sometimes you just have to let go. maybe it just isnt right for you, or the fate between two has ended. even if you try as hard to hold it back, things will still be the way it has to be. at the end of the day, why not leave yourself with wonderful memories of time you spent together, rather than the last quarrel you had.
and a way to remember these precious memories.. is.. PHOTOGRAPHS!'ll forever remember bougai 06'. thanks for all you people have done for me. life without cheer is getting weird.
Monday, April 24
9:19 PM
i was going to pon school today, untill i thought about how fun it could be... (crap. i was going to upload the photos and i couldnt!)
anw i will upload soon. when blogger decides to be nicer to be. (:
lessons were super slack today, science lab, free period, music lesson, reading. eng was fun. we did the speech in the com lab and i was with jeanette all the while googling names, so it wasnt that bad. xD then we were late for maths. throughout the whole period of maths and though it was boring during chinese, i survived. (:
we completed history pageant, and took many photos! then we ate kfc, and ate like crazy. CRAZY. AGAIN. the whole table was filled with food!! and there were others staring at us, as they were only eating like.. a small pathetic fillet buger. lol. melissa and caroline could still eat another piece of chicken and merilyn ate another desert pie, when i was dying of my cheese fries. hahaa.
im trying so hard to upload those irritating photos but i cant! am im going to smash this com anytime.. but well, i love all of them!! kfc trip was really funny! =D
Sunday, April 23
9:39 PM
i have nothing to say already.
so please stop it.
i dont know what you are thinking about.
i dont even think i know you.
all you people can just leave for all i care.
i give up.
i dont deserve you to treat me like that.
you'll regret doing this.
someday, you will.
tag replies:wt: good luck for your cheer too!
ahmad: hello. and i like your sis. (:
inezlau: THANKS! (: -loves
cs: sorry! you didnt sound like yourself..
liyana: haha. =D
roslyn: YOU MOUSE! thanks for everything too!! love you! (:
jamien: MY DEAREST LIFESAVER. =D i bought you something!
Saturday, April 22
9:45 PM
cheer's over. and we got 3RD!! (: im glad with the results. no comments, cause from the video, it was purrrrr-fect. and the last stunt was super good! cause i could see from the top! =D
im sorry everyone, i guess im not a good vice capt. i cried like four times BEFORE the real thing, and yet not even once after the thing, cause it was good!! thanks everyone, for comforting me somehow. esp all the cheerleaders and mel they all who made me laugh. (: if there is ever going to be a next time, i promise i wont cry that much anymore.
i was really VERY tired yesterday. i didnt even have time to stay for the results cause i was 40 mins late for founders day. i thought i really hated to go cause i wanted to stay for everything, but i liked going out with cheryl and liyana!! i think they are really nice! (: ( looking forward to going out again!) we went to eat macs, and we all ate cheeseburger, with lesser fillings. hahahha. then after SOMEONE sent our dear cheryl home and me liyana and ahmad went home together. lol. i know liyana was very unwilling, BECAUSE cheryl made her so. hahaha. oh. and you two ar, I AM OLDER THAN YOU! so stop bullying me! hahaha.
i cant wait for bougai outing!! yanyi really brought the whole spirit of the crowd!! =D i love yanyi, and everyone else in bougai!
i slacked the whole day today. after such a long time i could sleep really well, untill around 11 plus. (: then i re-watched the whole of the liu xing hua yuan thing, which is sooooo long ago. but i found it quite nice and funny! sometimes its really fun to spend time alone. =D
i dont know what i did to deserve you to treat me like how you did. i just want to know the truth behind everything. cant you just tell me? it hurts more to listen the story from a second person..THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR MAKING SPORTS DAY SO ENJOYABLE!TAG REPLIESlayeng: THANKS!! i love the drink. hahaha. (:libing: hello!! i'll link you asap!cheryl: i'll link you. and how was your trip home? hahahbelle: i LOVE bougai too! =D***: thanks for everything! love you loads!yanyi: i love you! gosh. thanks for everything! i cant wait for bougai outing!!liyana: yesyes. i link all of you! (:
Thursday, April 20
9:54 PM
my stupid msn. they made me download this newer version of msn plus and now the chat boxes are not linked together, so there's like 5 windows opening. the old one only has one, and all the chats are like beside each other.
lessons were really enjoyable today, although i slept during lit lesson even though there's a test after school. (i really fell asleep, but she wasnt talking anyway. it was self study.) we talked during eng lesson, and it was very funny cause right after she scolded out table immediately they all grabbed their middle finger pen thing. hahaha. the pen is cute anw. then science we sat at the back of the class and were talking about everything but science. (:
dance was really fun too! its like freestyle. but it's also crying day. the atmosphere was weird, people cried. ): yiying is really scared of the sec threes. and arica dont be sad alright? it isnt really your fault..
i cant be a butterfly and i dont want to be a butterfly. i think i suck at freestyle. then laoshi was like saying we are really good at basketball, cause our ball never drops. and we're even better at badminton, cause the shuttlecock never reaches the ground. i partnered wen min! (: it was quite funny actually, if you dont know what we are doing with our imaginary sport.
im really full now. fish & co was really good. (: feeling fat though. hahaha. tmrw's cheer. and i dread tmrw. why do i have a feeling i'll break down tmrw? i dont want anything to happen like last year. i felt really bad cause i couldnt find my poms and wolfway was down. my knee's still hurt though, but i will get up anw. and my wrist. well, jerine isnt that heavy after all, i'll be able to lift her.
founder's day is such a spoil sport. i dont even wanna go. ):
i want to go for dinner with everyone else!!
melissa sipei grace and jeanette. BREAK THE RECORD TMRW!! =D jiayou runners!! (:
why am i feeling this way.
Wednesday, April 19
8:26 PM
yes, today's the last of cheer. -cries.
today was fun, at least happy. I FOUND MY MATHS 1 BOOK. hahaha. jamien took it and didnt know. thank god she found it (in her bag), or else i'll be now copying the WHOLE book again. lol. (:
i brought 5 small boxes of chocolates to school today, and i only ate a few!! no wonder everyone crowds around my table. food. the main attraction. hahas. im going to buy more! but most prolly i'll be bringing lemon mints tmrw! though i'll be bringing choco babies for merilyn!
our history pageant is going to be really good. and IM the music coo-ordinator! =D cheers to me. hahaha. i'll put in hardwork! and make it a real sucess!
today's love 2p day. cause suddenly we had this vibe. that we really like 2p. we have all the cute people actually. class pet was SO sacarstic today ok! cause gohchiewmoi talked to me about my skirt AGAIN, cause these people from 2M were being caught. but im serious! that i'll change my skirt. though she obviously doesnt think so. so i shierked at this stupid voice saying "ZHEN DE" really loud. hahahha. she grinned and walked away. xD and you know what THAT class pet said. she was like. "are you sure you're gonna change it?" and i was like "yes! why doesnt anyone believe me?!" and she said. "wow that's news." F-I-N-E.
but i like her anyway.
and we also have xinyi, the super pro guzheng player!! she played solo! on cny. so cool ok!! (: and she's very nice too. that time when caroline cried cause of her maths test. and she bought this huuuggee smiley face keychain for her! haha.
and then there's MANY MANY other really nice people!! well. that's lie everyone in 2p. (err. other than some..) and we're so going to cry at the end of the year. i dont want to change house. i dont want to change class. i dont want the sec fours to leave. i dont want to go into a total new scheme. gosh. im already hating the end of year.
and i think it's gonna be my last cheerleading UNLESS.
1. i get into bougai again,
2. i get into ixora with eileen as cheer capt.
3. rose with either char or chewy as capt.
4. garde with zhiyun as capt.
6. about ole. i dont know who's gonna be in there.
we're gonna miss cheer.
Tuesday, April 18
6:26 PM
im bored.

Your goddess groove is the Chart Toppin' Pop!

You're like the Jive!
What's Behind Your Emotions?
Why You Feel the Way You Do
Lalala, your emotions are triggered by your underlying belief in Compassion
What Dance Style Are You
Your Sense of Style makes you a real beauty
What Makes You a Real Beauty?
Brought to you by Tickle
Brought to you by Tickle
What's Your Goddess Groove?
Brought to you by Tickle

You've been crowned Miss Charisma
The Beauty Pageant Test
Brought to you by Tickle
5:48 PM
i've got 18/20 for geog!! (: IM LOVING IT. hahaha.
its the second time already, that i scored a high A1!! and i know that jeanette's jealous. xD i think im gonna like concentrate more on lit and geog. cause these are like the only 2 subjects that i can score well with. to hell with science and maths. ): im failing like crazy.
but these are the only two subjects that i can score! and im still rejoicing!. =D
wan yiling said that caroline looks like *******!! hahaha. (better not say it out..) it was so funny ok! its like everyone thinks so! and caroline deny. but seriously they look alike. caroline's so gonna be embarrassed!
i just finished my dinner. and my mum is being irritating. she's trying to TAKE CHARGE of my life! gosh. she PLANNED this dinner thing for me, and made sure that my maid cooks it so that its nutritious and THEREFORE. no more dinner outside. HOW CAN THIS BE! its like im used to eating out already.. im starting to feel like that jeanette, who goes home for sheperd's pie, CHEESE macaroni..
OH. she even decides on the scent of my candles in my room. it's supposed to be those strawberry candles (HAHA) and now she changes it to the lavender thing so that i can sleep better. -.- i still think strawberry smells nicer. AND ITS MY NOSE. cant i choose what i want.
*** says that im not being loyal. ): *** "gave up" bierry cause of me. hahahaha. we're being so retarded! but well, i WILL be loyal. xD
my knees are still hurting. but i promise that i will get well before sports day! and i have to. cause bougai's gonna win!! (i hope.)
Monday, April 17
7:48 PM
im so amazed by their blogs.
merilyn told me about some gay blog. and. well. i found it quite interesting. lol. hahaha. i guess it's time that people be more open to such stuff.
so, PE was boring again. ): mr chan is forever busy with his napfa!! and im getting so irritated!! i tried letting them play some other games, cause it is SO OBVIOUS that the whole class is starting to hate volleyball. we have been doing nothing, and yes NOTHING, other than passing that stupid ball around and sending it flying in all directions! gosh. i hate napfa, though im not the one doing it.
and that JEANETTE LIM YE HUI claims that i have this stupid crush on her dearest brother (who you will see on the english notice board on the sec 2 level on a piece of RED paper with a photo of him which goes "MY VALENTINE"). but no!! i dont have! please everyone. dont believe her. hahahaha. she advertises him as GAY. though we know he's not. lol.
oh yes. today wan yiling talked to us about clara (the butterfly). HAHA. i didnt know that she was the one who wrote in to congratulate PM lee about his position or something. THAT IS SO WEIRD. she said that she wrote in just for FUN, without knowing that it would become a SINGAPORE affair. hahaha. wan yiling said that it was a good way to make yourself famous all around. hahaha. now i know why karina's mum offered clara to migrate with their family to australia!
cheer's gonna end really soon. )':
and i cant really make it for all practises. i can go tmrw, the 2nd last prac. but on wed i've got founders day rehersal! and miss theresa said that it is a MUST to go, cause its the last one already. and i havent mastered the flags yet! i am SO dead. the last time for enrolement i had like only 2 pracs. but at least that was only tambourines. this time its flags. i know i have been dreaming about dancing with flags since p4, but. but. i NEED to learn. xiaoen say's i hold the flags the correct way and my wings are nice. but i just cant do it! i need to prac.
yet, i have to go for cheer prac too. its the last one already, and we're not having any on thurs, and friday morning is supposed to be like bonding, and friday afternoon is the real thing!! after the 2 major falls (that caused me kidney failure. haha) im really scared that the same thing will happen again. lien says bougai cant afford to lose this time. our events are bad enough.
Sunday, April 16
8:19 PM
gosh im so impressed! hahaha. and the primary school played those songs that we played in primary school!! i still remember the tune and everythin! gosh im starting to miss band now. ): wonder if my darling trumpet back in the band room is still there, though it is most prolly passed down to some other juniors. guess my custom made uniform too! (i still remember those high socks! lol.) i still cant belive that i was in the band before. i was the first the join and the first to quit! THAT i will always remember, cause i was the ONLY ONE who could quit. xD
oh anw, thanks to twin who got those free tickets! (: i still think that nette's brother is SO COOL! lol. he looks so different at home with his electric guitar and specs and when he's on stage. hahaha. and that ming xuan person drums are so cool!!
today morning me and waiteng went to studio wu for bryan's class and we met so many people!! i saw felicia and few other cedarians too! (: i found out that a few steps that he taught us was those that he just performed on mediacorp! no wonder he was talking about it just now. and i saw many instuctors from studio wu too!! =D (i mean on the charity show.)
my cousins just came, and spoiled my mouse. ): thank goodness its fixed already, before i get all worked up. haha. but don was so cute i couldnt stand it! he was "fighting" with my huge lion, and acting like he's tearing up the meat of the furry lion! ( he looks like that cute little boy who just played the piano with sly!) i think the small boy is so much more attractive than sly. HAHA.
i cant believe cheer's going to end in like.. 3 days. oh man. i dont even want sports day to come. ): everything's happening so quickly! and its ending already. it still felt like yesterday when i was hating caroling and tiara in orientation camp! HAHA. (stupid caroline waked me up when it was like 2 and asked me if i wanted to talk!) i'll forever remember that cause i was so tired already and this two idiots were chatting like crazy beside me! but i love 2p anw. (:
arini: YOU were even cuter when you replied them in chinese!! hhaa!
chewy: yesyes! tommorrow!! i dont want splits though. ):
denise: nah i dont blame anyone.. you people dont quarrel already alright? we had fun on friday anw!
madeline: hahaha. he's just a friend la. and you know clara?
cherylkoh: you didnt give me your link!! haha.
if you think that im really happy now without you,then you're really wrong.
Saturday, April 15
5:21 PM
its my 111th post! (:and its gonna be really long.let's start from
yesterday. in the morning i went to waiteng's house and then we went to meet the other cheerleaders together. (: she said that our's was nice!! cant really remember much about what happened yesterday, but i know that we met clara!! (not the butterfly one, but yes, the campus superstar one!) and i jogged one round with her! =D seriously, she didnt have that proud or high and almighty feeling. she's just as normal as everyone else and i like her! (: her stamina is like wow, and she ran like 6 rounds? haha. she gave us MORAL SUPPORT.
fell from wolfway yesterday, though it was clara who was my base. but really, clara's quite strong. (: suprisingly. hha. char keeps insisting that she has diabetes. haha. and so i told her that i had kidney failure, since i fell on my side on clara's head during the stunt. lol.
me char novabelle and waiteng went to drink bubble tea in the middle of the prac and we ate waffles! it was so funny when we went back and decided that we should lie that char neo has a stomach ache or something in case they got angry with us.
there were these few malay soccer people who were QUITE irritating. cause they kept shouting and all when we were practising. but char concluded that they were nice, since they cheered for bougai after all. hahaha. (its because we are really good!) xD
we went out after prac, and had this stupid GOSSIP bonding. it was so fun!! and we all found out alot of secrets of others. (the part where you people kept talking about me WAS NOT FUNNY. blushing is NOT cute thankew.)
i went to waiteng's cheer prac, and natalie is very nice! but their trainings are REALLY tough. they drill like crazy, and its scary. boring too. lol. but i think that their's is super nice!! im so motivated to learn theirs!!
today.we had cheer audits today, and it wasnt that bad after all. but things really happen so quickly and it didnt feel like it REALLY was audits. but we all can do it!! bougai is counting on cheerleading to win this year!! our events are really bad you know. unless we win, we really have no more hope this year. its my last year that im confirmed in bougai already, and i really want to win. last year i didnt mind not winning, at least its like we all know we can do it.
we went to ps today, it wasnt exactly a happy event. char-ma-aine was crying!! )': hope she's feeling better already, cause i know what it feels like. (now i know how waiteng felt when she had to like counsel me, cause i couldnt do it today.)
im at jeanette's hosue now, waiting for my mum to fetch me before going to the concert. haha. and jeanette's behind me now, also preparing to go to the concert! we're gonna meet during the interval! lol. and she's gonna see how he looks like. ( better dont say who he is, before he get's all BHB again.) ok. got to go!! cant wait to see her at the concert! (:
let's pray hard that i wont fall asleep there. (cheerleaders i know i said that sentence a million times already but just let me say! im really tired! haha.)
tag repliesarini: hey! you didnt give me your link!
jedidah: yes! we WILL die together. and i saw you cheerlead today! haha.
layeng: haha! you egg!! xD
madeline: SEE. im so much nicer than layeng, i didnt call you mad! and i PROMISE that you WILL get your present!
Thursday, April 13
8:40 PM
im quite bored now, so i've decided that i should post a second post.
let's start by making plans for the week. (rather for the next few days.)
wake up early early early to go to waiteng's house, before getting my dad to send me to tpy for breakfast with bougai cheerleaders at burger king! then we'll head for tpy stadium, where we are the earliest to start! (: then rose, and most prolly ole too! yes, it feels NOT like a holiday at all.
maybe lunch with bougai people and zhiyun?? (:
should be going to barry's bday lunch thing.. but i guess i wont be able to make it on time. and waiteng's not going. ): she has cheer from 1-7. wow. guess their's is more DRILLED than ours.
-grins. there's no ballet!! maybe go studio wu? oh no. i've got makeup tuition lesson. that is SO extra. and maybe shopping! cause its time that i get that bag.. and not forgetting the cat high concert at victoria! guess i'll be home really late again..
there is no ballet AGAIN! (now that sounds bad. i better practise basic pointe at home on that piece of wood. and my splits!) and.. i guess i'll just make it a STUDY day.
it's josephina's bday. better get her a present. cause they got me one last year!
it's xinya's birthday! everytime we touch... (xinya and charis sings.)
its barry's birthday!! =D
dental appnt. ):
SPORTS DAY IS HERE. (man im really freaked out.)
and then there's founders day. i HAVENT mastered the flags yet!! (oh no.) i must not be in a mess!
wow. there are SO many brithday's and events this coming week!! AND. there is madeline's birthday too! i better get her something nice. BUT. i've got to know when is it! (:
i will fall in love again,then she said..
7:35 PM
im feeling really sick. ): -cries.
nowadays PE is so boring. two lessons straight mr chan went to do napfa for the upper sec, and he had me lead to class in all the warm-ups and drills. and then get the soft volleyballs from the room and then. the SAME thing again, play volleyball. its getting really boring already! oh. i even had to make sure that there were no accidents. HAHA. that is SO weird. and i dont want to be held responsible for anything ok!
D&T was alright. no more. IGUANA. or whatever that is. i think its nicer if i call it a MONITER LIZARD. (LAYENG is banned from commenting!! xD hahaha.) and i finished it already. the whole stupid product. and i think it looks disgusting!
btw. sorry people.. i kept whining. )': my teeth really hurts alot! those disgusting braces. speaking of THAT...
i was feeling really sick so i decided that i should go home and not go for dance. and i when i was walking out i though i was going to faint! gosh. so i cabbed home (i think its my 4th time this week already.). and the ride was so umcomfortable!! the uncle cant drive for nuts. well maybe he can. just that i was sick that's why.
i was sleeping like a log and i was really very tired! then my maid came and dragged me out of bed, cause according to my mum, i had dental appt. i willed myself out of the house and off to novena, although i thought i would just fall flat on my face once i stepped out of the house. and when i reached there. the person just went like. "korwoong right? oh your appnt's is next week. not today! so come back next week alright? bye!" and i left, WITHOUT taking a new pack of rubber bands.
STUPID. i've got to go back there on saturday to get those rubber bands now. IRRITATING.
and now im back home. and im still feeling really sick and everything. my head is spinning. H.E.L.P.
gosh. i need a break.
Wednesday, April 12
9:28 PM
a moniter lizard on all fours was seen following our class prefect tanlayeng into the D&T lab today. it was tiny. (not very) but i can be very sure that it had a really long tongue. and it keeps sticking that tongue out. jeanette was really amazed by the fact that it actually had a tongue. cherise went to try and touch it but apparently, the lizard was quite fierce and when mr ho tried to shun it away with a dustpan, it tried to escape and ran between cherise legs, resulting in the whole of 2P screaming. hahaha. (btw this is not the normal lizard that you see at home. its the kind that you see in. zoo? no, not that big after all.) oh! and huizhen was very cute!! when she walked from the sink to the table she didnt know that the lizardy thing was right in front of her and she had this shocked and blur expression when she saw it. cause the whole of 2P went like "HUIZHEN!!" we all agree that she is getting cuter every atom per second. (i dont get what i am saying.)
i still think that the lizard is quite disgusting. and i am still very freaked out by its tongue.
we had PW instead of tests today and mrs ng talked to the sec 2's about our IPW project, and we could see that she's putting alot of hope on our juggling project. (: but i guess she was irritated by the fact that our group wasnt progressing at the start of the year. but anw, we have decided that we should really do our best for this project and make a good job out of it!! we shall, we will, we MUST! =DD
i was only sleepy during cheer today, so please dont say that i am sad!!! haha. i got so many hugs from everyone but i really am happy! its just that i was kinda tired that's why. halfway through when we were slacking yiying and yuky came. hahaha. i like them. they are very nice. (: (cause yiying is three-year-old's friends!)
if your heart's not in it for real,please dont try to false what you dont feelif your love's already goneit's not fair to lead me onin my dreams,i'll always see you soar above the skyin my heart, there'll always be a space for youfor all my life, i'll keep part of you with meand everywhere i am, there you'll beim the one who wants to be with youdeep inside, i hope you feel it to.-jeanette's book. (:
Tuesday, April 11
9:03 PM
i cant believe i fell asleep during english TA. i totally wrote crap on the paper cause my eyes were closing. haha. and i slept for the last 15 mins. i saw wugui and cherise sleeping too!! haha.
anw. im supposed to tell char what happen to me today. haha. cause she told me why she was sad, so i must tell her too. LOL. she and karina is still on with the dont talk to each other thing!! ): (actually i still dont quite understand what happened!)
there's a history test tommorrow. and i didnt bring my textbook home. science lab book im late for 2 weeks. and i havent even BOUGHT it yet. im quite screwed actually.
21 april is BOTH sports day and KCP founders day. great. im packed again. better think of a way to get to both places in time!!
jedidah is so irritating!! cause her mommie hamster gave birth and she has been bringing PAIRS of hamsters to school!! first it was fuzzy wuzzy. then it was cola and sprite. ): and guess what. mine just died today morning. )': im going to miss it. ALOT. i think me and huizhen will mourn together.
and.. i DID NOT slit my wrist larr. =D
Monday, April 10
7:43 PM
i've been yawning like crazy ever since today morning! and i know who's the culprit.
CAOCAO. (you know. that chinese guy.)
my mum made me listen to a history talk about cao cao from 10-11 yesterday night. and i was falling asleep!! but it paid off anyway. gohchiewmoi said our presentation was not bad. (:
huizhen told me about her poor little turtle today. guess she's really sad. ): buti it was quite funny when i told her about how my hamster used to go through operations. i even cremated it with a flower over its box. oh well. i still miss him actually. )':
although i was a little sleepy during cheer. it was REALLY funny.
karina: i like this thing! (meddles with the two pin plug)
lien: WHAT? you actually like a two pin plug?! oh yesyes! its so nice. dont you think the wire's pretty too? its black. its slim. and its sexaye.
hahaha. we all couldnt stop laughing. then after that lien said: hey! the joke's over!
and we started laughing all over again.
hmm. anyway. clara was totally crazy! she screamed and screamed just because maria poked her. on purpose. i mean like everyone pokes someone else on purpose right? she screamed so loudly that the teacher came over and told us to sto screaming as this is a school blah blah. and guess what she said. " i didnt exactly scream. a LITTLE only" omg i think clara's really funny!
and my finger's hurt after all the practising with the flags. yes flags are fun. but my fingers are going to get into a bad shape.
i cant stop listening to colin raye's LOVE ME. its so touching!! let's here it one more time..
I read a note my Grandma wrote back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me
He said, "Boy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago,
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but I love your Grandma so.
We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together
Get married in the first town we came to and live forever
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet instead
I found this letter, and this is what it said :
"If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then
Til I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love, Me."
I read those words just hours before my Grandma passed away
In the doorway of the church where me and Grandpa stopped to pray
I know I've never seen him cry in all my fifteen years
But as he said these words to her, his eyes fill up with tears
"If you get there before I do
Don't give up on meI'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then
Til I see you againI'll be loving you
Love, Me."
(psst. you are supposed to cry when you hear this!)
Sunday, April 9
6:27 PM
today morning performance was alright. i was really nervous and everything. but well. nothing went wrong. (: (except the part where i nearly stepped on my own skirt)
i had to quickly rush out after the service prayer and met waiteng at around 10.45. then we went to eat macs for breakfast before my dad drove us off to studio wu!! we were going round and round cause we didnt know which road to go. we only knew how to walk there. hahaha. so we decided that we should just walk ourselves. AND.. when we went out of the car waiteng then asked me "isnt the lesson supposed to start at like 11?" it was already 11.23 at that time. STUPID. she knew and yet she didnt tell me!!! omg how dumb we can get ok! we were like laughing at our stupidity. hahaha. then we walked to the mrt station and ran at the same building. (we are ALWAYS racing at that part)
when we to the underpass, i nearly walked down the escalater which going up! i am always going the wrong way. hha. it was worse, when we went down the stairs. and went up on the other side, to find out that we were at the opposite side of the road instead of the mrt. -.- we couldnt stop laughing at how idiotic we are!!
at the mrt station waiteng made me play those stupid games again. BUT i won!! omg i cant believe. (although it is only once but well, i won ) haha. so in the end. well, we didnt go studio wu! xD
i cant believe how dumb we are.
TAG REPLIESxinya: I JUST HEARD THE ADVERT! the techno album. and it has that song!! but really. i BEG you and charis. DONT TORTURE ME TOMM!!
joshua: yes. i nearly died of the sweet'ness!
fiona f: yesyes i linked you already! (:
felicia: haha i didnt even go!! =D
Saturday, April 8
9:34 PM

ok. we are NOT bimbos ok. well, maybe for melissa yes. caroline looks dajie. XD

long time since all these lamo shots.

8:23 PM
im going bonkers.
AHHHHH. OMG OMG OMG. i cant stop!!!!
in the morning we went to the juggling session thing and it was SO FUN! =D its like the instructors from circus outreach came!! (: so we started the lesson and learnt the steps. it was fun. but we were all VERY fustrated when we couldnt juggle properly! hahaha. then towards the end of the lesson the instructors said that they would get some of the "better" ones to perform and that black shirt guy went and pick ME out. i was like whining ok!! then stupid line mel they all keep saying GO GO GO. you know how scared i was! i cant exactly reach 4 throws lar!! the most is like 3 and im dead. i couldnt stop whining and cringing up my face and said that nette was better than me. hahaha. so i went up CAREFULLY. hahaha. and i was SO NERVOUS!! the most i could get was 4 i think.
and then.. i got the priviledge to choose 1 more person. hahahah! i called nette. and she could do 7!! see!! she's so much better! it runs in the blood you see. her aunt's a juggler. hahahha.
then they bballers had to do the bball board so i tagged along. and that was when the camera was OUT and we were going crazy!! hahah. i helped abit here and there. cut some papers, draw some lines. and much was done. (: hahahha. (psst. i WILL upload the photos later when mer comes online!!)
nette's daddy fetched us out to IBS and we took a train to PS. and all the stupid crap came out. hahahha. we ate MOS. IT WAS SO GOOD!! in total we ate.. 1. apple soda. 2. 3fish burgers.3.2fries. yah. i think around there. and that WASNT dinner. hahaha! after that we crapped and walked around before going to take neoprints. AND IT WAS DAMN NICE!
but.. me and caroline were "snatching" for the SQUINT and DAO photo. and in the end. we only had 3. )): you know we were VERY sad!! we couldnt stop whining and everything! ( oh and we took 2 times, in account of not taking for months) but then slowly we accepted the fact that it was lost already. so.. we quietened down. ALTHOUGH it was like really obvious we were quite sad about it. hahaha.
i REALLY enjoyed today!!! omg i cant stop smiling like an idiot to the com now. HAHAHAH. =DD
Friday, April 7
11:14 PM
let's start from morning. haha. i was warning waiteng that she should NEVER tell the crap stuff that i said while wishing her a happy birthday. lol. (random)
anw. going to ps with char neo was FUN FUN FUN! but really! we did try and buy the cloth! we didnt go there to shop alright! we ate tacopachi (i think so) then we went to buy the cloth. we were so stressed!! its like so expensive and yet we dont know how much we need! and that stupid auntie said that if we want to tailor the skirt will cost $60. crazy. hahaha. and i was hungry the whole way and i kept bugging char to eat. but she said that eating is no good! ): but still, we ate sugar roll! and i kept sipping coke in the mrt. lol. on the way back to school we were having super lame conversation like. what we want to be in the future! hahaha. marry a guy who's nice and a little but richer than average. then have a pair of twins. become a tai tai. LOL. i enjoyed the trip! (:
after that was waiteng's birthday thing. i was a little bored cause i wasnt exactly "participating" in those "games" OTHER THAN fluffy bunny. OMG. the taste is still there. we are supposed to stuff many many marshmallows into our mouths and still be able to say fluffy bunnies. it wasnt THAT difficult. cause the worst thing. was to eat the marshmallows. IT WAS SO SWEET I COULD PUKE! =X disgusting.
just wish that waiteng has a wonderful birthday. that's it. =D
he killed the princess.with his small little actions.
Thursday, April 6
8:32 PM
ITS MY 100TH POST! ( BIGGEST accomplishment today is.. (drum roll please!)
i DID NOT get caught during spot check!! HAHAHAHHA.
obviously, we got tipped off my our wonderful mok mok the monitress. =D i so love her!
i know tomm she will definately check my skirt. and she is so irritating! she used me as a benchmark ok! its like. madeline skirt usually isnt shorter than mine, but today, (OBVIOUSLY) its shorter. she came back and she asked me to stand. and turn around blah blah. and said like oh. her's is shorter than yours. its not accepted. eh! so irritating!
anw, i was really falling asleep in all the lessons today. i was really BORED.
tommorrow's waiteng's birthday!! =D we're gonna CELEBRATE! lalalala.
Wednesday, April 5
6:39 PM
just came back from serangoon stadium and im tired.haaha. i didnt run or anything. but just felt really tired when i see the other runners. 2P IS GOING TO WIN THE RELAY!! omg you should see how sipei started off. she ran so fast!!! then after that was nette then mel then WUGUI! we were leading by like alot!! there was such a great gap in between!! me mer and line were shierking on the grandstand! hahaha.
zara that little sec one is SO COOL! her timing for 3km is like.. 12mins. OMG ok. 12! but tammy was so poor thing. ): i was really scared for her when i saw her run.. she's like so pale and everything. we all were so afraid that she was going to get an asthma attack or something. and wugui!! when i saw her run 200 i was very sad also! cause we all know she's already very tired. she kept running and running. haha. but she came in 2nd after all. hahahah. everyone was just so cool! (:
anw. I AM NOT A BBALLER LA YOU IDIOT. stupid. anyhow go say. get us into trouble. what a stupid teacher ok. NOW we know who was the one who went to report us. i am not a bballer. which part of it do you not understand. that's so irritating ok. we are good friends what. what's wrong with that.
but im happy today anw. (: and im in love with wang wang. VERY in love. =D
new skini have been changing skins for no reason and now. its back to the one i had 2 blog skins ago. hahaha. i shall change again soon! when i find a nicer one!! (:
(i know my LLG likes this right??)
Tuesday, April 4
9:58 PM
hah. waiteng just left my house. so late. (: and i havent done any of my homework.
oh. we did the history thing today after school and it was quite fun. and its like ME the clever korwoong found the plug for the mp3 and played it in class, where everyone can hear! (: lol. then during cheer the ordered kfc and macs, and i was kindly offered by amadea a piece of chicken and ros karina and char MCFLURRY! hahahaha. and char thinks that the delivery man is very poor thing cause he's like driving in the rain. and she thinks that he looks like bryan. that's so wierd ok!! LOL. i think she misses him too much. xD
i met up with waiteng after school and saw yanyi again!! hahaha. we always see each other. (: and its like we went to my house then talk and talk and talk. (this time we were counting the stars for the bubble tea shop auntie instead of making it. 58_) that's alot!! (:
im talking to my dearest *** now. hahaha.
AND. i dont like people copying my ideas. that's so irritating.
Monday, April 3
8:26 PM
today's rain was so crazy. i came out of zhiyun's car and i totally got a shock when i saw that it was so flooded!! its like the road there was shoe-high length yellow orange water. which is like so disgusting. i held my breath and walked across that disgusting water. haha. if felt like as if i was at some china huang he and trying to cross it. the water was like rushing. ok not THAT bad larr. haha. then when it was under the shelter i thought it would be better. but then. it was SO MUCH worse. its like there was this bunch of RI guys whom. dont know how to cross. i didnt know what they were waiting for. like hello.. look up the sky. does it look like it will stop raining. and even if it stops, it doesnt mean that it will not be so flooded. so im not going to wait for you. i just walked right into the disgusting puddles and jumped my way across to the stairs. i then turned aroung to find out that they had decided that they should be brave and follow me. (hahaha. i felt like this brave cedarian. LOL. but it was just water.. (: )
i reached home and felt so dry. just when i sat down to watch MTV, i remembered that i had piano. ): i suck at piano seriously. EW. i hate it. im sorry but i couldnt concentrate the whole time when she was talking about the different periods. like chopin and mozart. (but amazingly i could answer her. that means that i have good memory to remember what she said about those stupid pieces. hahaha) i think i screwed up today's lesson. because it has been 2 weeks since i touched the piano. xD
by the instant touch of my fingers, the piano will turn into the MOST DISGUSTING instrument ever on earth.
Sunday, April 2
6:25 PM
im so hungry. -rubbs INTESTINES. ahahs.
there's no food at home! and we're all broke now. that's what you get when your parents are angry with you. shouldnt have spent my bro's $10 eating pasta mania yesterday. -slaps forehead.
ballet was fun with miss chin! i missed her so so so much! and she says that we've improved, although i know i didnt really dance well today. she talent-spotted sabrina! haha. sabrina shall be the person i look up to now. haha. (after khat left it there werent any super good ones. ha.) and i like sabrina too! and chloe. because they took part in the SAVE-KORWOONG'- POINTE
-SHOE project yesterday. hahahaha. we looked for everything that could help in saving my dying ribbons. lol.
im still hungry now. hungry and tired. tired and hungry. SOMEONE BUY ME FOOD PLEASE! ):
i know that i've dissapointed you today. but im sorry. i promise that i'll try harder the next time. i will suceed.
1:39 PM
he was really funny today we all couldnt stop laughing!! although the dance wasnt as nice, we enjoyed ourselves!!
waiteng and i were acting like retards. hahah. when we reached raffles we pretended to stalk this 2 ladies who most prolly were also going to studio wu. xD. but in the end we reach there earlier than them. hahahah.
class was fun with bryan's super funny stuff. like his angry angrier angriest rubbish! haha. after that we left and went to lau pa sat then decided that 7-11 was a better choice. we ate the sandwhich and i idiot'ly went to over heat the sandwhich because i cant be bothered to take the sandwhich out when the oven was beeping. LOL.
in the train we were totally spastic!! its like we played the "hei bai pei" game. haha. waiteng therefore concluded that i am slow and idiotic when it comes to games where you need to be really alert. i totally lost to her ok! that's so unfair. i didnt mean to follow her finger right! lol. (and we also noticed this banglah sitting digonally opposite staring and laughing at our childish acts. hahahha)
and now im rushing my homework before i go off for ballet!! (:
Saturday, April 1
11:16 PM
on the phonewaiteng's mum: ASK KORWOONG TO SLEEP NOW!
waiteng: huh why? (on loud speaker)
me: why must i?? I DONT WANT TO SLEEP SO EARLY!!
me: ): retardeeeee. i dont want to!
waiteng's mum: retardle.
me: huh what's that?
everyone: HAHAHAHHA
i think waiteng's mum is super cute and funny!! its like she always makes me and waiteng laugh. =D so i like her alot alot!! there was once where she was really sweet and said that she's living just to try and make me and waiteng laugh. thats like wow. im like only her daughter's friend and yet she's so nice to me. im touched. )': -weeps.
today me and waiteng was like super lame at my house ok. we were folding stars for the bubble tea shop auntie and we decided that we should make a wish. but it's in the afternoon so we retardedly threw stars in the air and started wishing! (: lets hope that it will come true. even though its like so fake. hahahahhahaha.
i feel so sad today that i took so irritatingly long to learn just a few sets of dance. i couldnt help it i was having stitches and i couldnt dance really well. ): -ouch. i must try harder!! i felt so irritated with myself just now. ):
11:38 AM
it seems abit empty some how. but anw.
i helped 3 other people finish their blogs yesterday!! and i felt so accomplished. (:
and obviously. my name was written all over their blogs!! hahhaa.