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Sunday, October 30
2:35 PM

part of your world -our dance song!!

Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has ev'rything?
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Lookin' around here you'd think
(Sure) she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
(You want thingamabobs?
I got twenty)
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see
Wanna see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
(Whad'ya call 'em?) oh - feet
Flippin' your fins you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
Strollin' along down a
(What's that word again?) street
Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give
If I could live
Outta these waters?
What would I pay
To spend a day
Warm on the sand?
Betcha on land
They understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women
Sick o' swimmin'
Ready to stand
And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions
And get some answers
What's a fire and why does it
(What's the word?) burn?
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love
Love to explore that shore above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world

Friday, October 28
6:33 AM
today is the last day of school!! and we all took fotos remembering the last moments of being a sec one.. and the last day we are having a talk by miss leong.. so many people cried today!! all those slides and stuff were so touching lar!! i shed TWO drops of tears. ): esp when the sec fours shouted "MISS LEONG! THE SEC FOURS LOVE YOU!" that was SO sweet!! migod. as much as i dont like her i still like her alot lar.. next year some stupid principal coming.. sian.. duno wad cedar will become liaoz. i want miss leong to teach!! mrs kwek also leaving.. no more nice dance prac le.. hai. today is such a sad day.. cry so many times lor. so i decided to come home early!! we're going to the ICE CREAM shop tomm!! im gonna bring loads of MONEY to buy all those cute stuff!!! cant wait for tomm. ^^ i'll miss miss leong and sec fours!!

Monday, October 24
9:19 AM
yesterday was TOTALLY fun!! went SHOPPING with waiteng and her CUTE mummy and we bought loads of same stuff!!! whee~ and we're gonna wear it on mon!!! yay!! we're gonna look SAME. muhahaha. im going japan too! but without my brother.. HOPE its gonna be fun.. nine days without him.. oh mien, thats REALLY long. im gonna miss him and all my friends to bits and pieces. but i LOVE disney land!!! i will write there AHMAD AND WAITENG WEARS DIAPERS!! muhahaha. xD haha. since they write i shall write their name too! ^^ heex. i miss sleeping!! cause im SO tired after my ballet. got to go out with my mummy later. ): i want to sleep!!

Saturday, October 22
11:29 AM
today's talks were TOTALLY sucky!! other than the part where we all watching the INCREDIBLES!! the stuff were interesting. but that senior who sat beside us went "SHHHH" so loudly when we didnt even talk. wth. oh well. nowadays school life so shitty cause of some sucky people. things seem to NOT be going on well.. receiving so many bad news.. everyone telling each other how badly they cried. so difficult to blog without putting names. anw.
HATES everyone single one no matter who you are who are BAISED against dancers and cheerleaders. PLEASE! STOP BEING A STEROYTPE. thankew-no specific people.
i LOVE my wallet. (:
6 agape seems to be... seperating? the dance now totally ruined. thanks to some selfish and sensitive brats. we're SO trying to help. forget it. cause me so many trouble and waste of time, till now i still dont understand why am i doing all these things. maybe because i really liked them. (STUPID! just as i typed "liked" graduation friends forever started playing) i remember now!! last time when we were practicing the dance STUPID ahmad came and kept on playing this stupid song till me waiteng and ruishan cant stop crying. i remember i really hated that. ): now so many things happen but i really still feel like going back to the past... but i know it can NEVER be anymore.
*dreams bout it day and night

Thursday, October 20
11:55 AM




11:36 AM
i LOVE this song!! its SO sweet!!
Hey I've been watching you
Every little thing you do
Every time I see you dance
In my homeroom class, makes my heart beat fast
I've tried to page you twice
But I see you roll your eyes
Wish I could make it real
But your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal'
Cause I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin'to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Girl you got me on my knees
Beggin' please, baby please
Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying
Hey Juliet, why do you do him this way
Too far to turn around
So I'm gonna stand my ground
Gimme just a little bit of hope
With a smile or a glance, gimme one more chance
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet

10:40 AM
today is soo saddening!! its like.. shiqian they all quarreling with cheryl and josy they all, then me and mel they all suddenly talk about those sad sad stuff. ): oh well. i seriously miss dance club people! and i really miss dancing with chewy zhiyun char eileen they all.. oh well. rather say the whole dance. i hope i can go on a hol with waiteng!! i will REALLY go crazy if my mum say's okie lar!! imagine that!! japan!! i really dont mind going with them to japan again lar. ^^ i think we are going to join the ngee ann poly dance competition. alright.. if say want to transfer i think i will really miss them!! btw happee bdae to my dearest CHEEKEN senior!!! (: happy bdae to you. happy bdae to you. HAPPY BDAE TO CHEEKEN. happe bdae to you!! -huggs!!

Wednesday, October 19
11:38 AM
i LOVE today!! didnt go to school. PARTLY cause im sick. haha. anw, im gonna TRANSFER!! i seriously BEG the whole wide world to please let me in. haha. (: then i can go with my DEAREST elephant!! haha. these few days was REAL bored in school. but i love to conference with all of them!! that is when we all go really crazy. haha. or rather is waiteng one person only lar. this kinda hyper active people. haha. she belong to my brother's kind. xD tomm gonna check more papers again. is that fun or wad. -.- so sian. so DONT feel like going to school. anw.. countdown. from tomm onwards 8 more school days to the end of term!!! YAY!! im loving this. lalala. ^^

Monday, October 17
10:20 AM
today is a stupid day because im sick!!! someone save me and stop me from ah-choo'ing!!! i think i have finished 100 000 boxes of tissue. ^^ maybe should learn from the olden days, use hankerchief. xD that is so YUCKY. haha. must be because of today's rain. ): anw.. i LOVE the dance!!! i love the song hey mickey plus part of the world!! omg lar. it totally rawks!! listen already sure feel like dancing. (: but on that day waiteng going hols.. pray that she can go and dance. if not i dont think i will be joining le lar. cause its like. okay. i think those people knows it well. anw.. for the time being, the songs are so cool!! cant wait to see the whole thing and the stunts for the four beats!! AH!!! okok. -relaxing. okie. i love conferencing with them when we all curse people. nah. rather say gossip. like wad shi qian says.. gossiping is good for health. whicj goes to show that we are totally in the pink of health!! xD loves the dance - if only without those people. ^^

Sunday, October 16
11:52 AM
today was sooo tiring during ballet!! i hate miss ho's lesson! cause we will jump and jump and jump till we all DIE! haha. but i like her anyway, she's nice. and i bought my long-loved bag today!!! whee!! -cheer!!- haha. have been wanting to buy that bag since duno when. but it was really ex. but who cares. my mom's paying. xD but in return for something. -.- we're gonna renovate our house!! and my room will be changed into a little dance studio!! how exciting. haha. cant wait to see what it will look like. but that also means that all my toys will have to go into the cupboard. ): i shall keep my beloved enormous lion with me anw. ^^ i love waiteng and barry fir that. haha! argh. suddenly feel like drinking bubble tea. haha. cant wait for monday to come! then me and waiteng can go out with our bags. muhahaha. ^^

Saturday, October 15
10:32 AM
hello! today was fun!! although dancing there was VERY embarrassing, it was quite fun lar. i hope no more quarrels le.. if not very sian lar. haha. now just do the dance, imporve it, then okie! we're done. haha. today the bbal court so many people lar. so sian. everyone got whacked. haha. then poor waiteng got whacked the most lor. ): oh well. good luck to the dance! everyone jiayou okie!! ^^

Friday, October 14
1:20 PM
so.. now. what's going on again? hai. how i seriously am confused. what has my personal relationship affected you? that you are so irritated that you dont want to to dance? but you know what? like what he said, i should not be even caring about it anymore. anyway, i HAVE given up. like so? no more feelings for the dance anymore. looking at your face, i totally hated it. i am trying so hard here to patch up. at first i felt nad, maybe i really had an attitude. but after looking at YOURS, maybe mine wasn't that bad after all. like what my previous blog wrote (it was lyrics but yar), thankew for showing me how best friends are. really a great thankew. i give up on everything that has got to do with you and the dance. all i have to do now, is to dance. i cant be bothered with your "oh i am NOT sensitive" attitude. someone save me from that. and you know what? i have already found that somone.

12:17 PM
dedicated to YOU
I thought that I could always count on you,
I thought that nothing could become between us two.
We said as long as we would stick together,
We'd be alright,
We'd be ok.
But I was stupid And you broke me down
I'll never be the same again.
So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship and good times we had you can have them back
I wonder why it always has to hurt,
For every lesson that you have to learn.
I won't forget what you did to me,
How you showed me things, I wish I'd never seen.
But I was stupid, And you broke me down,
I'll never be the same again.
When the tables turn again,You'll remember me my friend,
You'll be wishing I was there for you.
I'll be the one you'll miss the most,
But you'll only find my ghost.
As time goes by,You'll wnder why,
You're all alone.
So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship and good times
we had you can have them back.
So thank you, for lying to me,
So thank you, for all the times you let me down
So thank you, for lying to me,
So thank you, your friendship you can have it back

Thursday, October 13
4:09 AM
Too Hurt
confused and unhappy,
you're blinded with tears.
it stops you from seeing
the sun that's
still shining.
it hurt's me to see you,
giving up on yourself.
the world, your sun
and everything else.
i'll be there
whenever you need me.
forever and ever,
i still wanna be.
i'll be there
when the world stops
even when the race isn't
if ur sun seems to
i promise you'll see it
without those tears.

3:54 AM
i dont know what's going on and i also seriously don't wanna know what will soon happen when we all get together. this is a serious misunderstanding that everyone have to get together and solve. but look their attitude. i know we too have an atitude that they cant bear but why put all the blame on us?? now i don't even know what is happening and what actually went wrong! and after all that you have said that hurt me soo badly and we have decided to totally give up, you say behind my back "i hate people who give up in the end.'' THATS IT! i got enough. in front of me, you say "you know we need you, we need to to put the dance in order." like whatever. it isnt my problem anymore, since we are too much to a irritation, very well. 2 leave, 6 come in. isnt that a better deal? yes i think so. i have already given up on what i pressume was the most realistic and wonderful in my life. no more dance now. but you know what? i feel happy instead to have an unwanted load off my shoulders, one which i am being called irritating when i did so much, you wanted help, we helped. and now what we got back was "look at your farking attitude" like hello? urs isnt that good either. so much for the friends forever. i hate you. if thats ur opinion on being friends. I GIVE UP! you noe clearly who i am refering to. so know it. get angry, and keep it to urself cause you know wad? you have been too much of an irritation to me too. every single time you blame me for this and that. i treat you as a friend and didn't say anything. but now? no more. ITS ALL OVER! YOU GET IT? OVER FORVER! comment for all i care. i've got enough of ur '' i understand''.

Wednesday, October 12
10:47 AM
boo everyone!! (: okie. today was soooo shuang. when everyone else was in school.. i was SLEEPING!! muharharhar. oh yar!! my hair is wierd!! sniffs. i took so long to tie lar!! maybe around half an hour leh. ^^ and i used like 17 clips? yar. around there. wah! next time tie hair must take very long liao ler. waiteng also! her hair now like rocket. haha! we were supposed to have dance prac today. budden everyone all cant and dont want to come. den show attitude and stuff. ): lidat how to dance!! i really hope that this time the dance can be better lor. if not like so shi bai. we put in so much effort than no one like enthu de. hai.. must make people join in more. everyone in the dance must jiayou!! (: and yingjie admited that he is also as blur as me!! that means that im not the blurest after all!! ^^ yay. and nic was really gross yet very funny!! haha. love to play bbal with all of them. xiaoen they all going to come cedar! yay! then next year i'll become their senior and i'll write letters to all of them!! most important of all, i will drag them into dance! yesh! ^^

Tuesday, October 11
11:18 AM
hello everyone!! (: here i am with ANOTHER blog. ^^ always got new blog de. haha! today i went with my elephant to CUT HAIR!! and now i look.. WIERD. NO MORE PONYTAIL!! -sobs. fringe is looking kiddy!! but im NOT a kid anymore okie. im a 13 year old. (: im so glad that im freed!! no more exams and i can slack for the rest of this week!! -envious anyone?- haha! all those who are studying jiayou okie!! haha. (: went with my cedar besties to heeren today! and we ate wierd food. actually it was nice lar. (: we ate at graffiti cafe!! but sadly we didnt bring PAINTY marker to draw... ): but anw it was fun! and we took 3 neos at one go!! then one machine bluff us de.. so small!! we had to squeeze in 6 people! (: spend so much money. haha. after tat me and nette took a cab home. (: -we were too lazy to walk you see. heehee- but it was fun walking around and running across the street to catch that stupid cab which made us both nearly puke!! we felt so sick at that time.. ): after that i met waiteng and went to the bbal court to slack when we decided we shall cut our hair today!! i think im look kinda wierd and couldnt stop whining untill waiteng shut me up by bringing me to the neo shop. (: i love all the neos that i took today!! -can go friendster see :) oh yar! after cutting hair me and waiteng went totally crazee!! we were so happy that we anyhow run across streets. xD opps. sorrie. we were too crazee la. or rather HAPPEE! -anw, today is one of the bestest day of my bestest life i ever had!! -muaks to elephant and all my cedar friends!! -

Monday, October 10
7:43 PM
my best friend
when my world was
crumbling down,
you held my hand and said "don't frown"
u didnt leave me on
my own
but told me that i won't
be alone.
the happy things, even
minor ones too
the first person to know is you,
the way you react is
always so true
unlike the rest that say
"good for you".
i miss the crazy things
we once
would do like scream
and shout and dance,
your eyes and smile can
never be replaced
eben on an angel's face.
all these years you've
loved me hard,
the reason why you
haven't found
that's because it's deep
deep down.

Cedar Girls'

iPod Classic
Radio Remote
In-ear headphones
Puma Gym Bag
Personal Studio
All the books I ever wanted

October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007


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